Don't know if this has been answered before.
Have custom routes to users. If I access the user directly /users/5 everything works. If I try /profile or even /users/current_user with Declarative Authorization I get "Couldn't find User without an ID"
map.profile "profile", :controller => "users", :action => "show"
map.edit_profile 'pro...
i wonder if there are tutorials that go through the syntax differences for ruby and python?
i have seen a comparison between ruby and php but not between ruby and python.
i have looked at both ruby and python but it would be very useful with this side-by-side comparison for deciding which one to choose.
I have two models/tables in my Rails application: discussions and comments. Each discussion has_many comments, and each comment belongs_to a discussion. My discussions table also includes a first_comment_id column and last_comment_id column for convenience and speed. I want to be able to call discussion.last_comment for the last comment ...
I've had two previous questions about active record store that all came down to the same thing.
Here's what I want:
I want to access the session at any time and see who is online right now and access their session variable from anywhere.
I need this because:
Users are separated into groups. If one person logs in he receives an api to...
I'm writing a crawler in ruby (1.9) that consumes lots of HTML from a lot of random sites.
When trying to extract links, I decided to just use .scan(/href="(.*?)"/i) instead of nokogiri/hpricot (major speedup). The problem is that I now receive a lot of "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" errors.
From what I understood, the net/http library...
I'm extracting some information from an XML file, and I want to perform some modifications on the data while keeping a copy of the original in a variable "origFile". This is what I have:
require "rexml/document"
include REXML
doc =
root = doc.root
array = []
root.elements.each("dict/string") {|element| a...
I have this method on rails so that I have an image calling a javascript function
def image_to_function(name, function, html_options = {})
tag(:input, html_options.merge({
:type => "image", :src => image_path(name),
:onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + ...
Hi all,
I have an app where a 'user' belong to a 'client' or a 'vendor' (and client and vendor has_many users). In the admin namespace, I want to administer these users - so an admin would choose a client or a vendor, then nav to that client's or vendor's users. My question is, short of making the user model polymorphic, how could I mod...
I need to parse a file line by line on given rules.
Here is a requirement.
file can have multiple lines with different data..
and rules can be like this.
if byte[0,1] == "0" then extract this line to /tmp/record...
Bit of an edge case, but any idea why &&= would behave this way? I'm using 1.9.2.
obj =
obj.instance_eval {@bar &&= @bar} # => nil, expected
obj.instance_variables # => [], so obj has no @bar instance variable
obj.instance_eval {@bar = @bar && @bar} # ostensibly the same as @bar &&= @bar
obj.instance_variables # => [:@bar] #...
When I type: git push heroku master, this is what happens
$:sample_app git push heroku master
Counting objects: 110, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (94/94), done.
Writing objects: 100% (110/110), 87.48 KiB, done.
Total 110 (delta 19), reused 0 (delta 0)
-----> Heroku receiving push
-----> Rails...
I'm having an extremely frustrating time getting some images to upload. They are obviously being uploaded as rack/multipart but the way that I'm iterating over my params hash must be causing the problem. I could REALLY use some help, so I can stop pulling out my hair.
So I've got a params hash that looks like this:
Parameters: {"commi...
It is said that Ruby is a metaprogramming language. I wonder if the first 3 lines can be made less verbose using metaprogramming?
RUBY_VERSION ||= "unknown version"
RUBY_PATCHLEVEL ||= "unknown patchlevel"
RUBY_PLATFORM ||= "unknown platform"
print "Ruby ", RUBY_VERSION, " patch ", RUBY_PATCHLEVEL, " on ", RUBY_PLATFORM
When a is undefined, then a || 1 will throw an error, but a = a || 1 will not. Isn't that a little bit inconsistent?
irb(main):001:0> a
NameError: undefined local variable or method 'a' for main:Object
from (irb):1
from c:/ruby/bin/irb:12:in '<main>'
irb(main):002:0> a || 1
NameError: undefined local variable or method...
I use netbeans as development IDE and runs the application from cmd but have problems to display ISO 8859-1 characters like åäö correct in both cmd window and when I run the application from netbeans
Question: What is best practice to set it up
Right now I do
@output.puts indent + "V" + 132.chr + "lkommen till Ruby Camping!"
to get...
Hi, I'm currently developing a user facing web application that gives each new user their own subdomain on the site, which is fine (using subdomain_fu), but is there a way to let a user map their own domain to this subdomain?
I know how to do this manually through SSH-ing into the server and editing the Apache Vhosts file by hand, but i...
I am in the process of switching my development environment from sqlite3 to postgresql 8.4 and have one last hurdle.
In my original I had the following line in a helper method;
result = Users.find(:all, :order => "name collate NOCASE")
which provided a very nice case-insensitive search. I can't replicate this for postgresql. Should b...
What does block in ruby mean? It looks similar with smalltalk, but you can't send messages to it.
For example, in smalltalk:
[:x | x + 3] value: 3
returns 6. But in ruby:
{|x| x + 3}.call 3
will cause SyntaxError.
Well, you can pass messages to lambda in ruby, though:
irb(main):025:0> ->(x){x+3}.call 3
=> 6
So in ruby, block...
How can i replace all > with > and < with < inside a <code> tag with ruby?
For example:
<code><script>alert('I steal cookies');</script></code>
<code><script>alert('I steal cookies);<script><code>
The reason for this is because the h() method escapes all the < and >
Thanks, Micke
i found out erubis, the "fast, secure, and very extensible implementation of eRuby",
now after install through gem install erubis, my question is how to run in on mac?
especially on mamp?
i been no luck finding answer on google so anyone know how?