
Good Scala slides and snippets?

I would like to do a presentation of Scala on my University in hope that I can get some attention for this great language. I would like to show some slides and then do some real-time codding. I think I will use IDEA IDE to further show how easy it is to use. What I need are good slides (to lazy to do them myself). Neat examples of code...

Are Scala "continuations" just a funky syntax for defining and using Callback Functions?

And I mean that in the same sense that a C/Java for is just a funky syntax for a while loop. I still remember when first learning about the for loop in C, the mental effort that had to go into understanding the execution sequence of the three control expressions relative to the loop statement. Seems to me the same sort of effort has to ...

How to define a ternary operator in Scala which preserves leading tokens?

I'm writing a code generator which produces Scala output. I need to emulate a ternary operator in such a way that the tokens leading up to '?' remain intact. e.g. convert the expression c ? p : q to c something. The simple if(c) p else q fails my criteria, as it requires putting if( before c. My first attempt (still using c/p/q as abo...

Why is this Scala example of implicit parameter not working?

simple REPL test... def g(a:Int)(implicit b:Int) = {a+b} Why do neither of these attempted usages work? 1. scala> class A { var b:Int =8; var c = g(2) } :6: error: could not find implicit value for parameter b: Int class A { var b:Int =8; var c = g(2) } 2. scala> class A(var b:Int) { var c = g(2) } :6: error: could no...

What's the new way to iterate over a Java Map in Scala 2.8.0?

How does scala.collection.JavaConversions supercede the answers given here: (doesn't work because the "jcl" package is gone) and here (doesn't work me in a complicated test which I'l...

Does the @inline annotation in Scala really help performance?

Or does it just clutter up the code for something the JIT would take care of automatically anyway. ...

Why scala not allowing '$' identifier in case statement?

this works as expected scala> 3 match { case x:Int => 2*x } res1: Int = 6 why does this fail? scala> 3 match { case $x:Int => 2*$x } :1: error: '=>' expected but ':' found. 3 match { case $x:Int => 2*$x } ^ scala> 3 match { case `$x`:Int => 2*$x } :1: error: '=>' expected but ':' found. 3 matc...

Why does this explicit call of a Scala method allow it to be implicitly resolved?

Why does this code fail to compile, but compiles successfully when I uncomment the indicated line? (I'm using Scala 2.8 nightly). It seems that explicitly calling string2Wrapper allows it to be used implicitly from that point on. class A { import Implicits.string2Wrapper def foo() { //string2Wrapper("A") ==> "B" // <-- uncommen...

Error with default argument in Source.getLines (Scala 2.8.0 RC1)

assuming I running Scala 2.8.0 RC1, the following scala code should print out the content of the file "c:/hello.txt" for ( line<-Source.fromPath( "c:/hello.txt" ).getLines ) println( line ) However, when I run it, I get the following error <console>:10: error: missing arguments for method getLines in class Source; ...

nested CPS "reset"

Hi, using the CPS compiler-plugin of Scala 2.8, there are the two magic controls reset and shift. Reset delimits the continuation and shift captures the continuation. There is an example of using CPS with NIO, using nested resets as a type of "forking"...? I don't exactly understand the purpose of nesting the resets, what's the effect? ...

Inheritance and type parameters of Traversable

I'm studying the source code of the Scala 2.8 collection classes. I have questions about the hierarchy of scala.collection.Traversable. Look at the following declarations: package scala.collection trait Traversable[+A] extends TraversableLike[A, Traversable[A]] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, Traversable] tr...

Scala 2.8: _ behaviour changed?

Using XScalaWT, this compiled under Scala 2.7: class NodeView(parent: Composite) extends Composite(parent) { var nodeName: Label = null this.contains( label( nodeName = _ ) ) } With 2.8.0 RC1, I get this error: type mismatch; found : main.scala.NodeView required: org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label The types ...

Targeting Android with Scala 2.8 Trunk builds

The definitive reference for using Scala on android seems to be here: Unfortunately, all the references on using scala with android are based around Scala 2.7 and refer to a custom build android-library.jar, with a couple of cryptic references suggesting that this custom build isn't needed for later ve...

Scala methods ending in _=

I seem to remember Scala treating methods ending in _= specially, so something like this: object X { var x: Int = 0; def y_=(n : Int) { x = n }} X.y = 1 should call X.y_=(1). However, in 2.8.0 RC1, I get an error message: <console>:6: error: value y is not a member of object X X.y = 1 ^ Interestingly, just trying t...

Named constructors in Scala?

Are there named constructors in Scala? ...

Naming case classes in Scala.

I tend to have this redundant naming in case classes: abstract class MyTree case class MyTreeNode (...) case class MyTreeLeaf (...) Isn't it possible to define Node and Leaf inside of MyTree? What are best practices here? ...

Double variable argument list.

I need something like this: class Node (left : Node*, right : Node*) I understand the ambiguity of this signature. Is there a way around it better than the following? class Node (left : Array[Node, right : Array[Node]) val n = new Node (Array(n1, n2), Array(n3)) Maybe some kind of separator like this? val n = new Node (n1, n2, Se...

When should I use package and when object in Scala?

What is the difference between package and object? ...

Extending existing data structure in Scala.

I have a normal tree defined in Scala. sealed abstract class Tree object Tree { case class Node (...) extends Tree case class Leaf (...) extends Tree } Now I want to add a member variable to all nodes and leaves in the tree. Is it possible with extend keyword or do I have to modify the tree classes by adding [T]? Update: It seems...

Perfect hash in Scala.

I have some class C: class C (...) { ... } I want to use it to index an efficient map. The most efficient map is an Array. So I add a "global" "static" counter in companion object to give each object unique id: object C { var id_counter = 0 } In primary constructor of C, with each creation of C I want to remember global counter ...