
Is there any .Net JIT Support from chip vendors?

I know that ARM actually has some support for Java and SUN obviously, but I haven't really references seen any chip vendor supporting a .Net JIT compiler. I know IBM and Intel both support C compilers, as well as TI and many of the embedded chip vendors. When you think of it, all a JIT compiler is, is the last stages of compilation and...

Any way to execute DS code from cartridge?

From what I know, code to run on the DS has to be loaded into RAM, thus taking from the already-restrictive 4M. Is there any way to run DS code directly from the image? ...

Client-side Development Platforms based on JavaScript

I'd like to set this up as a post where all known JavaScript client development platforms could be listed by company/organization/ecosystem. * anything that is HTML/JavaScript-based. Microsoft Windows Gadgets* HTA - HTML Applications* Adobe Adobe AIR* Can be done with only HTML/JS but can also can use Flex/Flash Adobe Director Adobe PD...

How many runtimes (CLRs) can be loaded in a single process?

I attended Virtual Tech Days today. In Quiz section there was the following question. "In the previous versions of .NET (before 4.0) how many runtimes (CLRs) can be loaded in a single process?" Any ideas? ...

need help with a system call from java

I'm using Runtime to make a call to the system. When I call it with "ls -l" and read in what it gets, it prints the directory contents exactly as expected. However when I call it with "which ffmpeg" or "ffmpeg -i FILENAME" it comes back saying ffmpeg can't be located, even though when I use ffmpeg exactly the same way at the command li...

How do I remove instance methods at runtime in Objective-C 2.0?

Is it possible to remove methods added to a class with class_addMethod? Or if I want to do this, must I keep creating classes at runtime with objc_allocateClassPair and adding different sets of methods to them to vary the methods implemented? I'll accept answers that include hackery :-) ...

why we can't Serialize these objects ?

why we can't Serialize objects into Random Access file ? and on the other hand we can serialize objects into sequential access file ? ""C# does not provide a means to obtain an object’s size at runtime. This means that, if we serialize the class, we cannot guarantee a fixed-length record size "" (from the book that i read in). so we ca...

strategies to fix runtime errors

Hi, I was wondering what strategies you guys are using to fix runtime errors? Really appreciate if you could share some tips! Here is some of my thought (possibly with the help of gdb): when runtime error happens because some memory is wrongly accessed, is the address stored in the dumped core showing where the memory is? If I can fi...

How does one access a method from an external jar at runtime?

This is a continuation of the question posted in: I am uncertain as to how to continue to the method invocation level. From my understanding, from the clazz object, I would used getMethod or getDeclaredMethod to get a Method object from which I would call invok...

How does one access a method from an external jar at runtime (part2)?

This is a continuation of the post McDowell responded with the code: public class ReflectionDemo { public void print(String str, int value) { System.out.println(str); System.out.println(value); } public static int getNumber...

python: How to add property to a class dynamically?

The goal is to create a mock class which behaves like a db resultset. So for example, if a database query returns, using a dict expression, {'ab':100, 'cd':200}, then I would to see >>> dummy.ab 100 So, at the beginning I thought I maybe able to do it this way ks = ['ab', 'cd'] vs = [12, 34] class C(dict): def __init__(self, ks...

Vectored exception handler and Microsoft C runtime error handling

Hi, I've recently implemented some vectored exception handling to catch errors in our software. This is especially useful as we've just converted from vc6 to vs2005. We're encountering a few problems with the use of the STL library (generally people doing things they shouldn't). I'm trying to catch these errors with my vectored exceptio...

Could not load file or assembly microsoft.hpc.scheduler, Version=,

I am getting this error message, when I try to run any project in visual studio 2008 team system architect edition (On Vista Business 64). I have couple of third party components installed like DevExpress etc. I am not using microsoft.hpc.scheduler namespace in this project. I have installed HPC Pack Client Utilities as suggested b...

Correct syntax for using Runtime.exec with "Program Files"

I wish to use the method with the following signature: exec(String command, String[] envp, File dir) Suppose my program is called "myprog.exe" and it is located at "C:\Program Files\My Software". What is the correct syntax for using Runtime.exec? I keep getting an error message "The system cannot find the file specified". To clarif...

What happens behind the scenes when you set an Int32 equal to an Int16?

What goes on at a low level when I do this? Int32 a = 0; Int16 b = 50; a = b; ...

Java runtime.exe() Error launching browser : error accessing current directory

I have been trying to launch browser from a java app on Linux. When this app is run for the first time browser don't get opened. The error log shows : shell-init: cannot get current directory getcwd : no such file or directory. After this if u restart everything falls into place and browser opens fine. I have tried many things like cha...

How to handle a GUI of an external software from within Java code

Hi there, I need to run an external application from within my Java code. I can run the application with Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime() and then r.exec(...), however, this brings up the GUI of the application. And I still need enter some settings in some fields and press enter. So: Is there some way to handle a GUI (filling out field...

Reading Input and Error Streams Concurrently using BufferedReaders Hangs

First off let me apologize to the SO community for coming to you with something that ought to be so trivial. But I've been at this all day and I'm at the end of my rope. There is a section of my program that needs pull text from an input stream and an error stream from a process that is launched using Runtime.getrunTime().exec() and pa...

How does one have developers on VS2008 target .net 2.0 (but not the service pack) to avoid runtime crashes?

So, I want to upgrade my development team to VS2008. As an enterprise, we haven't rolled out the 3.5 runtime yet. From some reading, it seems like installing VS2008 will automatically give you .net 2.0 SP1, which has some new APIs, and when you target 2.0 runtime it will assume 2.0 SP1. But if SP1 is not rolled out to our users, this ...

Lua: use table as args

Hi, I have numerous functions (unknown at design time) that each take a specific number of arguments. I have a table of arguments. How do I call those functions with this table of arguments? Thanks, James ...