
How to prevent schema generation for java class wsdl

I have Something like public GenericEntity<T, PK> { // methods and fields } public MyTable extends GenericEntity<MyTable, Integer> { // methods and fields } And then on my webmethod I'm returning a type of MyTable. This is giving me problems because of the generic type. Is there a way to supress the schema generation for the Gene...

How to validate an email id in xml schema.

Hi I have created a schema to check for email id. which can validate if the email id is [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected] But i want to validate only [email protected] and [email protected] because i think email can have maximum 2 dots after @ symbol so the third one will be invalid email id So how to validate an email id us...

How should a REST URL schema look like for a tree hierarchy?

Let's assume that I have stores, shelves in a store, and products on a shelf. So in order to get a list of products on a shelf in a store, I'd use the following request: GET http://server/stores/123/shelves/456/products From here, how would I get an individual product? Should I use: GET http://server/products/789 Or: GET http://se...

XSD ordering for extended type?

I am trying to write a schema that doesn't require specific ordering for an extended type. I tried to use an "all" group, but it seems to only permit a "sequence". I am getting this error message and am a bit confused. An all model group must appear in a particle with {min occurs} = {max occurs} = 1, and that particle must be par...

SOLR schema design question: field absence or boolean field?

I need to partition my SOLR index into two halves. As it turns out I already have a STRING field which represents the partitioning info I need. Meaning, one kind of record that would be searched for is where the string field is present in the record and contains a value, the other kind is where it contains no value. All queries must s...

Google Contacts Address Book Schema - How to have 1 to many fields for data?

In Google Contacts, it seems that it allows you to many as many Email Address', Telephone numbers, Address', etc as you wish. You can simply keep clicking the add link to make as many fields as you want. This makes me curious on how this is made in a schema? ...

MySQL: Two foreign keys in one table referring to another table

Hi, I've come across something that seemed simple before but has me scratching my head again. I have a table for users: user_id (PK) | username| email | something ... and a table for "views" for when one user has viewed another user: view_id (PK) | viewer_id | viewed_id | view_date The "viewer_id" and "viewed_id" are both user_ids,...

Normalizing Human Skin Colors for User Interaction

A while ago I came across this answer that introduced me to the obscure (at least for me) ISO 5218: a standard for representing human sexes (or is it genders? - thanks @Paul). For a pet project I'm working on I need my database schema to store the skin color of a person, and I'm wondering if a similar standard exists. All my life I've h...

Sage 50 Accounts Database Schema

Hi, I am accessing Sage 50 data via their ODBC Driver but cannot seem to establish if the tables have a unique / primary key. The ODBC.NET Driver does not seem to return any information relating to indexes or key field information. Anyone got any clues? Tim ...

How do I obtain a list of schemas that an Oracle user has access to

In Oracle I can grant privileges on my schema to another user so that the other user has access to my schema (and in turn objects in my schema). How do I programmatically ,using ADO.NET (either MS or Oracle's provider), obtain a list of schemas to which a particular user has access? ...

Fluent NHibernate - Intercepting/Injecting DDL

This would be a great feature - to dress my Domain objects with class and property attributes, such as [Description("The 'Cat' entity holds information about Cats")] public class Cat { [Description("The Cat.Name property holds the real name of the Cat such as 'Fluffy'")] public virtual string Name { get; set; ...

SQL Server: How to permission schemas?

Inspired by various schema related questions I've seen... Ownership chaining allows me to GRANT EXECUTE on a stored procedure without explicit permissions on tables I use, if both stored procedure and tables are in the same schema. If we use separate schemas then I'd have to explicitly GRANT XXX on the the different-schema tables. The ...

What is the importance of schema in sql server?

What is the importance of schema in sql server? Where this schema help me? Is it important for security reasons? ...

what is the difference about SCHEMA in sql server 2005 and sql server 2008?

what is the difference about SCHEMA in sql server 2005 and sql server 2008? ...

Checking an XML schema for correctness using tools

I have a schema that I would like to validate (note: not a document, but the schema itself) for correctness and catching any silly errors. The schema references other schemas, which are all together in the same directory. We can't host the schema publicly just yet. Is there a command-line tool or script for any recent Windows or Unix OS...

XML-schema/validation: different separator for datatype double

hey, I changed the datatype of some parameters within my xsd file from string to their real type, in this case double. now I'm facing the problem that around here the comma is used as a separator and not the point as defined by the w3 ( causing erros all over during deserialization (C#, VS2008). ...

Couldn't run loadjava on user schema to load dbwsclientws.jar dbwsclientdb102.jar

I am trying to load oracle webservice client jars to my schema. I did set the PATH to inlcude: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin When I try to run loadjava as "loadjava -u myschema/myscehmapwd -r -v -f -genmissing dbwsclientws.jar dbwsclientdb102.jar" I am getting error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: or...

generate PHP classes from XSD?

Is there in the world analogues of JavaBeans or JAXB for PHP? Is it possible to generate PHP classes from XML schema? It's common practice to publish API's as XSD schemas. Java and C# guys can get advantage of this by generating classes right from XSD. Is there same tool for PHP? ...

employee database with varing salary over time.

Hello, I have the following tables: PROJECTS - project_id, name EMPLOYEES - employee_id, name SALARY - employee_id, date, per_hour HOURS - log_id, project_id, employee_id, date, num_hours I need to query how much a project is costing. Problem is that Salary can vary. For example, a person can get a raise. The SALARY table logs the...

Configure ASP.NET Application services to use a schema other than 'dbo'

I want to use ASP.NET Application Services but configure it to use a different schema. I'm using the aspnet_regsql.exe tool as outlined in this URL which by default creates tables and stored procs with a dbo schema. So i thought i could just generate a database script from existing Application Objects and then find and replace [dbo]'s w...