
VB Script Creating variable on the fly returned Error Automation type not supported

I have list of variables in an include files which is looks like: var_1 = "string" var_2 = "string" on the main file i need variable created on the fly so i do ' somewhere i have the num variable Execute("new_var = var_"&int(num)) Exactly on the execute line i got this error Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ca' Variable us...

Retrieving/simulating run-time "layer" functionality in Flash under ActionScript 3.

Are there any AS3 classes to help arrange objects into layers, like in the designer, such that the objects all have the same parent? Obviously, I can use container clips to simulate layers, but I specifically want this kind of functionality for objects that have the same parent. My understanding is that the design-time notion of layers...

Android Runtime Layout Tutorial

Does anyone know how to perform or have a good reference for doing an activity layout at runtime in android? Here is the code for my activity. I'm sure I'm just neglecting to do something here: package; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView;...

Rails: convert UTC DateTime to another time zone

In Ruby/Rails, how do I convert a UTC DateTime to another time zone? ...

CGLIB proxy error after spring bean definition loading into XmlWebApplicationContext at runtime

I load additional singleton beans definitions at runtime from external jar file into existing XmlWebApplicationContext of my application: BeanFactory beanFactory = xmlWebApplicationContext.getBeanFactory(); DefaultListableBeanFactory defaultFactory = (DefaultListableBeanFactory)beanFactory; final URL url = new URL("external.jar"); fin...

How to quit / terminate / stop a j2me midlet?

Surprisingly terminating a midlet doesn't work in my application. Maybe it is because I'm using Threads, but destroyApp() and notifyDestroyed() are not sufficient. Take for example the following code: protected void destroyApp(boolean arg0) throws MIDletStateChangeException { System.out.println("destroying"); notifyDestroyed();...

Interpret Objective C scripts at runtime on iPhone?

Is there anyway to load an objective c script at runtime, and run it against the classes/methods/objects/functions in the current iPhone app? MAJOR NOTE: The major reason I'd like to do this is to allow me to rapidly prototype an application, and then, after I'm done a major prototyping phase, take the scripts I was writing and compile...

C++: How to count all instantiated objects at runtime?

I have a large framework consisting of many C++ classes. Is there a way using any tools at runtime, to trace all the C++ objects that are being constructed and currently exist? For example, at a certain time t1, perhaps the application has objects A1, A2 and B3, but at time t2, it has A1, A4, C2 and so on? This is a cross platform fra...

Changing database structure at runtime with Entity Framework?

Hi. I have to write a solution that uses different databases with different structure from the same code. So, when a user logs to the application I determine to which database he/she is connected to at runtime. The user can create tables and columns at any time and they have to see the change on the fly. The reason that I use one and th...

Java: Is there a way to obtain the bytecode for a class at runtime?

In Java, is there a way (at runtime) to obtain the bytecode which defined a particular class? Put another way, is there a way to obtain the byte[] array passed to ClassLoader.defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len) when a particular class was loaded? I see that this method is declared final, so creating a custom ClassLoader...

java.lang.RuntimeException: Spurious serialisation error

I had problem with my client program when I run my client in eclipse or netbeans, I get a runtime error java.lang.RuntimeException: Spurious serialisation error. But when i use command prompt I have no errors. Here is my client code ...

Why do dicts of defaultdict(int)'s use so much memory? (and other simple python performance questions)

I do understand that querying a non-existent key in a defaultdict the way I do will add items to the defaultdict. That is why it is fair to compare my 2nd code snippet to my first one in terms of performance. import numpy as num from collections import defaultdict topKeys = range(16384) keys = range(8192) table = dict((k,defaultdict(i...

Compile IL code at runtime using .NET 3.5 and C# from file

I would like to take a file that is an IL file, and at run time compile it back to an exe. Right now I can use process.start to fire off the command line with parameters (ilasm.exe) but I would like to automate this process from a C# service I will create. Is there a way to do this with reflection and reflection.emit? While this ...

dynamically create class in scala, should I use interpreter?

Hi, I want to create a class at run-time in Scala. For now, just consider a simple case where I want to make the equivalent of a java bean with some attributes, I only know these attributes at run time. How can I create the scala class? I am willing to create from scala source file if there is a way to compile it and load it at run tim...

Linear Layout Issue at Runtime

Hi all, I am trying to build a layout dynamically which display some text and image for the most part, but has a series of buttons placed next to each other in the bottom. I have a linear layout that carries the text, another linear layout that carries the image. And yet another linear layout that carries the buttons that get created ...

get html content of a page with Silverlight

Hi, I'm trying to get the html content of a page using silverlight. Webresponse and request classes don't work in silverlight. I did some googling and I found something. This is what i tried: public partial class MainPage : UserControl { string result; WebClient client; public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); this.r...

C# Changing class method at run-time

Hi, I need to extend the behavior of an instance, but I don't have access to the original source code of that instance. For example: /* I don't have the source code for this class, only the runtime instance */ Class AB { public void execute(); } in my code I would to intercept every call to execute, compute some sutff and then call...

What is the C runtime library?

OK, I know this is maybe the most stupid question ever asked here, but what actually is C runtime library and what is used for? I was searching, googling like devil, but I could find better than Microsofts: "The Microsoft run-time library provides routines for programming for the Microsoft Windows operating system. These routines automat...

Component properties working at designtime but not runtime

I am creating a component that uses a collection and collection items of panels. I can't seem to get the colors to work at runtime, but yet they seem to work just fine at design time. You can download the component source code here: There is a Consoles (Tcollection) property, status colors propert...

Which is faster for large "for" loop: function call or inline coding?

Hi, I have programmed an embedded software (using C of course) and now I'm considering ways to improve the running time of the system. The most important single module in my system is one very large nested for loop module. That module consists of two nested for loops that loops max 122500 times. That's not very much yet, but the proble...