
MongoDB Alternative Design

Since it's really not possible to return a single embedded document (yet), what is a good database design alternative? Here is a situation. I have an object First. First has an array of Second objects. Second has an array of Third objects. db.myDb.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId("..."), "Seconds" : [ { "Second ...

Postgres: Is there a way to tie a User to a Schema?

In our database we have users: A, B, C. Each user has its own corresponding schema: A, B, C. Normally if I wanted to select from a table in one of the schemas I would have to do: select * from A.table; My question is: Is there a way to make: select * from table go to the correct schema based on the user that is logged in? ...

XSD regular expression pattern in .Net causes application to hang

Processing time doubles as "Y" goes to the right. Can anybody tell me why? How to solve this problem? I have many big ID's stored in a database those can't be changed so I can't limit the size too much. using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; namespace TestRegex { class Program { ...

naming convention for module specific schema

Our project constitutes of many modules (e.g. a HR management system containing modules like attendance, identity, reports ...) What would be a good naming convention for all the tables represented here.. Would you suggest having the same prefix for all modules (e.g. hrms_ide_user, hrms_rep_reports ..) OR something like ide_user, rep_r...

How can I use other/more modern schema validation with .Net?

Hi, I'm trying to do some work with C# and XML in a cross-platform app (most development is in MonoDevelop on Linux, but most users will end up using the WinForms front-end that I make in Visual Studio). Mono is behaving as I'd expect, but .Net isn't and so I'm looking for options and alternatives. The schemas have various optional ele...

Database Schema for Hierarchy

I am looking for a generic open source database schema for a basic login, and user management with roles. Users: belong to Business Units which belong to Clients. Users have Roles - Manager, Regional Manager, site manager, worker etc. Users can have multiple roles dependant on the business unit and multiple business units.. Business ...

Executing an Oracle Stored Proc as Another User...

I'm mostly an oracle novice, so forgive me if this is a stupid question... I have a schema called 'CODE' with a stored proc that executes arbitrary SQL (for now, please ignore the potential security issues associated with that). The SQL that is passed in will select data; but all of the data resides in either schema A, B, or C - but th...

Create a New user ORACLE with full access to an specific SCHEMA

How can create a New user in ORACLE with full access (alter, delete, select, inset, debug, etc) to an only one specific SCHEMA. ...

SQL 2005 Security - Users: What are they used for? (and other various questions)

Hello I am not a DBA and so dont really know anything about SQL 2005 security settings, etc. I am attempting to set up an empty copy of our database by generating the full database from SQL Management Studio generated scripts. Unfortunately I don't know what many of the options do and the MSFT documentation of this processes isn't great...

validate xml file against xml schema

Hi, this is about validating a XML file (eg: marshalledfile.xml) against a XML schema (eg: schemafile.xsd). we are using jaxb to marshall java objects into into a xml file. what is the best way to do it ? can someone give a simple example of how to do it ? Appreciate your help. Thanks, Alo ...

How do I ensure unique element values in an XML schema?

I want to ensure that there are no duplicate book titles in the following xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <books xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="books3.xsd"> <book> <title>Book1</title> </book> <book> <title>Book2</title> </book> <book>...

BizTalk: Can't deploy two schema assemblies that both reference that same base assembly.

Hi, I'm having trouble deploying some schemas: I have assemblyA containing schemaA, assemblyB containing schemaB which references assemblyA and assemblyC containing schemaC and also referenceing assemblyA. I can deploy asssemblyA fine and see schemaA in schemas in BizTalk Admin. I can deploy EITHER assemblyB or assemblyC fine and see...

How to Mass Assign Then Edit Individually

Background: I have an application with athletes, each of these athletes (Athlete model) can be assigned workouts (Workout model, workout_assignment through model). Problem: At first I thought that using a through connection with athletes having many workouts through workout_assignment and workouts having many athletes through workout_as...

Migrate data in mysql from old schema to new schema

Hello, We have recently improved the schema of our production database, changing column names and indexes etc. We also changed the storage engine to InnoDB to make use of transactions and foreign keys. What is the best way to import the data from the old schema into the new schema? Bare in mind that column names have changed (including...

XSD.exe and "Circular Group references"

I am attempting to build some classes so that I can deserialise an XML file created by a third party application. Luckily the developer of the 3rd party application included a schema file with their code so that the XML file can be understood. When I use the XSD.exe tool from Visual Studio the process fails reporting the following error...

xsd.exe - schema to class - for use with WCF

I have created a schema as an agreed upon interface between our company and an external company. I am now creating a WCF C# web service to handle the interface. I ran the XSD utility and it created a C# class. The schema was built in BizTalk, and references other schemas, so all-in-all there are over 15 classes being generated. I p...

Database schemas WAY out of sync - need to get up to date without losing data

The problem: we have one application that has a portion which is used by a very small subset of the total users, and that part of the application is running off of a separate database as well. In a perfect world, the schemas of the two databases would be synced up, but such is not the case. Some migrations have been run on the smaller ...

Inspect Hsqldb Schema

Is it possible to inspect and subsequently modify an existing schema in Hsqldb standalone mode? I've tried looking at the file using the built in admin tool as well as hooking up SQuirrel SQL Client. I'm particularly interested in what primary keys exist on various tables. Is there command equivalent to MySql's 'show create table...' ...

How can I validate the output of XmlSerializer?

In C# / .NET 2.0, when I serialize an object using XmlSerializer, what's the easiest way to validate the output against an XML schema? The problem is that it is all too easy to write invalid XML with the XmlSerializer, and I can't find a way to validate the XML that does not look cumbersome. Ideally I would expect to set the schema in ...

xml schema putting both sequence and all under one complexType node

Here is the xml file: <section> <number>1</number> <title>A Title goes here...</title> <code>TheCode</code> <element></element> <element></element> </section> In section node, there are number, title and code node. Their sequence must not be fixed. Then, there are multiple element under section node as well. The ...