
In Ruby, how do I make a hash from an array?

I have a simple array: arr = ["apples", "bananas", "coconuts", "watermelons"] I also have a function f that will perform an operation on a single string input and return a value. This operation is very expensive, so I would like to memoize the results in the hash. I know I can make the desired hash with something like this: h = {} a...

How to set I18N locale as condition in a simple full text search in Ruby on Rails ?

Hi, Here is my simple text search code: def search @cart = find_cart @products =Product.find(:all, :conditions => ["title LIKE ? || body LIKE ? || maker LIKE ?", "%#{params [:search]}%", "%#{params[:search]}%", "%#{params[:search]}%"]) if @products.size ==0 flash[:notice] = "Please check the spelling " end I would like to a...

Weird error when trying to test method with argument in Mocha. Is it a bug or is it me?

Hi there. It's rather hard to find any documentation on Mocha, so I'm afraid I'm totally at sea here. I have found a problem with stubbing methods that pass arguments. So for instance if I set up a class like this: class Red def gets(*args) @input.gets(*args) end def puts(*args) @output.puts(*args) end def initial...

Don't Require RubyGems in Ruby 1.9

I have Ruby 1.9.1 installed and by default RubyGems is required. As such, my load path has all my gems included. Is there a way to run Ruby 1.9 without having RubyGems required? ...

Help me validate these points regarding Ruby

Hi, I have started learning Ruby for the past 2,3 weeks and I have come up with some findings on the language. Can someone please validate these points. Implemented in many other high level languages such as C, Java, .Net etc., Is slow for the obvious reason that it cannot beat any of the already known high level languages. Should nev...

Is there a captcha solver / decoder / autofiller for Ruby?

I want to write a "client" for in Ruby and I wanted to know if there was a captcha solver / decoder / autofiller for Ruby. Thanks ...

Avoiding duplication in setting properties on the task in Rake tasks

I have a bunch of rake building tasks. They each have unique input / output properties, but the majority of the properties I set on the tasks are the same each time. Currently I'm doing that via simple repetition like this: task :buildThisModule => "bin/modules/thisModule.swf" mxmlc "bin/modules/thisModule.swf" do |t| t.input = "s...

I see gem in "gem list" but have "no such file to load"

I am on Ubuntu10 sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-full then download sources of rubygem 1.3.7 and install it sudo ruby setup.rb then, for example, install sinatra sudo gem install sinatra Finally open irb and type require "rubygems" require "sinatra" and get error LoadError: no such file to load -- sinatra from (irb):2:in ...

New to Rails. Doubt in Big URL Routing

Hi, I have just started learning ruby on rails. I have a doubt wrt routing. Default Routing in Rails is :controller/:action/:id It works really fine for the example lets say Could you tell me how do you work with something very big like this site

rails smart collection

What are rails smart collections? If I am trying to build a view that presents most popular articles, top 10 products, recent comments (i.e a snapshot of recent updates to a variety of models in one view), would I be using a smart collection? Would I be updating it via something like delayed job? Use some sort of fragment caching? Wha...

Filtering Questions (posts) by tag_name in TagController#index passing /tags?tag_name=something

I am trying to get my TagsController#index action to display only the Questions that contain certain tags when passing the search parameter tag_name. I am not getting an error just can't get the filter to work correctly such that upon receiving the /tags?tag_name=something url, only those questions are displayed . Here is the setup: cla...

Ruby Mechanize: user agents?

How many user agents are there in Mechanize? Is there a handy list of all the user agent options anywhere? ...

Python, Ruby, and C#: Use cases?

Hi everyone. For as long as I can remember, I've always had a "favorite" language, which I use for most projects, until, for some particular reason, there is no way/point on using it for project XYZ. At that point, I find myself rusty (and sometimes outdated) on other languages+libraries+toolchains. So I decided, I would just use some l...

Parsing and validating arbitrary date formats in ruby (on rails)

I have a requirement to handle custom date formats in an existing app. The idea is that the users have to do with multiple formats from outside sources they have very little control over. We will need to be able to take the format and both validate Dates against it, as well as parse strings specifically in that format. The other thing is...

Given an instance of a Ruby object, how do I get its metaclass?

Normally, I might get the metaclass for a particular instance of a Ruby object with something like this: class C def metaclass class << self; self; end end end # This is this instance's metaclass. => #<Class:#<C:0x01234567>> # Successive invocations will have different metaclasses, # since they're different ins...

auto_complete plugin error: Couldn't find Question with ID=auto_complete_for_...

I have successfully set up this plugin before so I am curious as to what I am doing wrong here. I have built the ability for users to add tags to questions. I am not using tagging plugin here but that shouldn't matter for this. With respect to the auto complete, I am trying to have the form located in the /views/questions/show.html.erb...

How can I render a transparent gradient with RMagick?

Want to use RMagick to create a PNG image of a gradient that goes from rgba(0,0,0,0.3) to rgba(0,0,0,0.7). Is this possible? ...

Why am I getting "ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)" when running my rails functional tests?

I'm stumped on what's causing this. I get this error and stack trace in all my functional tests where I call 'post'. Here is the full stack trace: 7) Error: test_should_validate(UsersControllerTest): ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) /Users/hisham/src/rails/ftuBackend/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/...

Can Mechanize make Javascript calls?

Can Mechanize make Javascript calls? This would be handy to negotiate AJAX when screen-scraping... ...

Commenting out protect_from_forgery

Hi, I was trying to use active record store but I kept getting an invalid authenticity token. Someone told me to remove my protect_from_forgery from application controller. I know that this would remove all auth tokens but I'm not sure if this is a good idea. Does active record store not need auth tokens? By the way, all I need is a wa...