
How do I pass runtime options to AIX COBOL?

I need to pass the TRAP(OFF) runtime option to an IBM AIX COBOL application. The problem is, I have no idea how to do that, and I can't find anything in the IBM documentation on how to do that. I've tried export TRAP=OFF in my runscript, but that didnt do it. Does anyone know how to do this? ...

Timeout when ssh command is executed from my Java program

I have a Java program which runs in Tomcat and which needs to execute several ssh and scp commands, as well as a few simple commands such as ls on the local machine. I am having trouble with my current approach in that I am getting a time out every time I execute an ssh command. I can run the ssh command on the command line with no pro...

How does binary translate to hardware?

I understand how code is compiled to assembly, and that assembly is a 1:1 replacement with binary codes. Can somebody help me understand how binary is connected to the hardware? How is the binary physically read and run? How does an if statement work in the hardware? From google searches I'm thinking that maybe my question title should ...

Runtime Object Inspector for iPhone?

I'd like to be able to add a runtime object inspector to my iPhone app, mostly for debugging purposes. This would let me do something like: [inspector addObject:someObject]; and in my app, a view would appear that would let me browse and change the public properties of the object in question. Possibly it would work with a subset o...

Examples of interpreters embedded in iPhone Applications?

I'm trying to find examples of interpreted languages ported to the iPhone, with source code available to show how to embed it, without Jailbreaking the device: I've found: Ruby: Lua: and I'd like...

Coule not add checkbox in datatable at runtime C# wpf

private void SetAppData() { ArrayList alDiscoveredNodes = this.DiscoverNetworNodes(); //initializeViewDataTable will add colums to ViewDataTable that will be shown on View initializeViewDataTable(alDiscoveredNodes); Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPr...

Number of sequences over {0,1} such that sequence contains at least half ones

How to calculate number of sequences over {0,1} such that each sequence contains at least half ones? ...

I have a dynamic library, how to know if it calls malloc during run-time?

Hi, I need to do networking in uCsimm, Motorola Dragon Ball. As I'm running uClinux with RTAI patch, and I need real-time performance, therefore all malloc and its friends are undesirable. I have the following piece of code for socket dynamic library. How to know that it calls malloc during run-time? When I compiled in cygwin on Windows,...

How to catch a java unchecked/runtime exception (specifically SecurityException)

Hi all, I have java class with a method which gets an image from a website: private Image image; private int height; private int width; private String imageUri; public Image getImage() { if (image == null) {"Fetching image: " + imageUri); try { URL iURL = new URL(imageUri); ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon(iURL); i...

Setting position of a Console Window opened in a WinForms App

Hi, I found some source code in this thread posted by Rex Logan here on SO : link text ... there's also some very interesting code posted in this same thread by Foredecker, but it is incomplete and complex : I'm not up enough on the 'Trace facility to know how to fully implement it ... I am able to use this Console code Rex (kindly) ...

C# How to dump all variables & current values during runtime

Are there any in-built or 3rd party libraries that allow you to simply dump all variables in memory during run time? What I would like is to be able to view variables & current values similarly to viewing them by hitting a break point and hovering over variables, but without actually having to halt the program execution (i.e. just get a...

Reusing Eclipse run time variable input

I am trying to create an eclipse runtime tool to diff 2 files. For my specific instance the files have the same name but are comparing versions. I created a runtime external tool configuration using p4merge using these arguments: gen\${string_prompt:File Name} gen2\${string_prompt:File Name} What I really want is 1 dialog box where I...

Can I get warnings for sending nil objects messages?

I'm aware that it's perfectly fine to send messages to nil objects in Objective-C. However, I am curious if there is any runtime support for flagging such situations. I can see this being useful in testing/debugging situations. ...

Running C++ binaries without the runtime redistributable (Server2k3, XPSP3)

Having written a CGI application in Visual Studio 2008 and debigged it locally, I uploaded it to a Windows Server 2003 OS where it promptly failed to run. I am guessing I need to install the wretched Runtime distributable, but after reading this:

How do I blur an image?

I'm trying to implement a blurring mechanic on a java game. How do I create a blur effect on runtime? ...

Where to download Microsoft Visual c++ 2003 redistributable

I have an old dll that uses the Microsoft Visual C++ 2003 (7.1) run time package. Unfortunately I don't have that DLL around anymore. Short of reinstalling VS2003, is there another way to get the run time redistributable dll? ...

What files do I need to include with my Python app?

I have an app that uses the python/c api and I was wondering what files I need to distribute with it? The app runs on Windows and links with libpython31.a Are there any other files? I tried the app on a seperate Win2k system and it said that python31.dll was needed so theres at least one. Edit - My app is written in C++ and uses the Pyt...

If statement weirdness in Visual Studio 2008

Hello, I've come across a problem so strange, that I've recorded my session because I didn't think anyone would belive me. I came across a bug that seems to be at very fundamental level. This is a single threaded application and all im doing is evaluating a boolean. The boolean equals false, however, the if statement is executing as i...

JavaCC: I wish to generate java classes from dymanicly generated jj files and to compile them at runtime...

Hi all, I am refactoring a project which uses javaCC to create a proprietary language parser during compile time. Due to the fact that different variations of languages can exist at the same time, it has been decided to dynamically generate the java source code from the jj files during runtime, to then compile the java files into class ...

Create a class at runtime - Why do NSClassFromString AND objc_getclass return nil ?

I've tried using both: NSClassFromString and objc_getclass to return a class, so I can create it at runtime, but both functions return nil for some classes, for example "TestClass". Note that NSClassFromString works for me for 99% of classes. If I add [TestClass class]; before I call NSStringFromClass or objc_getclass it, it work...