
ruby gems under rvm on Ubuntu (failing to) install in the wrong location

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and originally installed ruby 1.9.1 (from source). I've just decided to try out ruby 1.9.2 and rails 3, and it seemed like a good time to use rvm to deal with the multiple ruby installs and gemsets. rvm installed and seems to be working, I installed ruby 1.9.2 in rvm and made that my default ruby. However, ev...

RVM & Rails 3 - rails command fires error: Is a directory

I installed Rails 3 by following this gist: http://gist.github.com/296055 But when I try "rails" in terminal I get the following error: /Users/yves/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-head/gems/activerecord-3.0.0/lib/rails: Is a directory - /Users/yves/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-head/gems/activerecord-3.0.0/lib/rails (Errno::EISDIR) from /usr/bin/rails...

RVM cannot use ruby with sudo

Hi guys, I've just started playing with Ruby Version Manager (http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/rvm/cli/). I have succefully configured rvm to use ruby 1.9.2 and everythin is fine. However when I'm trying to do something using sudo no rvm or installed ruby is detected administrator@hosting-live-2:~$ ruby -v ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revis...

Given any Ruby on Rails project folder, can you tell it was Rails 2.3.5 and Ruby 1.8.7 that was used for the project?

So that if you have a Ruby Version Manager, then you can switch to that mode first before altering the project files. (probably best) ...

RVM 1.0.2 fails to build ruby 1.9.2

This fails every time. I ran rvm remove 1.9.2 and then rvm install 1.9.2. The error looks like this: info: Applying patch '' (located at /) error: Error running 'patch -F25 -p1 -f <"/"', please check /Users/peter/.rvm/log/ruby-1.9.2-p0/patch.apply.*.log fail: There has been an error applying the specified patches. Aborting the install...

Install Rails 3 on OSX with RVM

Trying to install the new Rails 3 release on OSX 10.6. Have never touched Ruby or Rails on this machine since purchased. I was able to get rvm and get Ruby 1.9.2. installed. From there, I am stuck. I tried: rvmsudo gem install rails -v 3.0.0 sudo gem install rails --pre sudo gem install rails sudo gem update rails And I get the sam...

How to have multiple versions of Ruby AND Rails, and their combinations on Windows?

Since Windows doesn't support rvm (Ruby version Manager), how do we have Ruby 1.8.7, Rails 2.3.8 Ruby 1.8.7, Rails 3.0.0 Ruby 1.9.2, Rails 3.0.0 on the same PC? Virtual machines can be used but it is kind of troublesome. ...

rvm and gem install issue

Hello When I try to install any of gems with rmv I got this error: gem install rake ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::ENOENT) No such file or directory - /Users/paladiy/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.6-p399/cache/rake-0.8.7.gem And also when I call gem list I got an empty list. How can I install gems on this situation? ...

Rails 3's "bundle install" is super fast (takes 1 second), but no Rails is there afterwards? (using rvm)

I am using rvm, doing the following: rvm install ree <--- (Ruby Enterprise Edition), or this can be 1.8.7 or 1.9.2 rvm ree rvm gemset create 'proj' cd path/to/proj bundle install so Gemfile in that project says: gem 'rails', '3.0.0' and bundle install is super fast, reporting Using rails (3.0.0) but after that when I type $...

There is no apt-get install ruby1.9.2 yet on Linux?

The page http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/ only says 1.9.1 for Linux. Right now I am using RVM to do an rvm install 1.9.2 and it needs compilation. There is no apt-get install way to install it? Is there a way to list all Ruby version apt-get can install? ...

can't install gems (Using rvm) no permission

Hi guys I just installed rvm and after that i installed ruby1.9.2. i have a problem with installing gems. I get the following error when doing: gem install capistrano no such file to load -- rubygems This is how i set it up (its ubuntu): ruby -v ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [i686-linux] gem -v no such file to load -- ru...

Installing Ruby 1.9.2 through RVM fails.

Hi everyone, I've installed rvm following the official guide on rvm. I installed Ruby 1.8.7 with rvm install 1.8.7 and then set it as default with rvm 1.8.7 --default. Now I tried to install 1.9.2 with rvm install 1.9.2(also tried rvm install 1.9.2-head). Everything goes fine until I get to the "ruby-1.9.2-head - #installing-part. The...

gem --version different to sudo gem --version :(

I'm a bit of a Linux noob trying to get ruby, rails, mysql and sqlite all playing nicely on ubuntu 10. I am getting errors, and I realized that the versions are different for sudo versus normal user! mpw@ubuntu:~/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0$ gem --version 1.3.7 mpw@ubuntu:~/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0$ sudo gem --version 1.3.5 I have used RVM...

Ruby 1.9.2 is backward compatible with 1.8.7?

I'm using Ruby 1.9.2 (Yarv). When I install gems I just use "gem install ". How can I know which Ruby version they are written in: 1.8.7, 1.9.1 or 1.9.2? If I'm using the latest version and I install a gem that is written in 1.8.7, then that gem doesn't work? Eg. Yardstick gem seems to not work with 1.9.2 but perfectly with 1.8.7. H...

Ubuntu RVM install issue rvm_ruby_src_path not set.

Following instructions from http://web2linux.com/installing-rails-3-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/ I get to the following line: rvm install 1.9.2 returns: ruby-1.9.2-p0 - #fetching ruby-1.9.2-p0 - #extracting ruby-1.9.2-p0 to mv: cannot move `/tmp/rvm_src_18035/ruby-1.9.2-p0' to `': No such file or directory ~/.rvm/scripts/manage: li...

How to manage multiple gemsets and ruby versions with RVM ?

I am really confused by the explanations given in RVM website. The relation between different ruby interpretors and gemsets are not clear to me. According to me, it is like this - My Account in my Mac have one rvm That rvm installs and manages set of different versions of ruby interpretors. each ruby version has set of gemsets. Am ...

Weird terminal behavior after installing RVM

I installed RVM and added this line to the end of my .bash_profile: [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # This loads RVM into a shell session. Now, whenever I enter a command into my terminal I get a [Process Completed] error and my session ends. This error goes away when I remove this line from my .b...

Getting crazy over Rails 3, RVM, gems

This question is really hard for me to describe, so any improvements on it would be nice. I am currently on Ubuntu 10.4, I have installed RVM (probably as root, that could be my mistake) I did what this guide told me to do: http://rubyonrails.dreamwidth.org/1713.html and from my point of view it worked. I was able to create a project ...

RVM --default bug

I set the default ruby as, rvm --default 1.9.2 when I do ruby -v, I get 'ruby 1.9.1' when I do which ruby I get .rvm/rubies/1.9.2PathOfRuby Any idea how to fix this? When I run a sample program, printing the version of ruby i.e, print RUBY_VERSION it prints 1.9.1 :( ...

How to install Passenger when using RVM?

I'm using RVM and would like to install Phusion Passenger on Snow Leopard. After installing the Passenger gem (version 2.2.15) I try run the Apache module installer script passenger-install-apache2-module. But it compains that it can't find rake: ... * RubyGems... found * Rake... not found * rack... found ... There is alrea...