
ASP.NET + C# Multi-Project Solution. Where should I put my global utility functions?

As the Title says, I've got a multi-project solution. I've got a "core" project that is loaded with most of the other projects. So my question is this, I have a few utility functions such as FormatPhoneNumber(..) that I would like to be able to access in the following manner from anywhere. (in Project_B which depends on Core) string ...

Can PHP store Object state like the following code?

Hi, I am a newbie in PHP and I am asking wether I can initialize once for all data inside an object and use them later <? class Person(){ private $data;//private or public function Person($data){ $this->data['name'] = $data['name']; .... } function save(){ $this->dbconn.executeQuery('insert into ... va...

set variable of parent form from child form in mdi

How would one switch a public bool to true from a child form in a mdi type program? I have a child form called logon that if everything checks out i want to set a "authenticated" bool to true in the form1 (main) form ...

How to get MATLAB to recognise newly added static methods?

I am using classes and static methods to 'scope' functions in a namespace, similar to C#. However, every time I add a new method to a class, at first it is not found. I have to restart the MATLAB environment (2007a) for the new methods to be recognised. Surely there is an 'update' or 'refresh' type command that I can use so that I do no...

Javascript scope with

Hi there, I'm probably missing out on something fundamental here but it seems rather tricky and confusing to me so here goes... to demonstrate the issue I have the following example .aspx page <%@ Page Language="VB" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

Guice Custom Scopes and Spring managed beans

(x-posted to guice mailing list) I'm trialling Guice on a new library that will live in an existing application. All our apps right now are spring apps and we have some common code that is tied to spring, mainly to do with the thread model we tend to use. It basically gives us (what could be seen as) a logical thread. So we can throw j...

Problem with "this.function" and Scope in my code

Hey I have this code right here: And on line 109 I get an error saying "TypeError: Result of expression 'this.allVarsDefined' [undefined] is not a function." Scope in javascript is confusing to me. Can anybody see what my problem is? Also do you guys know of any articles that would help me learn about scope in ...

ItemGroup Item scope, alternatively "Why does MSBuild hate me?"

I have a solution I'm trying to get to build on TFS. I want to update the versions of all appropriate files, and I've been stuck trying to get this done. There are plenty of links on how to do it, but none of them work for me, due to one little issue... Scope. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Project DefaultTargets="DesktopBui...

When does the space occupied by a variable get deallocated in c++ ?

Doesn't the space occupied by a variable get deallocated as soon as the control is returned from the function?? I thought it got deallocated. Here I have written a function which is working fine even after returning a local reference of an array from function CoinDenom,Using it to print the result of minimum number of coins required to...

Scope of variables in perl.

In the following code upto what scope the anonymous array referred by $ref is available. package mod1; sub do_something{ ..... my $array_ref = ["elemnt1","elmnt2"] ; return $array_ref ; } 1; use mod1; my $ref = mod1::do_something() ; print "$ref->[0] $ref->[1] " ; #works ...

Scope of variable in Javascript problem

var query1 = urlencode($('input[name="searchTerm1"]').val()); //user1 var query2 = urlencode($('input[name="searchTerm2"]').val()); //user1 var rpp = 20; //number of tweets to retrieve out var c=0; var f1=new Array(); var f2=new Array(); var common=new Array(); $.getJSON(''+ query1 + ' ...

Scope problem with nested $.getJSON

$.getJSON('…'+ query1 + ' $.getJSON('…'+ query2 + ' f2=data1; f1=data; for(var i=0; i "less than" f1.length; i++) { for(var j=0; j "less than" f2.length; i++) { if ...

(Rails) Plugin domain/scope issue.

Hi All, I'm having a bit of a domain/scope issue when it comes to some plugins. Basically I'm using the OFC2 ( for rails. However, I already have a class in use called Charts. I tried prepending a lot of my existing calls to Chart with "ActiveRecord::" but I'm not comfortable with thi...

coldfusion problem about onRequest method in Application.cfc

hi everyone, i was blocked by a coldfusion problem, any suggestions are appreciated. now lemme decribe my problem. i have an Application.cfc in my website root, the content in it is as follows: <cfcomponent output="false"> <cffunction name="onRequest" returnType="void"> <cfargument name="thePage" type="string" required="true...

Which Seam Context To Use For A Overview Page With Filters (State)

Hi all, I have a overview page containing a list with some links from which multiple workflows can be started (seam conversations). The overview page also has some filters that can be used to search the list. Therefore I would like to keep state (for the filters) on the serverside. At the moment this overview page uses a context of ...

Scope, arrays, and the heap

Hello, So, I have this array. It needs to be accessed outside the scope of this function. I have been slapping a pointer to it into a pair which gets put into a deque. But once I'm outside the scope, the local stack is gone, the array is invalid, and I've just got a useless pointer, right? So I've trying to put this array onto the scop...

$.getJSON scope problem

$.getJSON('' + query1 + '&callback=?', function (data) { console.log('JSON data string 1 is: ' + data); $.getJSON('' + query2 + '&callback=?', function (data1) { console.log('JSON data string 2 is: ' + data1); f2 = ...

hi everyone, what do these "this" mean in this simple javascript program?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>test</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function(){ /...

How do I dynamically create functions that are accessible in a parent scope?

Here is an example: function ChildF() { #Creating new function dynamically $DynFEx = @" function DynF() { "Hello DynF" } "@ Invoke-Expression $DynFEx #Calling in ChildF scope Works DynF } ChildF #Calling in parent scope doesn't. It doesn't exist here DynF I was wondering whether you could define DynF in such a way...

Mixed Mode Debugging

Update: After more digging this seems to be an issue with static methods and member variables. I found this post on MSDN forums, but no answer. I am writing a C# WinForms app(.Net 2.0) with a mixed mode dll all in the same solution. When I step into native code while debugging I am unable "watch" many of the pointer variables. This seem...