
Adding Java Annotations at Runtime

Is it possible to add an annotation to an object (in my case in particular, a Method) at runtime? For a bit more explanation: I have two modules, moduleA and moduleB. moduleB depends upon moduleA, which doesn't depend upon anything. (modA is my core datatypes and interfaces and such, modB is db/data layer) modB also depends on extern...

java classloader and runtime compilation

Hi all, Despite warnings to drop my present course of action, I currently see no better way to solve my problem. I must generate Java code at runtime, then compile it, load it and reference it. Problem is that the generated code imports code that has already been loaded by the system class loader (I suppose) - that is, code present in ...

Create Select clause within Stored Procedure?

I have two tables coming which has data from two different systems. I need to reconcile the data in these two tables The column mapping needs to be made configurable. E.g.: Table A Table B Col1A, Col2A Col1B, Col2B MappingTable Col...

Why are Runtime Exceptions "unchecked" in Java?

Why does it make sense to have Runtime Exceptions UnChecked (as opposed to if they were Checked)? ...

How to create a .NET executable through a .NET windows forms application?

As described in the title I would like to develop a Windows Forms Application in .NET that is capable of creating at run-time another .NET command line or windows form executable and let me save it to disk. Do you have any ideas if it is possible and how to proceed? #Region "Some more info" I would like to create a form where the user...

Can I add Runtime Properties to a Python App Engine App?

Coming from a java background I'm used to having a bunch of properties files I can swap round at runtime dependent on what server I'm running on e.g. dev/production. Is there a method in python to do similar, specifically on Google's App Engine framework? At the minute I have them defined in .py files, obviously I'd like a better separ...

Substitute (override) class implementation at Runtime (Java)

Is there any way of substituting (overriding) a Java class implementation, which is already loaded by the System class loader by another implementation (available as an array of bytes)? To illustrate my doubt, follows this code: public class Main { public static void main(String ... args) { Foo foo = new Foo(); foo....

PrinterJob.lookupPrintServices() returns no PrintServices on Solaris 10 in runtime after a few days. Why?!

I am using a third-party PDF Java print API that uses the Java Print API. The API is used in a WebLogic 10.2 server runtime environment. My problem is that after the server has been running for a day or so, the API is no longer able to see the printers that are set up on a local print server. Issuing lpstat -a from the command line retur...

Microsoft VC Runtime Requirement and SXS error for Setup Custom Action in Vista

I created a setup project with VS2005 for an application that I'm developing, which installs fine on Windows 2000 and XP, but when I try to run the installer on Vista, it gives the following error: There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. This e...

Obtaining a proc pointer to a Carbon API at runtime

I have a Mac application that I must build against the Mac OS 10.4 SDK for various reasons beyond my control. Given that my application's minimum OS version will be 10.5. (I know, I know... but I can't give any more details than the above to justify why this is the case.) Within the Mac OS 10.5 SDK is an API, FSMatchAliasBulk, for which...

C#: How to generate an instance of an unknown type at runtime?

i've got the following in C#: string typename = "System.Int32"; string value = "4"; theses two strings should be taken to generate an object of the specified type with the specified value... result should be: object o = CreateUnknownType(typename, value); . . . Int32 test = (Int32)o; ...

starting vlc player in java

Hey! I tried to start vlc player in Java, but somehow it did not word. Any other Prog I tried worked. Plz have a look at my code: try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("K:\\...\\vlc.exe"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex); } Where is the problem starting videoLAN Player? ...

Silverlight 3 Dataform - how to add fieds at runtime.

I am creating a DataForm from dynamic data (so I can't create the columns in the xaml), I currently create columns for my DataGrid (I have not worked out how I can create a button + event in a colomn yet) foreach (var item in headings.Entities) { theDataGrid.Columns.Add( ...

Is every application using anything dependent on VC++9 runtime required to have a manifest embedded?

I don't get what this article on R6034 says. Looks like it states that every application dependent on VC++9 runtime must have a manifest. Now we have a DLL that we ship to customers, that depends on VC++9 runtime and has a manifest embedded. Does every application using our DLL also need to have a manifest embedded? ...

Question about reading properties of a class at run time in c# (.NET 2.0)?

Let's say I have a class that has 3 properties. I don't know which property I want to read until runtime. Is there a way to do this without a switch/if-else statement? If a DataTable is treated as a class, then the columns can be treated dynamically which would work, but I'm not able to change my class into a DataTable (long story). Fo...

loading assemblies at runtime - plugin vs appDomain vs StructureMap vs MEF

I'm working on an application where users can create classes programatically at runtime. They have a UI screen where they fill out meta data which gets turned into classes. Basically, the data the user enters is used to generate properties in the .cs file. So, I need to be able to instantiate an object from the generated class file af...

C Function Skipped at Runtime

I have the following C code in a program: printf("Test before print_foo()"); void print_foo(char board[ROW][COL]); printf("Test after print_foo()"); where print_foo printf's the passed in 2-D character array with proper .c and .h files imported. Console output is only the two printf statements. Debugging, the run-time never even step...

How do I decide whether having more that one VC++ CRT state is a problem for my application?

This MSDN article says that if my application loads VC++ runtime multiple times because either it or some DLLs it depends on are statically linked against VC++ runtime then the application will have multiple CRT states and this can lead to undefined behaviour. How exactly do I decide if this is a problem for me? For example in this MSDN...

Number of nested loops at runtime

I am trying to output all the possible unique integer combinations from 1 to max for a set number of integers. So for 3 integers and a max of 4 I would get: 123 124 134 234 I am doing this with nested for loops but I want to allow the user to input the number of integers at runtime. right now I have if(numInts >6); for(int x = 1; x...

Creating clickable links in runtime of c# aspx webform

I'm creating asp links using response.write in c#, the same HyperLink code works smoothly when inserted directly in the asp code, but when i copy/paste it to the response.write("...") it appears as an unclickable black text. Am i forgetting something? <asp:HyperLink ID='HyperLink1' runat='server' NavigateUrl='Exibe.aspx'> CLICK HERE </...