
How can I make named_scope in Rails return one value instead of an array?

I want to write a named scope to get a record from its id. For example, I have a model called Event, and I want to simulate Event.find(id) with use of named_scope for future flexibility. I used this code in my model: named_scope :from_id, lambda { |id| {:conditions => ['id= ?', id] } } and I call it from my controller like

How can I save a webpage as an image in my rails app?

In my rails app I have a need to save some webpages and display them to the user as images. For example, how would I save as an image? ...

How to export scrubyt extractor?

I've written a scrubyt extractor based on the 'learning' technique - that is, specifying the current text on the page and getting it to work out the XPath expressions itself. However, I now want to export the extractor so that it can be used even when the page has changed. The documentation for scrubyt seems to be all over the place now...

Ruby erb template- try to change layout- get error

Hi there! I'm working my way through adapting a template I have been given that is basically a list of products for sale. I want to change it from a top-down list into a table layout. I want to end up with something as follows- <div id= 'ladiesproducts'> <% ladies_products = hosting_products.find_all do |product|"lad...

Why isn't this simple test class's method inherited in Ruby?

Consider this very simple logging class: class MockLog # ... end Let's add logging to all our classes: class Module def has_logging() class_eval { @log = def log self.class.instance_variable_get :@log end } end end Now, why doesn't this work? class Foo has_logging end

Ruby Metaprogramming

I'm trying to write a DSL that allows me to do do author "Foo" reviewed_by "Bar" end The following code can almost process it: class Policy include Singleton def self.method_missing(name,&block) puts name puts "#{yield}" end def puts name end def self.reviewed_by(name) put...

"no block given" errors with cache_money

i've inherited a site that in production is generating dozens of "no block given" exceptions every 5 minutes. the top of the stack trace is: vendor/gems/nkallen-cache-money-0.2.5/lib/cash/accessor.rb:42:in `add' vendor/gems/nkallen-cache-money-0.2.5/lib/cash/accessor.rb:33:in `get' vendor/gems/nkallen-cache-money-0.2.5/lib/cas...

Possible to see what actual SQL queries Rails invokes when using console script?

Sometimes I like to pop open the console script that comes with Rails to test small excerpts of code. That code normally involves some more involved ActiveRecord queries. Although not an expert in ActiveRecord, I'm proficient with SQL and want to see what it's translating underneath the hood for efficiency purposes. This will help me ref...

HAML-like syntax for non-HTML documents?

I love using HAML for HTML documents. It has clean syntax that's much more attractive than ERB. It works perfectly for HTML documents. What about for non-HTML? Such as, for example, an email or text document with certain automatically-substituted components? I've been falling back to ERB, but don't like the heavy syntax compared to HAML...

Newly installed Ruby gems not showing up in $LOAD_PATH

I'm using MacPorts in order to manage my Ruby/Rails/Gems installations. Recently after doing a gem install wirble, wirble fails to load when I start an instance of irb. Here's the output: $ irb --simple-prompt Couldn't load Wirble: no such file to load -- wirble The Wirble gem doesn't show up in my $LOAD_PATH: >> puts $: /opt/local/l...

Ruby Socket Inheritance

I'm writing a Ruby class that extends TCPSocket. Assume it looks something like this: class FooSocket < TCPSocket def hello puts 'hello' end end I have a TCPServer listening for incoming connections server = 1234 socket = server.accept When my server finally accepts a connection, it will return a TCPSo...

Preventing ActiveRecord save() on an instance

I have an ActiveRecord model object Foo; it represents a standard database row. I want to be able to display modified versions of instances of this object. I'd like to reuse the class itself, as it already has all the hooks & aspects I'll need. (For example: I already have a view that displays the appropriate attributes). Basically I wa...

Populating an association with children in factory_girl

I have a model Foo that has_many 'Bar'. I have a factory_girl factory for each of these objects. The factory for Bar has an association to Foo; it will instantiate a Foo when it creates the Bar. I'd like a Factory that creates a Foo that contains a Bar. Ideally this Bar would be created through the :bar factory, and respect the build st...

Can I have a block in begin/while statement in Ruby?

I'm trying out to have a block in a while and begin statements in Ruby, but I get a syntax error. Any other way to implement it? Here's what I want to accomplish (1..limit).each { |i| while (true) do |n| x = n * (i%n) puts n if n%i != 0 break if x.even? && ! n += 1 end } ...

Modifying association arrays on cloned ActiveRecord objects

I have an ActiveRecord model class Foo that has_many Bar. I want to clone a Foo (to get duplicates of most of its attributes) and then modify its Bar instances. This is a problem because cloned ActiveRecord instances share the same associated array; changes to one affect the other. f1 = b = f1.bars << b f2 = f1.clone f2...

Rails 2.3: How to turn this SQL statement into a named_scope

Having a bit of difficulty figuring out how to create a named_scope from this SQL query: select * from foo where id NOT IN (select foo_id from bar) AND foo.category = ? ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1; Category should be variable to change. What's the most efficient way the named_scope can be written for the problem above? ...

How can a language be interpreted by itself (like Rubinius)?

I've been programming in Ruby for a while now with just the standard MRI implementation of Ruby, but I've always been curious about the other implementations I hear so much about. I was reading about Rubinius the other day, a Ruby interpreter written in Ruby. I tried looking it up in various places, but I was having a hard time figurin...

Link all'interno di un campo testo

Ciao a tutti, nella Rails app che sto realizzando, l'utente ha la possibilita' di inserire un post (campo memo) con all'interno una URL. Ad esempio: "bla bla bla bla bla bla bla ..." Nel mostrare tale post vorrei che diventasse un link cliccabile (come avviene in twitter). Ovviamente deve essere fatto un...

Book recommendation for a Ruby dev learning Java

I've been a Ruby developer for the past 4-5 years, and prior to that coded in Perl and a language called ProvideX for years. As hard as it may seem, I've never written a Java application short of the basic Hello World app probably a decade ago. I'm beginning to start doing some Android development to port some iPhone applications we di...

Where do you extend classes in your rails application?

Just about to extend the Array class with the following extension: class Array def shuffle! size.downto(1) { |n| push delete_at(rand(n)) } self end end However, I was wondering where a good place to keep these sort of extensions. I was thinking environment.rb or putting in its own file in the initializers directory. ...