
how to save extracted icon in delphi

hi all I am trying to make icon extractor i am successful in getting icon to image1.picture.icon ,its looking same as orginal file icon, but when i am trying to save (iamge1.picture.icon.savetofile(c:\imahe.ico)) its not saving as it is ,it saving with less colur and looking ugly cany any one please tell me what i am doing wrong ?...

How to save svg canvas to local filesystem

Is there a way to allow a user, after he has created a vector graph on a javascript svg canvas using a browser, to download this file to their local filesystem? SVG is a total new field for me so please be patient if my wording is not accurate. kind regards, Jeroen. ...

Doctrine date in save override / before save

I have Doctrine model with a date field "date_of_birth" (symfony form date) which is filled in by the user all works 100% it saves to the db as expected, however in the model save() method I need to retrieve the value of this field before save occurs. My problem is that When trying to get the date value it returns empty string if its a n... Saving an MetaFile / EMF as a bitmap ( .tiff)

Currently I have a third party control that generates a Metafile. I can save the .wmf file to disk with out issue. The problem is how do I render the Metafile as a Tiff file. Currently I have the following code to get my metafile and save it. Dim mf As Metafile = page.GetImage(TXTextControl.Page.PageContent.All) ...

sql Database to save different contact details for a message sending site

I am working for a project to create a database for saving different persons contact details in SQL. For example, X person saves 10 contacts, Y persons save 15 contacts, z persons save 20 contacts and so on. I cant create separate tables to save contacts of x,y,z and so on. But i just want to know the alternative method to do that. Is th...

How to retrieve captcha and save session with PHP cURL?

UPDATE: SOLVED Hi all, i've got it, just save cookie to temp file, and resubmit form with curl and set cookies with previous temp file :) thanks all for respond :) Hi all, i'm create some script to submit content via php curl. first fetch session and captcha, and user must submit captcha to final submit. the problem is i c...

How to save file and read

Hello everyone, I create a program that place random image in grid layout format. The size of the grid layout is 6 x 6 = 36. Only 10 were filled with images (each image was different) and the rest were empty. How can I save it to a file and read it again, so it will display the same images with same placement on the grid? Here is th...

How to save HTML5 canvas?

Currently I am using Canvas2Image to save the content of my HTML5 canvas. It doesn't appear to work in Google Chrome, however. Any ideas on how to work around the issue are welcome. :) ...

Format PHP Source Code on Save with Zend Studio for Eclipse

I would expect this option to exist in PHP -> Editor -> Save Actions but the only thing available there is to "remove trailing whitespace"... It's available in JavaScript -> Editor -> Save Actions but not php :( Is there a plugin that will let me do this? ...

Tell The Program What To Do When No Save Data Is Found NSUserDefaults, iPhone

Hello all, I have saved data which was saved using NSUserDefaults. I was under the impression that if there was nothing saved to the key already (first time app is run) it would default to 0. This however doesn't seem to be the case. Here is what I have: To save: - (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated { [[NSUserDefaults standardUser...

c# save images in webbrowser control without redownloading them from internet

Hi ... is it possible to save images in a webbroswer control directly to harddisk, without needing to download them again from the internet ? lets say i navigate to a website, that has 15images, they are all viewed in my webbrowser, but how can i save them now without the need to download them? hope my question is clear thanks in advanc...

Hibernate won't save into database

I mapped some classes to some tables with hibernate in Java, i set Hibernate to show SQL, it opens the session, it shows that it does the SQL, it closes the session but there are no modifications to the database. Entity public class Profesor implements Comparable<Profesor> { private int id; private String nume; private String prenume; ...

Post microphone input from Flash to server

We're trying to get microphone input in a Flash movie and the post it to the server so it can be saved in a file. Currently, we're using PHP in the server, but I guess the key thing here is: How to post the audio to the server? After a post is made, then I guess it'd be a matter of handling the encoding and saving to a file, which can ...

Writing to a .plist file

I have a .plist with 2 key values in it. It is of type Dictionary. I am trying to write value to one of the key values. What's wrong with the code below? I also tried using type "Array". That option also does not work. How can I get it to work using Dictionary & also Array? Anyone has working code example? Thanks. I would appreciate any ...

How do i save an compile a program in befunge-93?

How do i save an compile a program in befunge-93? what do i need to save the file as? (like: fileName.what) How do i compile it? ...

jQuery: script remember values between times it is triggered?

Hello there, I am writing an ajax script in jQuery. The script gets new or previous page from a php documents that returns HTML. If, located on page 1, I click next, the script IS able to find the next page number (page2), but when I click it AGAIN, the script again has to be able to find the next page number (page3) and at the minute ...

How to save data from multiple views of an iPhone app?

Hi Everyone. I'm making an app where I need to save the text in multiple views in the app when the app quits. I also need to be able to remove all of the data from just one of those views and when the app quits, it's possible not all of those views will have been created yet. After reading this post I thought perhaps it would be good ...

Trying to save file from Flash to PHP using $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]

Let me start by saying PHP isn't my forte, I'm usually reluctant to try working with it because of problems exactly like this. The code works fine on my local machine under MAMP and on my server, but doesn't on the clients server :'( So what am I trying to do, well - save an image from Flash onto the server, simple right?! I'm using th...

Classic ASP - Email form with attached file - please help

Hi Guys, Ive got abit of a problem ive got an email web form that send the input to an email address but what I now need is a file input field were the user can also send an image as an attachment. So contact name, logo (attachment). Ive been told in order to send the attachment it needs to be saved in a folder on my hosting before it...

wxPython - Save Items in ListCtrl

Hello everyone. My question is if we can save the items on ListCtrl so everytime someone opens the application, the items are there and if the user removes it, it also removes from the configuration. I know that I can use wx.Config and I'm trying to accomplish using that but I don't know how to read it in a way to accomplish what I want....