
Save Conflict Error when trying to add new List Items at the time of list creation

We have created a Custom List template programmatically using Feature.xml, Element.xml, Schema.xml AllItems.aspx, and 3 aspx forms. We have a code behind file for each of these aspx files. i.e. for the AllItems.aspx, DispForm.aspx, EditForm.aspx and NewForm.aspx. Problematic file is AllItems.aspx. In the code behind for AllItems.aspx fi...

Open a save file dialog for a js variable

In my web app I need to give the user the option to save a js variable as a file (when the user clicks download, the app offers him to save a file, preffereably as .js file). Similarly as google docs offers you to save a file. Is it possible for javascript to pass it's variable this way? ...

How to save multiple UIImage to a file iPad

I have a PDF reader that displays pages of the document. What I want to do is allow the user to draw over the PDF in a transparent view. Then I want to save the drawing (UIImage) to disk. If at all possible, I don't want to have the documents folder filled with files like documentName_page01.png, documentName_page02.png for every page t...

Rails: Changes to object won't stick

I have a model called a voip_phone that has a an attribute schedule which is a string that keeps track of which people are using the phone at what time. Here's an example of a schedule: "mon{}sun{}sat{}tue{13,08:45,15:15;}wed{13,09:00,17:30;}thu{}fri{}" Here is the model code that won't work: def add_shift(days, person_id, time_f...

Iphone - managedobjectcontext not properly saving

Any idea why //should save the object context. NSError *error; if (![managedObjectContext save:&error]) { NSLog(@"SAVE ERROR"); } when implemented in a view controller(accessed via a drill down tableview) won't properly save the information? I am passing the moc from the beginning (rootview hands off to tableview, tableview r...

How to efficiently manage files on a filesystem in Java?

I am creating a few JAX-WS endpoints, for which I want to save the received and sent messages for later inspection. To do this, I am planning to save the messages (XML files) into filesystem, in some sensible hierarchy. There will be hundreds, even thousands of files per day. I also need to store metadata for each file. I am consider...

Save UIView's representation to file.

What is the easiest way to save UIView's representation to file? My solution is, UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(someView.frame.size); [someView drawRect:someView.frame]; UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); NSString* pathToCreate = @"sample.png"; NSData *imageData = [NSData dat...

How to implement pause/resume in cocos2d game ?

My question is to look for design solution for pause/resume states (including all data info, which need save ) during cocos2d game. Including following cases, but not limited: 1). User choose quit, then pop out one dialog for user to choose " quit directly", " pause " ; 2). Someone call in , pop out dialog for user to choose "quit " o...

Should a web service have both a create and save web method?

I am creating a new web service for an application and am currently designing the web methods for each service. I have noticed that there is no real different in my case between create and save except that save requires an ID and create does not. The Java services API has both. Is it a good practice to nix the create method and overlo...

django Cannot set values on a ManyToManyField which specifies an intermediary model. Use Manager instead

i am working on saving on the same form two tables - having a m2m relation. I don't succeed, my error persists with something like: Cannot set values on a ManyToManyField which specifies an intermediary model. Use Membership's Manager instead where Membership is my 'through table'. my code : def save_classroom(request): classroom_...

Android VideoView save RTSP stream

Hello, I'm playing on my Android Nexus One some videos of a few cisco cameras using a VideoView. While this works fine, I'm unsure if it's possible to save the movie to a file. I'm opening an URL like rtsp:// How can I save it to the SDcard ? Handle it like a file maybe ... Is that possible ? ...

Ability to make images to save instead of open on page

I was wondering if there was any way to automatically make an image, or any link save to the disk instead of open in the window. wondering if there was any element i'm not using such as: <a href="image.jpg" target="_hdd" />..</a> of course this is pseudo-code in case anyone thought I was serious. ...

Using Jquery and Ajax to save a file in ASP.Net

I have a button that uses jquery and ajax to call a server side script to create a text file and sends back the following response Response.ContentType = "csv"; Response.AddHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fName); Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; Response.BinaryWrit...

Ruby on rails: virtual method that modifiyng model attributes with help of << couldn't save that attribute

There is model Ratification with attribute comment (of type text) def Ratification < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessor :add_comment def add_comment=(text) self.comment ||= "" self.comment << "\r\n" + text end end And if I use add_comment= it is ok before I save the object. After save comment changes was dropped. >> r = R...

How do I save data created in a form in Access 2003 when I reference other tables?

I'm not sure how to fix this issue, but when I utilize combo boxes on my form which selects data from multiple tables I'm not able to save any of the data selected. I tried to use the Bound form utility but it only asked me to "Enter Parameter Value". I took out the "Bound" portion of the code and the combo box works fine. I have ...

HTTPRequest and save the file locally into iPad/iPhone

Hi guys, how do i do a HTTPRequest and then save the File locally into the iPad/iPhone. Im working with the simulator right now so is it possible to emulate the local data storage? ...

Refreshing a web page inserts data again to DB.

I've a php web page with a form. After filling the form in web page, I can submit it to the server. But after that, if I refresh the page, it inserts the same record to the database. Is there any solutions to this problem? ...

How to save bitmap to TIFF file (win32)?

What's the easiest way to save a bitmap (I have an HBITMAP handle) to a TIFF file using unmanaged Win32? It would be trivial using GDI+, but I'm limited to GDI. Thanks in advance! ...

How to read from Named Pipe latest data for a while and save that data to disc using C#?

So I have some server broadcasting live data onto Named Pipe - \\.\pipe\TestChannel (from VLC for example). I want to read it from now some N seconds and save that readen data to some.file. How to do such thing using C# .Net3.5? (and BTW I wonder about if it is easier to do it from .net4) Could you please provide some simple code exampl...

Using iPhone Library Photos with Monotouch

How could I populate a table in my iPhone app from select photos from the photo library? Should I save them to a folder local to the application, and how? ...