
Error when generating scaffold

I use RVM with ruby 1.9.2 and Rails. When I try to generate a scaffold for my Rails app, I get this error: <internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require': no such file to load -- script/../config/boot (LoadError) from <internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require' from script/generate:2:in `<main>' Is there something w...

Rvm, please tell me if I understood this correctly!

So with RVM, you can run different versions Ruby i.e. 1.8.7 or 1.9.2 Within each ruby version, you can create as many gemsets as you want. What does the '@' symbol represent in the name? does it do anything special? i've seen people use: rvm gemset create xxxx@rails3 or [email protected] that is just a naming convention correct? ...

RVM, Rails Errors

I installed RVM, then used it to install ruby-1.9.2 and then used rubygems to install rails 3.0. It lets me create a new app but then when I change to the app's root and attempt to generate a scaffold I get this error: Could not find gem 'sqlite3-ruby (>= 0, runtime)' in any of the gem sources. Try running `bundle install`. So then I ...

install Ruby 1.8.6 with rvm in Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard failed

I'm trying to learn Ruby on Rails and wanted to follow Apple's example: http://developer.apple.com/tools/developonrailsleopard.html It requires Ruby 1.8.6 and Rails 2.0.2 My machines is already updated to 1.9.1. I wanted to use rvm to install 1.8.6 but it failed during make with the following log: [2010-10-20 10:43:31] make eval.c: I...

Authlogic + Rails3 - undefined method `Login' for nil:NilClass

Im new to Rails, and decided to start of with Rails3. After a lot of searching ive managed to get a little bit of Authlogic working. I'm able to register a user, login & logout. Now, I would like to add more features, get more of authlogic working. I'm using Railscast EP 160 as my reference. Portions of the code found on the tutorial t...

Postinstall, rvm(ruby version manager) without root access.

I am trying to use rvm(ruby version manager) and after the source installation, I need to add rvm command into my profile. I added following code to the $HOME/.profile file but it does not seem to work. [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # This loads RVM into a shell session. So I just manually typed bel...

Using the "pg" gem with Rails 3 ... why am I getting this error in Netbeans when I do a "bundle install"???

At my wits end with this! My current set up is: - Ruby 1.9.2 - Rails 3.0.1 - pg (0.9.0) My $PATH right now looks like this: /Users/fjones/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/bin:/Users/fjones/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0@global/bin:/Users/fjones/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/bin:/Users/fjones/.rvm/bin:ARCHFLAGS=-arch x86_64:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local...

Why are the date fields in my rails object / model evaluating to nil when I can clearly see that they are not?

I'm using ruby 1.8.6 and rails 1.2.3 (ancient but I'm debugging an old app) A model called Payperiod has attributes begindate and enddate and after importing the db, the dates are all there (apparently) But in the console and in the app, the date attributes eval to nil. Why? Below is some code pasted from the console: pp = Payper...

passenger 3 standalone rvm rails

I have a rails app I am trying to run under passenger 3 standalone: passenger start -a -p 3001 -d Ive installed this with rvm cd myapp rvm use 1.9.2 gem install passenger --pre I want to set environment variables for my app but can't figure out how and where to set them. I just need to source my .profile which has all m...

Install Ruby 1.9.2 on Ubuntu not using RVM?

Hi, Is it possible to install Ruby 1.9.2 on Ubuntu not using RVM? ...

How to work with Sqlite?

I want to setup different rails versions with RVM. However, working with the SQLite gives problem. First, doing gem list -ra sqlite gives *** REMOTE GEMS *** sqlite-foreigner (0.5.0) sqlite-ruby (2.2.3 ruby mswin32, 2.2.2 ruby mswin32, 2.2.1 ruby mswin32, 2.2.0 ruby mswin32, 2.1.0 ruby mswin32, 2.0.3) sqlite3 (0.1.1, 0.1.0, 0.0.8...

Sourcing rvm from my Ubuntu .profile only works manually, not at login

I'm having trouble getting the Ruby Version Manager rvm to source from my Ubuntu 10.04 .profile. The code: [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ...never does what I expect it to (i.e. give me the rvm program when I open a new shell or start a new session); but if I execute source .profile in a new shell af...

Uninstalling rails and gems, getting error "cannot uninstall, check 'gem list -d ...'

I'm going to start with the usual noob line, "I'm new to rails". Oh, and I'm running Mac OSX 10.6.4 I've been following a bunch of guides to get set up, specifically these two here and here. The guides are great, the reason I'm using the second one is because of RVM and the reason I'm using the first is for MYSQL. Anyway, when I star...

On Windows, can't we have different versions of Ruby and Rails (or Gemsets) just by setting the PATH?

As I remember, on Windows, all the gems get installed relative to c:\ruby192, so can we actually have different paths such as c:\ruby187_rails238 c:\ruby187_rails301 c:\ruby192_rails301 c:\ruby192_try and therefore have 2 Ruby installations and 2 gemsets for each of them, and create more gemsets as needed this way. (just make sure to...

RVM not configured properly with launchd.conf

I'm using OSX Snow Leopard with /etc/launchd.conf as my primary script to add environment variables. [The contents of this file are pasted below] So far this file works fine for my shell scripts and my applications. However, adding the last 3 RVM specific lines doesn't work for me. I can't access the rvm command. I have to do $ source ...

RVM on Ubuntu Troubles

I've run into a lot of issues whilst attempting to install RVM on Ubuntu 9.10. Here's the steps I've tried doing: install ruby (via ruby site, no package manager) download rvm install rvm (make edit to .bashrc) use rvm to install ruby version & gems Is there any crucial step that I seem to be missing? ...

Best way to deploy both Ruby 1.9.2 and 1.8.7 with RVM and Passenger on same server

I'm looking to deploy two rails projects. One with Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.3.8, and another with Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.0.1. I'm trying to set up a situation where www.example.com is Ruby 1.9.2 and shop.example.com is Ruby 1.8.7. What's the best way to set this up with Passenger and RVM? ...