
will "gem update --system" update rails from 2.3.8 to 3.0?

If'n I had a 2nd computer I would just do it and see - but I've finely tuned this thing to not run 3.0 just yet ... don't want to muck it up. Took hours & hours to get here. Bascially - I want to keep rails at 2.3.8 for a while ... so will gem update --system update rails from version 2 -> 3? I did read the docs with no clear answe...

Bundler can't find win32-service gem even thought it appears in gem list

I'm trying to use bundler in a 2.3.4 rails app and am having problems with the win32-service gem. The gem was installed by issueing 'gem install win32-service --platform mswin32'. I installed it outside of bundler as bundler always tries to compile from source which fails miserably. Output of 'gem list' win32-service (0.7.1 x86-mswin32...

problems installing sqlite3-rubygem and mysql

I have recently updated my mac to snow leopard and am having a terrible time configuring it for rails development. I have followed the tutorial at hivelogic ( and am being returned with the following error. I have also attempted to install sqlite3-ruby gem an...

can't install gems (Using rvm) no permission

Hi guys I just installed rvm and after that i installed ruby1.9.2. i have a problem with installing gems. I get the following error when doing: gem install capistrano no such file to load -- rubygems This is how i set it up (its ubuntu): ruby -v ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [i686-linux] gem -v no such file to load -- ru...

How do I retain installed gems after updating rubygems?

After a recent reinstallation of Ubuntu, I reinstalled RubyGems. The Ubuntu repository grabbed version 1.3.5. Later I found I need the latest version. So I installed the RubyGems update to get to version 1.3.7. The trouble is, upon upgrading gem list returns only a small subset of all my originally installed gems. In the past, I've ...

Rails 3's Bundler can create 5 sets of file or folders -- should they be added to the project repo?

I think the 5 sets of files or folder the Rails 3's Bundler create are: Gemfile Gemfile.lock .bundle/config vendor/bundle vendor/cache Is there any more? For each of them, should they be added to the repository? Gemfile and Gemfile.lock, I think so, because that's what let everybody use the same version of gems. For .bundle/config...

problem with rails instalation need 2.3.8 after installation still getting "rails -v" = "Rails 2.3.5"

I'm trying to setup clockingit but... even after gem install -v=2.3.8 rails 1 gem installed i'm getting rails -v Rails 2.3.5 I need 2.3.8 to rake the gems for clockingit help greatly apreciated ...

How can I configure gem to only ever use system gems?

I want to configure gem to only use system gems - never those in $HOME/.gem. This is because I'm writing a script that will access Gem.path and I don't want it to return the path to gems in my home directory. I'm pretty sure I haven't explicitly set GEM_HOME or anything like that in my .bashrc, .bash_login etc. But Gem.path returns my ...

Problem with gem sources - bad gateway 502 on

Hello. Just wondering if anybody had the same problem with I appluad the decision to consolidated everything on, but when the default was rubyforge - I never had any problems. Now it seems I have a problem updating gems everytime I do a new installation. I mean I can work around it, but downloading gems throug...

If gem is installed in vendor/gems, why would Rails (2.3.4) complain that it is missing?

I have the RedCloth gem in my vendor/gems directory. I also have this in my environment.rb: config.gem 'RedCloth' So why does Rails complain that the gem is missing: Missing these required gems: RedCloth What else does it need to recognize that I have it installed in the vendor/gems directory? environment.rb: RAILS_GEM_VERSION ...

How do I get RubyGems to work with Jruby and JBOSS; works with Tomcat but not JBoss

I have a WAR file that uses jruby-complete.1.5.2.jar to provide JRuby as a ScriptEngine. My JRuby script relies on some Ruby gems that I packaged in a jar file. This works fine when I run the WAR file under Tomcat, but it does NOT work when I use JBoss 5.1.0. To trouble shoot, I even tried running a simple script that required the "ra...

itunes search ruby gem: uninitialized constant Itunes

Using this itunes search gem, and the documentation seems really straightforward. It fails with NameError: uninitialized constant Itunes gem install itunes-search Usage base = search_object ="term"=>"The Killers") # get an array of the search_objects results = search_object.results results.each ...

Advice for handling default GEM_PATH

When I upgraded from rubygems 1.3.5 to 1.3.7, my GEM_PATH changed. gem environment gives me - GEM PATHS: - /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 - /home/me/.gem/ruby/1.8 ... whereas it was previously /var/lib/gems/1.8 How would you handle this? I could set GEM_PATH, but this seems a bit messy, as I'd have to do this for my shell, and each of ...

rails console won't start (ubuntu)

I'm getting 'Rails requires RubyGems >= 1.3.1. Please install RubyGems and try again:' error. However... gem -v Returns "1.3.7". afaict, I have RubyGems 1.3.7 installed... Any help appreciated ...

Add a folder in $LOAD_PATH and require all libraries automatically?

How do I tell Ruby to add a path in $LOAD_PATH and require all libraries automatically every time the interpreter fires up? That is to say, I don't want to load my libraries manually. Eg: cd /my_libraries git clone <git_repo_to_thor_gem> Then I want ruby to use that one instead of the gem I installed because I want to change the sou...

What does the ~> operator mean?

Possible Duplicate: Meaning of ~> in version requirement I often stumble upon the ~> operator. eg. gem 'httparty', '~> 0.5.2' What does it mean? ...

Rubygems Chronic cannot parse "2010-09-12 3:12pm" but can parse "2010-09-12 3pm" or "last monday 3:12pm"?

It seems strange that "2010--9-12 3:12pm" is a weak spot of Chronic Rubygem? Is there a way to make it work? (or another gem that can do it?) I also hope to find a parser that can handle 2010-09-12 3:12pm UTC or other timezones such as PDT, PST, or UTC+8 or -0700 irb(main):001:0> RUBY_VERSION => "1.8.7" irb(main):002:0> require 'rub...

Ruby gems for user interaction in the shell?

I wonder if there are Ruby gems for user interaction in the shell similar to the Thor::Actions. Maybe more extensive. ...

Loading ruby packages outside rails Mac OS X

Hi, I've recently downloaded a ruby extension (Nokogiri) using the gem install command and I would like to use it outside rails, in a small script I'm writing. When I use it in rails, it works perfectly, but how to load it outside rails? Which files should I need to 'require'? (I don't seem to find the downloaded source) Thank you if y...

Ruby 1.9.2 is backward compatible with 1.8.7?

I'm using Ruby 1.9.2 (Yarv). When I install gems I just use "gem install ". How can I know which Ruby version they are written in: 1.8.7, 1.9.1 or 1.9.2? If I'm using the latest version and I install a gem that is written in 1.8.7, then that gem doesn't work? Eg. Yardstick gem seems to not work with 1.9.2 but perfectly with 1.8.7. H...