
PHP - capture SOAP response using ob_*

I'm sending a ACK response back to a SOAP request (via Salesforce) and I would like to capture what I'm sending back to SF. Now I seen some stuff online that uses ob_start (or one of the ob_ functions) to record the response but I've never used ob_ before and after Googling for a while didn't find anything I could use/follow. The Proble...

Salesforce/PHP - Bulk Outbound message (SOAP), Time out issue - See update #2

Salesforce can send up to 100 requests inside 1 SOAP message. While sending this type of Bulk Ooutbound message request my PHP script finishes executing but SF fails to accept the ACK used to clear the message queue on the Salesforce side of things. Looking at the Outbound message log (monitoring) I see all the messages in a pending stat...

How to format a date in VisualForce?

In Salesforce, if I'm binding a date into a VisualForce page, how do I apply custom formatting to it? Example: <apex:page standardController="Contact"> <apex:pageBlock title="Test"> <p>{!contact.Birthdate}</p> </apex:pageBlock> <apex:detail relatedList="false" /> </apex:page> This will output a date in...

Time zone for API fiscal date literals?

I have a question about fiscal date literals in the API ( For which time zone are date ranges calculated? For example, suppose we execute the query: SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE CloseDate = THIS_FISCAL_QUARTER where, ac...

VisualForce: convert carriage returns to html line-breaks in a long text field

In Salesforce, if I'm binding a text field into a VisualForce page, whats a good way to convert the carriage returns in the text-field into HTML <br/> tags? e.g. starting from something like this: <apex:page standardController="Case"> <apex:pageBlock title="Test"> <p>{!case.Description}</p> </apex:pageBlock> ...

Visualforce and VPN

I'm looking to integrate my Salesforce implementation with an external database. I know that in most circumstances I would use Visualforce with an Apex controller/extension to access the data, however the external database will require a VPN connection. Since Visualforce and any controllers or extensions are processed server-side, is the...

Best Practices for Managed SalesForce App Development?

We're developing applications for AppExchange and are trying to figure out the best way to do development and release management. There are several issues around this: 1) Package Prefixes. We are developing code in unmanaged mode and releasing as managed, so we have to add all the package prefixes into the code. Is there a way to do ...

Transferring data from Salesforce using Apex Data Loader to Oracle

While attempting to transfer data from Salesforce using Apex Data Loader to Oracle Keep getting the following error: 26937 [databaseAccountExtract] FATAL com.salesforce.dataloader.dao.database.Data baseContext - Error getting value for SQL parameter: nkey__c. Please make sure that the value exists in the configuration file or is ...

mono wsdl tool fails to parse salesforce enterprise.wsdl

Anyone know why this wsdl is not liked by the mono wsdl tool? Microsoft parses it. XMethods online wsdl validator parses it. Mono just doesn't seem to like it and I do not know enough to understand why. # the error mmcaughan@mmcaughan-dsktop:~/Projects/sftest$ wsdl enterprise.wsdl Web Services Description Language Utility Mono Framework...

Is there a way to alias field names in salesforce outbound messages?

I have a number of outbound messages for different fields in salesforce, the fields are nearly all identical except for the name. Right now I have different web services handling the call for each field; to ease processing on the message receiver I would like to have one service handling all the different fields. Each receiving web ser...

Getting past Salesforce trigger governors

I'm trying to write an "after update" trigger that does a batch update on all child records of the record that has just been updated. This needs to be able to handle 15k+ child records at a time. Unfortunately, the limit appears to be 100, which is so far below my needs it's not even close to acceptable. I haven't tried splitting the rec...

Prevent assignment email when assigning a lead with Apex

I have some code that automatically assigns a Lead to a Queue via a before Update trigger when certain conditions are met. When leads are assigned though the UI, the 'Send Assignment Notification' checkbox is available to specify whether or not to send a notification to the receiving user(Queue in this case). l.OwnerId = groups.get('Lea...

how to create a custom login page in

is it possible to create a custom login page in if so can anyone provide help to create the page and the validations part? ...

How can I get the name of the Lead Owner in a Lead custom formula field?

I've got an application that reads Lead records from Salesforce via the API and I want to link the Lead Owner field to an attribute in the application. The Lead Owner field doesn't up in the list of available fields but all the custom fields do. So, my first attempt at a solution was to create a custom field that displayed the Lead O...

Visualforce dataTable: is there a way to stop it from rendering cellpadding attribute?

In Visualforce, I'm using an <apex:dataTable> component as follows: <apex:dataTable value="{!Qualifications}" var="qual" styleClass="cv_table" > <!-- etc... --> ... and then I'm using CSS to style the table, via the class name. Trouble is, VisualForce renders HTML like this: <table class="cv_table" id="j_id0:j_id26" border="0" c...

Simple but Customizable CRM?

I'm trying to find a good Church Management System (ChMS). Essentially, a CRM for churches. My budget is about $ open source or in-house development is preferred (and by in-house, I mean me). I'm wondering if anyone could make some recommendations as to possibilities? I'm open to SaaS solutions as well. For those interested in more...

Examples for Apex Programming [ platform ]

HI all, i m new to platform, also to Apex code development. I m creating an application in which i need to use Apex programming, and i have java development background. So what i need is, as many examples as possible in Apex programming [ ], so if anybody can provide me the websites which i can look into...

In can you have multivalued attributes?

I am developing a Novell Identity Manager driver for, and am trying to understand the platform better. I have had really good success to date. I can read pretty much arbitrary object classes out of SFDC, and create eDirectory objects for them, and what not. This is all done and working nicely. (Publisher...

Salesforce: Launch S-Control in a new window from VisualForce

I'm writing a VisualForce page to replace an old legacy S-Control. Originally the Custom S-Control was launched from a Custom Button, and it opened in a new browser window (The S-Control is type HTML, and the Custom Button has Behavior: Display in new window) For certain old records, I want to do a similar thing from VisualForce. So...

events not firing in VisualForce

In the page below,Topic__c is a single-select picklist. My intention is to have this list control which of the input fields is available below. The user selects an option, and the onchange event should fire, and rerender the fields. <apex:inputField value="{!Call_Report__c.Topic__c}" id="topic" > <apex:actionSupport event="...