I am trying to upload a file from a flash widget to my rails application, which uses attachment_fu to handle uplaoded images. I am using flash to upload since it makes it easy to select and upload multiple files. However, I am getting this error when the rails controller tries to call save! on the newly created ActiveRecord object:
Simple RoR question...I am learning ROR and am making a simple voting app. The candidates are listed in a table and have upvote/downvote links next to their name. I am trying to make it so all the user does is click the link, the vote count is updated, and they are redirected to the initial page. I am not using scaffolding. For some re...
I am building an application and it needs to have a feature whereby one user can send another user a message. The system can be the most basic type available in rails and that would suit me fine.
Any ideas on how to go about this?
I am trying to write a simple tool using Shoes. This will indent code for an obscure scripting language we use. It has one large text box and one button. I have the program working on the command line, but am having no luck wrapping this up in Shoes. If anyone could give a working example of an app that does the following tasks to get me...
I have the following XML document:
<samlp:LogoutRequest ID="123456789" Version="2.0" IssueInstant="200904051217">
I'd like to get the content of the SessionIndex (that is, 'abcdefg') out of it. I've tried this:
A simple wordcount reducer in Ruby looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
wordcount = Hash.new
STDIN.each_line do |line|
keyval = line.split("|")
wordcount[keyval[0]] = wordcount[keyval[0]].to_i+keyval[1].to_i
wordcount.each_pair do |word,count|
puts "#{word}|#{count}"
it gets in the STDIN all mappers intermediate values. Not f...
I can find 10^1000 examples of scripting Excel using Ruby, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to have Ruby react to events in Excel. I'm trying retrieve the contents of a row in a worksheet when it's selected, but such an event-based retrieval I can't find any methods or examples for.
Is there a better way to do this? (it looks clunky)
form_params = {}
form_params['tid'] = tid
form_params['qid'] = qid
form_params['pri'] = pri
form_params['sec'] = sec
form_params['to_u'] = to_u
form_params['to_d'] = to_d
form_params['from'] = from
form_params['wl'] = wl
I've got a Ruby method like the following:
# Retrieve all fruits from basket that are of the specified kind.
def fruits_of_kind(kind)
basket.select { |f| f.fruit_type == kind.to_s }
Right now, you can call this like:
fruits_of_kind(:apple) # => all apples in basket
fruits_of_kind('banana') # => all bananas in basket
and s...
I have these statements in a model:
before_save :add_http
def add_http
if (/^http\:\/\/.+$/.match(url)) == nil
str = "http://" + url
url = str
I have checked the regex in the console and it appears to be right, but when the 'url' gets saved to the db the "http://" has not been added. Any ideas?
I'm in the process doing an i18n conversion of a RoR website. I'm using Sven Fuchs textmate bundle along with NewDesk's translate plugin. I've started with the yaml files provided by Sven Fuchs here (http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/3e1994d137e1785689e39f6e957087d3baed0011/rails/locale)
I'm rapidly seeing keys getting out of ...
I have a model along the lines of:
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :payments
has_many :purchases
def balance
payments.sum(:dollar_amount) - purchases.map{|p| p.dollar_amount}.sum
I want to memoize the balance method and store it in memcached. The problem, of course, is that the cached value needs to...
I just got a project where I have to do the following on a Windows OS:
detect how many drives (C: D: E:
..etc) are connected to current
what the system labels are
for each volume
how much storage
(both used and free) for each of the
what format each drive is
how many files are
in a given directory in any o...
I am thinking about cross-platform with nice programming language bindings (Java, Ruby and Python). What would be the "flattest" learning curve but yet enough powers to perform most of the standard GUI features? What would you guys/gals recommend; FOX, wx, Tk or Qt?
A popular text editor has the following "find in files" feature that opens in a dialog box:
Look For: __searchtext__
File Filter: *.txt; *.htm
Start From: c:/docs/2009
Report: [ ] Filenames [ ]FileCount only
Method: [ ] Regex [ ]Plain Text
In fact, several popular text editors have this.
I would...
I'm using HTTParty for my class, and I want to use the default_params method. However, I also want to be able to set attributes when instantiation my class with initialize.
class MyClass
include HTTParty
attr_accessor :param1, :param2
# This or @param1 doesn't work.
default_params :param1 => self.param1, :param2 => self.param2...
Hello everybody,
as database transcations in our app are getting more and more time consuming, we have started to use memcached to reduce the amount of queries passed to MySQL.
All in all, it works fine and really saves a lot of time.
But as caching was "silently appearing" as a workaround to give the app more juice, a lot of our mode...
I need to find all English words which can be formed from the letters in a string
sentence="Ziegler's Giant Bar"
I can make an array of letters by
How can I make more than 4500 English words from the sentence in Ruby?
It may be best to split the problem into parts:
to make only an array of words with...
I want to write a simple Ruby DSL to translate some statements and expressions into another language. A basic example would be:
some_function {
t + 2
Here, t is not a ruby variable and thus the block can't (and must not!) be evaluated by Ruby. So my best bet would be to use the parsing output (or AST) to do the translation mysel...
I am writing a test program with Ruby and ActiveRecord, and it reads a document
which is like 6000 words long. And then I just tally up the words by
recordWord = Word.find_by_s(word);
if (recordWord.nil?)
recordWord = Word.new
recordWord.s = word
if recordWord.count.nil?
recordWord.count = 1
recordWord.count += 1