
Is it possible to modify ASP.NET to no longer require runat="server"?

I know why runat="server" is currently required (ASP.NET why runat="server"), but the consensus is that it should not be required if you incorporate a simple default into the design (I agree of course). Would it be possible to modify, extend, decompile and recreate, intercept or otherwise change the behavior of how ASP.NET parses ASPX a...

Problem getting at the goodies (specifically, serverURL) in my Grails Config.groovy at runtime?

Similar to question 198365, I'm trying to access serverURL in Config.groovy, during bootstrap. Using code from that question/answer, I'm getting a value of null. Is there something else I'm missing? import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ConfigurationHolder; def serverURL = ConfigurationHolder.config.grails.serverURL; ...

Compile C++ from VS08/10 without Run Time Library / MFC

Are there settings I can adjust in Visual Studio so that it does not compile with any run time library or MFC. I started learning C++ to get away from C#'s .Net, and this is just as bad. When I execute the program in a Windows XP virtual machine I get an error. I can compile without the dependencies in Code::Blocks, but I'm more familiar...

C#: can you add to an enum type in run-time

If I have the enum type: Public enum Sport { Tennis = 0; Football = 1; Squash = 2; Volleyball = 3; } Can I somehow add during run-time: PingPong = 4 ...

Are multiply-thrown Exceptions checked or runtime?

I have an Exception chain in which method1 throws an Exception to method2 which throws the Exception on to main. For some reason, the compiler forces me to deal with the error in method2 and marks it as an error if I don't, indicating that it's a checked Exception. But when the same Exception is thrown further down the line to main, the ...

Check if iPhone is muted, and call a method if it gets muted in runtime

Hey! I want to check wether or not the iPhone is muted when the app starts, and I want some code to be run every time the mute-switch switches. Is this possible? Thanks :) EDIT: I use an AVAudioPlayer to play sounds. What I am trying to do is to set the text of a label, if the phone is muted, in viewDidLoad:, and edit the text again...

Is there kind of runtime C++ assembler library around?

Hi guys! For my small hobby project I need to emit machine code from C++ program in runtime. I have base address 0xDEADBEEF and want to write something like this: Assembler a((void*)0xDEADBEEF); a.Emit() << Push(Reg::Eax) << Push(Reg::Ebx) << Jmp(0xFEFEFEFE); Inline assembler isn't my choice because generated machine code is d...

.NET prerequisites, 3.5sp1 but no 3.5? problem with 4.0?

The title is confusing but the problem is not so much. I made a prerequisite with the default 3.5sp1 and windows installer 3.1. I ran it in my VM and to my surprise it asked me to install .NET. I checked the version and i have .NET 2 sp1, 3 sp1, 3.5, and two variants of 4.0 (client and extended beta). I looked in prerequisites and the...

Split user.config into different files for faster saving (at runtime)

In my c# Windows Forms application (.net 3.5 / VS 2008) I have 3 settings files resulting in one user.config file. One setting file consists of larger data, but is rarely changed. The frequently changed data are very few. However, since the saving of the settings is always writing the whole (XML) file it is always "slow". SettingsSmall...

determine what vars are constant in what situations

The idea is somewhat similar to what Apple has done in the OpenGL stack. I want to have that a bit more general. Basically, I want to have specialised and optimised variants of some code for some specific cases. In other words: I have given an algorithm/code for a function (let B = {0,1}) f : B^n -> B^m Now, I special a specific cas...

[Flex] How to change the alpha or the color of a Pie Chart wedge on demand?

I have an mx:PieChart component where each wedge acts like a toggle button. Thus, I'd like to change the transparency or color of the currently selected wedge(s). I think I have to use the fillFunction property but I can't figure out how it works. Changing the item-selection-color css property of mx|PieChart doesn't seem to help, as I ...

How can editing maven Pom at runtime?

I need editing POM at runtime. I used Dom4j for read pom and after that set some data. But i need know if exist another form for to do this. Exist a maven utilities for this? ...

How to set the runtime of JiST/SWANS within eclipse

Hello StackOverFlowians This is my first post on the forum, hope all of you guys are well. I've got a issue using JiST/SWANS, the ad hoc simulator in java within eclipse. I managed to load the API, (as an external JAR ofcourse) but Im basically having a problem integrating the runtime of JiST within eclipse. After running the hello w...

How to set skin at runtime in Flex 4

Hi, I have a bunch of custom controls based on a SkinnableContainer. When adding the control at design time, I can specify a skin by using the skinClass attribute on the tag. I need to add some of these elements during runtime, and I can't figure out how to specify the skinClass for my controls. eg. var something:CustomThing = new ...

How to execute unknown functions from dynamic load libraries?

It's easy to load functions from dynamic libraries when you know this function in design time. just do something like this: int (*fn)(int); l0 = dlopen("./", RTLD_LAZY); if (!l0) { fprintf(stderr, "l0 %s\n", dlerror()); return 1; } fn = (int (*)(int))dlsym(l0, "foo"); if ((error = dlerror(...

Run-Time Binding C++

I'm reading in my text book about virtual functions in C++ and my book doesn't elaborate on what exactly run-time binding is. It doesn't give me any information as to why I would need run-time binding. Maybe the nice people at SO can provide me with some links or information? Thanks :] ...

Powerbuilder "runtime"

I've copied (not installed) a system developed with Powerbuilder, from a salvaged hard drive. I want to run the application, but of course, it asks for several DLLs and stuff like that, which are not registered in my current system. My question: is there a procedure to install a "powerbuilder runtime", so to say, in order to run the app...

How to get the entire code of a method in memory so I can calculate its hash at runtime?

How to get the entire code of a method in memory so I can calculate its hash at runtime? I need to make a function like this: type TProcedureOfObject = procedure of object; function TForm1.CalculateHashValue (AMethod: TProcedureOfObject): string; var MemStream: TMemoryStream; begin result:=''; MemStream:=TMemoryStream.Create;...

Objective-C-Runtime Bug When Naming a Superclass "Message"

I have the following class hierachy: @interface Message : NSObject {} @end @implementation Message - (void) dealloc { // I won't be called [super dealloc]; } @end @interface FooMessage : Message {} @end @implementation FooMessage - (void) dealloc { // should call Message - dealloc [super dealloc]; } @end And the fol...

Shared Source CLI 4.0?

Microsoft released the Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure (the code previously known as ROTOR) some years ago basically as a reference implementation of the .NET runtime. While the actual .NET runtime (mscorlib, mscoree, mscorjit, etc.) aren't compiled from the SSCLI, debugging them shows that they are remarkably similar and at...