
What is the best way to detect if my page needs saving - ussing WPF MVVM

I have an application where you can open many different items (like in excel you can open many different tabs) If an item or "tab" is modified I want to detect the changes and allow the use to save or prompt if the user closes without saving. Maybe enable/disabling save button when a save is available/not available. I am using c# WPF wit...

Application settings do not allways save

I have a bit of a Heisenbug. I have a list of what was recently searched for sometimes it will save the history some times it does not. When I attach the debugger and step through StartFind() it works every time. public Form1() { oldClinicsBindingSource.DataSource = ContractFlowTool.Properties.Settings.Default.RecentClinics; } priva...

saving and retrieving structure object in document directory?

Q2. I want to save an object of an viewcontroller class in document directory. This viewcontroller object contains there reference variables from previous class's object. These references are also object of NSObject class. If it possible please let me know how is it possible? Please help me ASAP.Any help will be appreciated. ...

Saving data from flash using amfphp!

I know how to get the data from my database, but i can't seem to figure out how to send data to the database from flash using amfphp!Please give me an as3 and php service example.Thanks a lot ! ...

How do I update a node (book or Page) before saving it without touching the module code in Drupal?

I would like to set some values in the node before actually writing the data to the DB. I already have it working by modifying book_nodeapi but I would like to do it from outside the code, some _alter option that allows me to leave the module code untouched would be great. Thanks ...

Django save, column specified twice

Hey, I would like to save a modified model, but I get Programming error - that a field is specified twice. class ProductInfo(models.Model): product_info_id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) language_id = models.IntegerField() product_id = models.IntegerField() description = models.TextField(blank=True) status = m...

How to check a file saving is complete using Python?

I am trying to automate a downloading process. In this I want to know, whether a particular file's save is completed or not. The scenario is like this. Open a site address using either Chrome or Firefox (any browser) Save the page to disk using 'Crtl + S' (I work on windows) Now if the page is very big, then it takes few seconds to sav...

CakePHP 1.3 controller save() does not save data

I want to add a new user to the database, and do so by making them fill in a form and submitting this. All seems to work fine. Just before my save() call in the controller I return all data and all necessary data is there. It is valid(ated), since no errors are returned. But then nothing happens. I'm being returned to my form without a...

Save matrix of double values in OpenCV

I have an OpenCV matrix of double (CV_32F) values. I'd like to save it to the disk. I know, I could convert it to an 1-Channel 8-bit IplImage and save it. But that way, I loose precision. Is there a way to save it directly in the 32-bit format, without having to convert it first? It also would be nice, if the resulting file would have an...

Adding different save data to one file

I'm stuck at one of the last parts of my iApp, can someone help me? I want to add different field entries of different .m files into one file without overwriting the file. (I also dont know how to make that save file btw). I have 2 .h files with : file1 : NSString *dataHML; NSString *dataHML2; file2 : NSString *dataHML3; ...

how to save a WPF image to a file

in WPF, the System.Windows.Clipboard.getImage() function returns a BitmapSource object. As a newbie in WPF coming from a WinForms background, its not clear to me how to save this image to a file. What are the steps I must take? ...

How can I automatically retrieve a CSV file from web, save it in a directory, and access it in C#?

I am working on an application which has to retrieve data from a CSV file online and display it with a click of a button. However, how can I automatically store the CSV file in a safe place where I can access the information? I am working with Visual Studio C#. Thank you. ...

C# Image saving from onPaint method

Hi anyone knows how to save an image from the rectangle i created? protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(@"Pictures/testing.jpg"); Image img = bitmap; int width = testing.Width / 3; int height = testing.Height / 3; Rectangle destrect = new Rectangle(0...

NHibernate - EventListener for SaveOrUpdateCopy

Hi. I do Update with SaveOrUpdateCopy(). Now, I have attached an event for this: this.EventListeners.SaveOrUpdateCopyEventListeners = new IMergeEventListener[] { new AuditableSaveOrUpdateCopyEventListener() }; In the AuditableSaveOrUpdateCopyEventListener, I have inherited from DefaultSaveOrUpdateCopyEventListener and overrid...

Get user-inputed file name from JFileChooser Save dialog box

This answer to this question may seem obvious, but I'm actually struggling with it quite a bit. I've searched through JFileChooser methods in the API, and I've looked at some of the questions already asked and answered here on stackoverflow. My question is this. In my program, I am to allow the user to type in a file name which I will t...

Saving files in cocoa

Hello, Im sure this is a really easy to answer question but I'm still new to cocoa. I need to save my applications data. The app has 4 text fields and each field needs to be saved into one file. Then when you open the file it needs to know what goes in what field. Im really stuck with this. Also, I do know how to use the save panel. Tha...

Online webpage archive service

Hello, I am looking for a service that can take a snapshot of a webpage at a certain time and save it online. Something like: or (like a bookmark, but also with content). The first doesn't do that well with javascript and doesn't save the complete page while the latter doesn't have free acc...

Save binarydata into a image file in c# / silverlight 3

byte[] binaryData = new Byte[pngStream.Length]; long bytesRead = pngStream.Read(binaryData, 0, (int)pngStream.Length); string base64String = System.Convert.ToBase64String(binaryData, 0, binaryData.Length); I hav...

jQuery File Save As dialog for dynamic content

Hi, I've a servlet that is invoked via jquery ajax. The resulting XML is then transformed using XSL and displayed on screen. Now, the requirement is to either print or save this content to the local machine. The print portion is working fine but I'm stuck at the Save As part. How do I do this using jquery/javascript? I'm using IE8/XP. ...

C#:Saving image to folder

HI. I know this is simple question but when I use FirstPersonTestImage.Save(IIdComboBox.Text + "-" + i + ".jpg"); it works and saves file to folder where is the .exe file . But I want to save it to specific folder like /photo/IO-66/ and tryed to use String StudentPath = PhotoPath + IGroupNoComboBox.Text + "/" + IIdComboBox.Text...