
GetOleDbSchemaTable Foreign Keys on Sql Server 2005

I'm trying to get the Foreign Keys for a table in my SQL Server 2005 database. I'm using the GetOleDbSchemaTable function right now: DataTable schemaTable = connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable( OleDbSchemaGuid.Foreign_Keys, new object[] { null, null, null, "TABLE" }); This pulls back the right foreign keys, the only problem...

SQL Server: conventions for naming a schema

Consider a database server whose job today is to house one database. Likely the database will be moved in the future to another database instance which houses multiple databases & schemas. Let's pretend the app/project is called Invoicer 2.0. The database is called AcmeInvoice. The database holds all the invoice, customer, and product i...

Database schema - organise by object or data?

I'm refactoring a horribly interwoven db schema, it's not that it's overly normalised; just grown ugly over time and not terribly well laid out. There are several tables (forum boards, forum posts, idea posts, blog entries) that share virtually identical data structures and composition, but are seperated simply because they represent di...

Keeping evolving DB schema and disaster recovery scripts in sync

We have a rather large DB schema that is ocnstantly changing - every application release comprises the app itself, plus a migration script to apply to the live DB as required. Nopw, in parallel we maintain a schema creation script which we can use at any point to build a DB from scratch (for testing purposes). The thing that vexes me s...

Schema for many to many in MySQL?

Hello, Now i have 3 tables which are: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS experience( experience_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, salarie_id int(11), consultant_id int(11), post varchar(255), entreprise_name varchar(255), start_time varchar(255), end_time varchar(255), description varchar(10000), PRIMARY KEY(experi...

XML schema for a complex type and I want an attribute on it.

In your xml wisdom, have you a idea on how to define the type for “bDead” to be? (type=”xs:Boolean”) <bDead>0 <xdn>state</xdn> <xdv>alive</xdv> </bDead> Here’s the schema. Where/how would I specify the type and ranges for bdead? I don’t think that I can.. <xs:element name="bDead" > <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:sequence> ...

Database modeling tool to generate E-R diagrams from schema or any other tool to visually represent the MySQL DB schema

I have inherited a mysql schema with around two dozen tables. I would like to create an E-R diagram (or some form of visual representation) from my the create table statements. I am looking for free open source tools which will help me do this. This will help me understand the schema better and aid others as well. Do people have experi...

Need advice on denormalizing a database that deals with responses to polls

My web app deals with polls (surveys). Right now I have 2 tables as part of database schema. polls id question choices (ex: yes,no,maybe) created polls_responses poll_id user_id tracker_id response The problem with this is that on some polls I have alot of responses (>1000). People can view the resul...

Visual Studio UPDATE-EDMX feature: How it works

When you use the update-edmx feature of visual studio. Your EDMX schema is merged against a database. What Rules Apply to changes merging? UPDATE: looks like new db fields are added to your edmx, modified fields are merged in someway and deleted ones are left in your schema. ...

MYSQL Workbench EER, what's different?

Hey guys, I just downloaded Mysql Workbench and noticed they use the term EER Diagram? I thought that Entity Relationship diagram were a conceptual representation of data (Conceptual schema), a bit like this: I mean, Mysql Workbench's Diagrams have tables with foreign keys a...

Object-oriented Doctrine schema

Hey all, I'm learning Doctrine + Symfony and I may have chosen too complex a data model for my own good. Here's an overview: Users create Gizmos. There are 5 Modules to choose from. Users cannot define new ones, only instantiate them. A Gizmo has any number of Instances in any order. An Instance has one Module ID. Instances are config...

MS SQL Database Table Prefix from Previous Owner

I have an MS SQL 2000 database that was backed up from a public server and restored at a test location for an upgrade test. The problem is that the user that had access permission on the public server does not exist on the testing server, and now all tables are prefixed with that username (which requires ALL queries against those tables ...

How do you add an attribute to an xml schema element?

I have a project where a xsd document is loaded, and based on that a editor is created for each element. And then xml that implements that schema is loaded into the editor. This could be a simple textbox for a string, a datepicker for a date or a more complex data like a chapter with associated metadata. The editor is generic so the edit...

First-time database design: am I overengineering?

Background I'm a first year CS student and I work part time for my dad's small business. I don't have any experience in real world application development. I have written scripts in Python, some coursework in C, but nothing like this. My dad has a small training business and currently all classes are scheduled, recorded and followed up...

How to keep track of model history with mapping table in Ruby on Rails?

dream I'd like to keep record of when a user changes their address. This way, when an order is placed, it will always be able to reference the user address that was used at the time of order placement. possible schema users ( id username email ... ) user_addresses ( id label line_1 line_2 city state zip ... )...

Core Data: -deleteObject: Crashes, Are Delete Rules the Cause?

I have the following model, as you can see in the image. My application requires refreshing every instance of B, so at each viewWillAppear, I need to delete all the B's in the model. Upon deleting a B, the cascade delete rule on the relationship to C will delete all C and then cascade to all D. A & E are constants. I have the Delete...

Any way to have a schema use user-defined elements in its structure?

I'm wondering if it's possible to have a schema use user-defined elements (from the XML) for its structure. As in, as a user, I would be able to have something like: <subjectType> <name>plane</name> <name>bird</name> </subjectType> <questionType> <name>organic</name> <name>awesome</name> </questionType> <subjectInterview su...

how to create tables using sql schemas.

how to create the schema, AND USING SCHEMA HOW TO create tables under the schemas ...

Compare two schemas and update the old schema with the new columns of new schema

hello, I've an Oracle database with two schemas. One is old and another is new. I would like to update the old schema with the new columns of the new schema. I get the tables which have changes with the following query. select distinct table_name from ( select table_name,column_name from all_tab_cols where owner = 'SCHEMA_1' minus s...

Does SQL Server CE support schema update with NHibernate?

SchemaExport seems to work, but SchemaUpdate fails - the SchemaUpdate.Exceptions contains this object: System.NotSupportedException: The method is not supported. in System.Data.Common.DbConnection.GetSchema(String collectionName, String[] restrictionValues) in NHibernate.Dialect.Schema.AbstractDataBaseSchema.GetTables(String catalog, St...