I'm using macvim/vim for most of my Ruby + Ruby on Rails development. Is there currently a way to jump to where a method was defined within a project, even if it's not in the same file as where it's being invoked? Either a language agnostic way or a Ruby/Rails specific way works.
I've been trying to write a small library using Thor to help assist me in quick creating new projects and sites. I wrote this small method:
def ssh(cmd)
Net::SSH.start( server_ip, user, :port => port) do |session|
session.exec cmd
to just assist me in running quick commands on remote servers when needed.
The proble...
I am using table_builder plugin and I am getting the following error
undefined method `safe_concat' for ActionView::Base:0x00000100a81ef0
What is safe_concat method and Can someone please tell me what am I doing incorrectly
View Code
<div id="event">
<% calendar_for @events do |calendar|%>
<%= calendar.head('mon', 'tue',...
It's a bit hard to search for it. This might actually be a Rails method.
I am creating a map for my roguelike game and already I stumbled on a problem. I want to create a two dimensional array of objects. In my previous C++ game I did this:
class tile; //found in another file.
I can't figure out how I should do this with Ruby.
Is it possible to declare static methods in a module in ruby?
module Software
def self.exit
puts "exited"
class Windows
include Software
def self.start
puts "started"
The example above will not print out "exited".
Is it only possible to have instance methods in a module...
I want to add a whitespace before and after random strings.
I have tried using "Random_string".center(1, " ") but it doesnt work.
This is my file content.
Receivables=Por cobrar
Payables=Cuentos por pagar
ytdPurchases.label=Purchases YTD
validationError.maxValue=Value is too large, maximum value allowed is {0}
i want to sort this content in alphabetic order ...
how may i do that ??
This code will sort my file.
new_array = File.readlines("#{$base_prope...
In what sort of situation is the code:
module M
extend self
def greet
puts "hello"
more beneficial to use over say something like:
module M
def self.greet
puts "hello"
In the top, one is an instance method being extended, and the latter is just a class method, but when calling either method,...
I'm creating GTK+ application that has embedded Ruby interpreter, small logic functions w/o side effects (those who only return some values) are working ok already, but I would like Ruby scripts to interact with main programs widgets. I know there is ruby-gtk2 gem, but how do I tell Ruby that widget passed from C must be wrapped wit...
This is my code:
def block
puts "from block"
block do
puts "from command line"
block do
Here is the output:
from block
from command line
from block
I wonder how the second block could detect that its inside another block (of the same method).
So that the output will be this instead:
from block 1
I'm writing a small Ruby command-line application that uses fileutils from the standard library for file operations. Depending on how the user invokes the application, I will want to include either FileUtils, FileUtils::DryRun or FileUtils::Verbose.
Since include is private, though, I can't put the logic to choose into the object's init...
I have a Module with a constant and variable.
I wonder how I could include these in a class?
module Software
VAR = 'hejsan'
def exit
@text = "exited"
puts @text
class Windows
extend Software
def self.start
puts VAR
puts @text
Is this possible?
I have a Rails app that includes a JSON API interface. When values are properly specified, the controller handles the happy path just fine and JSON is rendered as output.
However, if there's a problem with the input, an exception is raised and some templates in rescues are rendered instead. I'd really just like to return a JSON error al...
Let's say I have a range from 0 to 10:
range = 0...10
Three dots mean, that the last value (10) is excluded:
range.include? 10
=> false
Now, is there a similar and elegant way to exclude the first value?
For the above example, this would mean to include all values that are bigger (>, not >=) than 0 and smaller than 10.
So, whenever I run "rake spec" in my application directory, I see this:
admin@nurvus:~/workspace/spec $ rake spec
(in /Users/admin/workspace/)
DEPRECATION WARNING: Rake tasks in vendor/plugins/abingo/tasks, vendor/plugins/delayed_job/tasks, vendor/plugins/funkytown/tasks, vendor/plugins/funkytown/tasks, vendor/plugins/git_helper/tasks, ...
Provided that I have a project factory
Factory.define :project do |p|
p.sequence(:title) { |n| "project #{n} title" }
p.sequence(:subtitle) { |n| "project #{n} subtitle" }
p.sequence(:image) { |n| "../images/content/projects/#{n}.jpg" }
p.sequence(:date) { |n| n.weeks.ago.to_date ...
I've built out a fairly complex Rails (2.3.8) app with a lot of jQuery ajax requests. There is an occasional bug, which I have difficultly replicating, where a jQuery $.ajax({..}) request will request a page it shouldn't (like the dash page, which is never called with an ajax request)...
What ensures is absolutely madness. Incredibly st...
I have two arrays
a = [:foo, :bar, :baz, :bof]
b = ["hello", "world", 1, 2]
I want
{:foo => "hello", :bar => "world", :baz => 1, :bof => 2}
Any way to do this?
There is a module
require 'iconv'
module Escape
def escape(string)
return_value = Iconv.conv('ascii//translit//IGNORE', 'utf-8', string).to_s
It`s work in 1.8.7 but not in 1.9.1
The error message is "NameError (uninitialized constant Escape::Iconv)"
and the follow is work in 1.9.1,Why??????? (my rails is rails 3 in ...