
RoR: How to modify the controller to accept update several params only?

Here is the code generated by rails: def update @user = User.find(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| if @user.update_attributes(params[:user]) flash[:notice] = 'User was successfully updated.' format.html { redirect_to(@user) } format.xml { head :ok } else format.html { render :action => "edit" } ...

Rails application variable life cycle question.

Assume that I have a global variable user in this: # GET /users.xml def index @users = User.all respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb format.xml { render :xml => @users } end end Is that mean every request, a new @user is created? If every request , an object is cre...

Ruby's *args causing seg fault when no args supplied

I'm trying to do some scripted GUI testing in Windows using Ruby. I'm leveraging the guidance of a pragprog book and I'm hitting a bit of a snag. I've factored out some code to help with the repeatitive mapping of win32api functions. The code is as follows: module WindowsGui def self.def_api(function, parameters, return_value) ...

[Ruby] Sequel example won't run

Hi, I've just installed "sequel" gem for Ruby. I wanted to try example from Sequel website and it won't work :( test.rb: require 'rubygems' require 'sequel' DB = Sequel.sqlite # memory database DB.create_table :items do primary_key :id String :name Float :price end items = DB[:items] # Create a dataset # Populate the tab...

making sure string contains no digits using regex in ruby?

HI how can i ensure that a string contains no digits using regex in ruby? thanks ...

Rails App Google Indexing

I noticed a problem with indexing my rails app when submitting it to Google webmaster tools and testing with curl. My root is currently set like so: map.root :controller => "posts" which will explain when i run: $ curl it only returns the posts controller and not the homepage in its entirety: <div class="post"...

git + grit working directory revision information

I'm trying to display some git version information (via grit) in my rails application footer for debuging. When I want to see the head, it's straightforward: @git_repository = Ter::Application.root ) head = @git_repository.heads.first t '.git_info', :revision =>, :branch =>, :author => head.commi...

Inherit initialize() method in ruby ?

Hi, in ruby I still can't figure out how to make a subclass constructor follow its parent... example: require 'mechanize' class Scraper attr_accessor :agent def initialize # I dont know if using instance variable is the right thing to do @agent = end end class ScraperA < Scraper end I want to m...

Overriding method in ruby module for testing?

How do I override methods in a module? ...

will_paginate not showing on the Web... ...

The previous question is here : Here's the users_controller: def show @user = User.find(params[:id]) @posts = @user.posts.paginate :page => params[:page] respond_to do |format| format.html # show.html.erb format.xml { re...

RVM and thin, root vs. local user

So I'm trying to get thin to run as a service with RVM. After a thin install I manually updated /etc/init.d/thin to use an su - user when running the config command so that thin was running as a local user, rather than root. So far so good. Now, when I try to sudo service thin start it looks like it's trying to use the non-RVM version o...

Iterate through all form fields with selenium in ruby

I am trying to validate that my form fields all have an associated label using Selenium, but I am having problems grabbing all of the form fields on a page. get_all_fields only gets textfields; I have no way to also grab the passwords, radios, checkboxes, etc. I was trying something like this: num_fields = Integer(selenium.get_xpath_c...

Ruby (Rails) #inject on hashes - good style?

Inside the Rails code, people tend to use the Enumerable#inject method to create hashes, like this: somme_enum.inject({}) do |hash, element| hash[] = hash end While this appears to have become a common idiom, does anyone see an advantage over the "naive" version, which would go like: hash = {} some_enum.ea...

ruby float parse

like a float: if i == 2.0 i want to get: 2 if i == 2.3 or 2.23 i want to get: 2.3 or 2.23 thanks ...

ruby idiom: predicates and the conditional operator

I like judicious use of the ternary, conditional operator. To my mind it's quite succinct. However, in ruby, I find I'm often testing predicate methods, which already have their own question marks: some_method( x.predicate? ? foo : bar ) I'm jarred by those two question marks so close to each other. Is there an equivalently compact...

Misbehaving Case Statement

I'm messing around in Ruby some more. I have a file containing a class with two methods and the following code: if __FILE__ == $0 seq = puts "\n1. Fibonacci Sequence" puts "\n2. Pascal\'s Triangle" puts "\nEnter your selection: " choice = gets puts "\nExcellent choice." choice = case when 1 put...

How can I modify the input type of the Rails datetime_select helper?

I am using the Rails helper datetime_select in one of my forms. I currently have a requirement to change the dropdowns for day, year, hour, and minute to be textboxes with validation. Is there a way I can specify that I want textboxes for these fields? Or possibly a different helper that will do what I need? here is my usage: datet...

Ruby Dir and File on remote server?

If I have a remote SFTP server with a folder full of files on it that I want to operate on with Ruby's Dir and File classes, is there a way to do that through the net/ssh and net/sftp libraries? I know that net/sftp has a few Dir and File utilities strapped to it, but unfortunately they're not the ones I need. I need File.ctime(my_file...

Targeting every object in an array syntax

Newb question of the day: I'm trying to select all the users with this condition, and then perform an action with each one : User.find(:all).select { |u| u.organizations.count > 0} do |user| Except, this isn't the right way to do this. Not entirely sure what the proper syntax is. Any fellow rubyist offer a newb a hand? ...

Has anyone managed to get Watir using IE on Ruby 1.9.1 working ?

Hi, I'm new to ruby and am having trouble getting a simple watir script to work with IE on ruby v1.9.1. I can get it to work with ruby v1.8.6 Has anyone managed to use watir with Ruby v1.9.1 ? This is the script i'm using require 'watir' browser = browser.goto '' Below are details of ...