
How to capture part of a screen

I am using the win32 PrintWindow function to capture a screen to a BitMap object. If I only want to capture a region of the window, how can I crop the image in memory? Here is the code I'm using to capture the entire window: [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(strUSER32DLL, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] public ...

WM_PAINT, Java and capturing hidden windows

Hi, first a disclaimer, I'm a java programmer and have almost null idea about the windows api. So please bear with me. My goal is to use Java to capture a hidden window. My target platform is windows. I do understand that the robot class is used for capuring the visible part of the screen. After some browsing, I came across these three...

prevent screen capture

i am developing a video player i silverlight i wanna something to prevent recording or screen capturing i thought about hacking the windows APIs and stop my program from running if there was any of those capturing software asking the user to close it first but i donno how to do this is there another solution ??!!!! ...

Android acess to native screen buffer from Java

Is it possible, from within my android java app, to capture an image of what is on the screen, even if it was written using native (ndk)? I do not wish to take screen shots of other apps, just my own. I can already capture and image of a canvas that I am aware of, but is there a view or canvas or something like it that always represents ...

How I can develop a screen-capture tool in Python

Hello, I'm learning Python now and I want to develop a screen capture tool in Python.How I can do this work? ...

Simulating Screen capturing as a webcam?

Do we have a way to simulate a webcam driver, that will provide realtime captured screen (30 frames per sec) as it's output? ...

c++ screen shot

umm i know this can be done but no idea how to capture screen shot using c++,im gonna be working with win32. please no mfc code... thanks Rami ...

Screen capturing inactive window

Is it possible to get image contents of an obstructed window without bringing it to the front? Also, is it possible to send mouse clicks to a specific locations of such window? I want to do this in Java, using JNA, running Windows XP (if it is possible, would it also work on Windows 7?). If that can be done, would you mind telling me wha...

Getting image contents of obstructed window

Is it possible to get image contents of an obstructed window without bringing it to the front? Also, is it possible to send mouse clicks to a specific locations of such window using Windows API? Would the realization be different on Windows XP and Windows 7? What functions I would need and where can I read more about that. Thanks. ...

iPhone - UIImagePickerController take screen shots?

I am trying to use the following code to take screen shots from my uiimagePickerController UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(imagePicker.view.bounds.size); [self.imagePicker.view.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()]; UIImage *viewImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); It shows every...

OpenCV -- record browser window instead of capturing camera output?

I'm trying to get started with OpenCV by trying to write a simple screen recorder -- one that can perform continuous or polled capture of a GUI window on Mac. For example, I could capture the client area of a browser window. I'm sure this is possible, but I don't know where to start -- any pointers? Is the framegrabber to read the GUI...

Java open source to capture IE screensheet of page including scrolling

Using java is there open source code to open a website in internet explorer and capture a screenshot of the the whole length of the page including scrolling. Prefferably without seeing the browser appear on the screen. Need the image as a jpg or other image format, not as html ...

Save a portion of my program’s own window to a bitmap file using mfc/win32.

Within my mfc program, I need to programmatically capture a portion of that program’s own window, then save it out as a file (bmp or jpg etc). How to do this without using 3rd party library? ...

How can I optimize my screencasting utility?

I'm developing a screencasting utility in C++. It basically captures desktop frames and creates an AVI file. The algorithm is as follows: Create a thread: this->m_hThread=CreateThread(NULL,0,thScreenCapture,this,0,NULL); Capture desktop in thScreenCapture n times per second (like 5 fps). obj->Capture(); In Capture(), append the bitm...

Is there a free tool for rendering a webpage to a PNG with a transparent background?

Say I have a very simple html page, containing a single line of text. I'm looking for a tool that would take that line of text, and superimpose it on a transparent PNG background. That logic would be applied to ALL elements on the page: if no background is specified, and the background of parent elements doesn't leak through, then a back...

Getting blank window interiors when using PHP imagegrabwindow and IE ... sometimes

I'm trying to screen cap different sites as I do some automated browsing to keep a reference image. I'm on a Windows 7 machine and using PHP 5.3.2 from the DOS prompt commandline to run a simple program to open a list of URLs in IE, capture the image, and quit. It's the standard code... $browser = new COM("InternetExplorer.Application"...

How can I take a picture from screen?

I want to write a program that shows one PC's screen to the others... something like presentation systems. how can i take a picture from current screen? ...

Capture multiple screens desktop image using Qt4

Hi, i am writing a screen capture application in Qt4 with c++. I have a problem when tuning on dual screens. I am unable to get an image with the second screen. I tried a c# application and that will grab all the desktops in one image and i could extract from there each screen desktop image. Here is the c# code using System; using S...

IECAPT - screencapture - cannot capture webpage with silverlight image

Hi I am trying to use IECapt to capture a screenshot of a webpage that has silverlight elements but despite adding delays, It shows the silverlight area as a blank. Any ideas or alternative solutions? ...