
Use Ruby profile to track down slow execution in RSpec

I have a bunch of rspec tests that are taking entirely too long to run. I am trying to figure out where the bottleneck is and the logical place to start is using the standard libraries profile library. Execution is happening with JRuby 1.5.2 in this particular case. Here is the output after embedding the profile library in my spec: % ...

How would you implement these queries efficiently in MongoDB?

Links have one or more tags, so at first it might seem natural to embed the tags: link = { title: 'How would you implement these queries efficiently in MongoDB?' url: '' tags: ['ruby', 'mongodb', 'database-schema', 'database-design', 'nosql']} How would these queries be imple...

Why does Ruby include? evaluate to nil?

So, I'm a total nuby working through and I'm stuck on about_scoring_project.rb. This is my stab at the score method. def score(dice) score = 0; if dice.respond_to?("include?") then # add 1000 points if rolled 3 ones score += 1000 if dice.include?([1, 1, 1]) # add 100 points times die face va...

Rails3 ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid:... no such table in every test.

Hi, I've started learning rails3 few days ago, and since today, every time I run unit test for my model I get this error message: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: users: DELETE FROM "users" WHERE 1=1 The tests went smoothly yesterday, I run them today (reverting everything to the state from ...

Columns information in Active Record Models

Is there a gem or plugin, that can generate a Comments with columns names above the class definition in Active Record model? I'm pretty sure that I've seen something like this, but can't find it anywhere: Example: # columns Defs # name:string # user_id:integer # etc. class Post < ActiveRecord::Base end I could as well write something...

Ruby/Rails memory usage

Hey guys, in the following code: def process(batch_size=1000) claim_numbers.each_slice(batch_size) do |numbers_batch| claims = Claim.find(:all, :conditions => ["claim_number in (?)", numbers_batch]) # do something with claims end end In one of my Rails models I'm processing a lot of claim_numbers, I'm simu...

Can Embedded Ruby Be Used Outside of Rails?

Can embedded ruby (erb) be used outside of rails in regular webpages to dynamically update content (almost as a replacement for PHP)? ...

What is the ruby equivalent of the python BeautifulSoup library?

I'm looking for a forgiving HTML parser for scraping HTML and extracting data in Ruby. I've had success using BeautifulSoup for this - what is the ruby equivalent? ...

Is it better to use || or include? when checking a variable against multiple values?

Which way of writing this condition is better? 1) (self.expense_gl_dist_code.dist_type == GlDistCode::PERCENTAGE || self.expense_gl_dist_code.dist_type == GlDistCode::MIXED) 2) ["GlDistCode::PERCENTAGE","GlDistCode::MIXED"].include?(self.expense_gl_dist_code.dist_type) ...

Ruby-Rails serve ftp file direct to client

Hello! I am new to ruby and to rails, so excuse my question... . What i want to know is, how to take a file from a ftp server with ruby without saving the file on my rails application harddrive (streaming the filedata direct to the client). I am working with the ruby Net/FTP class. With the method "retrbinary" from the Net/FTP class i ...

Using YAJL to render json in Rails 2.3.4

I want to use YAJL to render JSON. If I require 'yajl' in the controller and perform a render :json => some_hash, will this use YAJL to encode the hash into json? Should I convert the hash to JSON using YAJL's encode method before calling render? If not, how can I go about doing this? ...

Why don't they implement python and ruby on the web browsers?

I wonder, why don't they implement other languages like python and ruby on the web browsers? Don't they fit as client programming languages or did it just happen to be that Javascript was the first one to be implemented, and they then kept on only supporting javascript because it just worked. I mean...I really hate Javascript compared ...

Prevent gem A from overriding methods of unrelated gem B

For some time, xml-simple gem had been working for me just fine (indirectly, through another gem). But lately I had to install Amazon S3 gem also. Amazon guys had decided that xml-simple wasn't cool enough, so they supplied a replacement: 'faster-xml-simple'. And they also decided that everybody wants to use their code now, so they did ...

Start script on login

I have written a ruby daemon and I would like for it to run when I log in. It is normally run by going to the command line and calling ruby my_ruby_script.rb. How can I start my daemon on login? (Running 10.6 Snow Leopard). ...

Mocking the initialize method on a ruby class?

How can I mock the initialize method on a ruby class? I'm doing some testing and want to mock out the object that is created from a new call. I tried to write a few things and none of them seemed to get the mock class to return from the new call. It just keeps returning the normal, expected object. EDIT: one attempt - class MockR...

Ruby: How do you convert a time or date to a friendly url string?

For instance, if I have a, how would I convert that to a friendly url string? => some_url_friendly_string_here I believe there is a built-in Ruby method to do so, but I can't seem to locate it on Google. Any ideas? ...

What is the meaning of grep on a Hash?

{'a' => 'b'}.grep /a/ => [] >> {'a' => 'b'}.grep /b/ => [] It doesn't seem to match the keys or values. Does it do something I'm not discerning? ...

How to stop ANSI colour codes messing up printf alignment?

I discovered this while using ruby printf, but it also applies to C's printf. If you include ANSI colour escape codes in an output string, it messes up the alignment. Ruby: ruby-1.9.2-head > printf "%20s\n%20s\n", "\033[32mGreen\033[0m", "Green" Green # 6 spaces to the left of this one Green # correctly ...

Ruby 1.9 compatible plotting / graphic library?

I feel like I have a simple desire that no one can satisfy: I want to be able to graph a set of points, and I am using Ruby 1.9.2. I would like to use Gruff or Scruffy, since these seem to be the easiest to use. However, they both rely on rmagick, and it seems that many other libraries do to. Rmagick isn't compatible with Ruby 1.9 thoug...

How to use MongoDB Ruby Driver to do a "Group" (group by)?

related to if I want to do something like the following in SQL: select page_id, count(page_id) from a_table group by page_id I thought the MongoDB's doc says group(key, condition...