I've posted a couple other questions during this process, but I have a better idea of what I'm trying to do so I thought I'd ask about that.
I've inherited a Rails 2.2.2 application, which is currently running in production form on a server I have access to. I'm trying to port that application over to my server, version control, etc. I ...
I have a number of models that need the same scope. They each have an expiration_date date field that I want to write a scope against.
To keep things DRY, I'd like to put the scope in a module (in /lib) that I'll extend each model with. However, when I call scope within the module, the method is undefined.
To work around this, I use c...
I'd like to know if it's possible to create a complete website using node.js (just like we do using Sinatra and Rails).
Also, is there any framework as good as Sinatra and Rails?
Is this the best use for node?
I have an array of hashes, and the values are all float numbers.
What are some good ways in Ruby to convert them all to int?
I have this way right now but wonder what other methods there are that are more elegant or clear:
analytics.map {|e| e.keys.each {|k| e[k] = e[k].to_i}; e}
Update: this is a run of the code:
> @analytics = [...
What are the best uses for these 3 languages/frameworks? Is it useful to mix all of them (or 2)?
Is there some sort of find_by_sql equivalent for mongoid, where you pass a mongo query and it materializes Mongoid::Document s from the results?
i started using oauth2 gem by intridea (http://github.com/intridea/oauth2) and don't know how to fix this problem. I have developed both client and server and on request for access_token i see no grant_type parameter. My code from client callback controller
class CallbackController < Devise::OauthCallbacksController
def accounts
I'm trying to modify the default deserialization of the built-in timestamp format, to affect Ruby's Time.
I do this (successfully) with Hash:
YAML::add_domain_type('yaml.org,2002', 'map') { |t, v| nil }
YAML::add_domain_type('ruby.yaml.org,2002', 'hash') { |t, v| nil }
hash = { :hello => :world }
puts YAML::load(hash.to_yaml) # nil
Hi All,
How will I do authentication using Rails 2.3.8 using MongoDB and
Let me know your expert advise on this.
By the way, a Rails noob here :)
I've found this method here.
start = DateTime.now
sleep 15
stop = DateTime.now
puts ((stop-start) * 24 * 60).to_i
hours,minutes,seconds,frac = Date.day_fraction_to_time(stop-start)
I have the following error:
`<main>': private method `day_fraction_to_time' called for Date:Class (NoMethodError)
I've checked /us...
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :products, :order => 'name ASC'
Using the Rails 3 stack, how can I query for all categories that 'have' products?
> Hash[:a,2,:b,4]
=> {:a=>2, :b=>4}
> Hash[:a,1]
=> {:a=>1}
> Hash[[:a,1]]
=> {}
> Hash[[[:a,1]]]
=> {:a=>1}
Did to_json get removed or something?
Trying to write a basic "blog-like" app in rails 3, I'm stuck with associations. I need the create method save the post_id as well as the user_id in the comment table (which I need in order to retrive all comments written by a user in order to display it)
The app has users (authentication - devise), posts (posted by users - but I'm...
I am writing a small, really simple lisp parser in ruby with the treetop gem just to experiment with it. However, it is not really working out how I want it to, and the documentation is pretty poor so it's hard to understand what I am doing wrong. Currently, the grammar can match both a symbol and a boolean, but not a number. However, wh...
Is there a command line switch I'm missing?
At the moment I'm having to do this:
#task :install => :build do
task :install do
I was just wondering how i can wait for a hidden element to appear on the page,
i triedni seleum.is_element_present but it dosent seem to be working.
I have a large set of MIME files, which contain multiple parts. Many of the files contain parts labelled with the following headers:
Content-Type: application/octet stream
Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary
However, sometimes the contents of these parts are some form of binary code, and sometimes they are plaintext.
Is there a clev...
I'm using Watir and Ruby to try and slurp a load of data from a web application into a hash:
def getOrders( )
return orders = slurpOrders()
def containsOrderNumber( orderNumber )
puts orderNumber
orders = getOrders
puts orders[orderNumber]
#puts orders.keys
puts "orders has_key? = " + orders.has_key?(ord...
I have updated to rails 3 on my Snow leopard. Previously i use sqlite for development.
It's working fine when i rake db:create.
Now I'm trying to install mysql on my mac.
I downloaded mysql-5.1.50-osx10.6-x86.dmg
Installed all three file.(mysql-{version}-osx10.5-x86.pkg, MySQL.prefPane, MySQLStartupItem.pkg)
execute this to in...