
C# Hook Forms / Windows / Dialogs etc. (via HWND?) to Capture Video Buffer (D3D Device?)

I am looking to create a very simple C# application which runs Full-Screen in Direct3D, and is able to grab the Desktop 'scene', mapping each Window from the Desktop to a Textured Polygon in my D3D Scene... I'm hoping to create a simplistic "3D Desktop" type of application as an experiment, and I'm wondering if there is a specific metho...

What is a robust method for capturing screen of child window in Windows 7?

Pardon my frustration. I've asked about this in many places and I seriously don't think that there wouldn't be a way in Windows 7 SDK to accomplish this. All I want, is to capture part of a 'child window' ( setParent() ) created by a parent. I used to do this with bitblt() but the catch is that the child window can be any type of applic...

How to draw interactive frame over user's desktop using java applet?

I need to capture portion of user screen usign java applet. It is easy to do using Robot class but I'd like user to select which portion of screen to capture in draggy-droppy way. So I need to draw rectangular frame over users desktop and response when user resizes it. How could I do it? Thnx. ...

java: creating image of your program

I am trying to create an image of one of my JPanels at a fixed resolution, or at a resolution that may be bigger than the current screen resolution. Consequently I cannot use a simple screen capture method as it causes my image resolution to be dependent on the resolution of the screen, which the user sets. Is there a way around this? A...

Thumbnails from HTML pages created and used automatically in web application

I am working on a Ruby on Rails app that visualizes product trees. The tree is built of nodes an everything is rendered in HTML/CSS3. Some of the products make several hundred SQL queries as the tree builds up (up to 800 queries on the biggest tree). I'd like to have small thumbnails of each tree to present it on an index page. So rende...

Is there any OpenSource Java Crossplatform Screen Capture programm/lib

Is there any OpenSource Java Crossplatform (at least win, mac, lin) Screen (desctop) Capture programm/lib? ...

.NET Window Capture

Good day, I would like to know if the .NET framework gives you a way to retrive the littles thumbnails Windows XP+ generates when you alt+tab. The application I try to make should be able to get a window capture (ALT+PrtScr) of another Window that is not necessary Active and could be partially or completly hidden behind another one. I...

Linux, how to capture screen, and simulate mouse movements.

Hi All I need to capture screen (as print screen) in the way so I can access pixel color data, to do some image recognition, after that I will need to generate mouse events on the screen such as left click, drag and drop (moving mouse while button is pressed, and then release it). Once its done, image will be deleted. Note: I need to ...

Can the "screenshot" functionality be removed from an iPhone app?

I'm creating an iPhone app for a client who's not comfortable with allowing users the ability to take a screenshot of the app content. Is there an API to block this while the app is running? ...

How to read the screen pixels?

I want to read a rectangular area, or whole screen pixels. As if screenshot button was pressed. How i do this? Edit: Working code: void CaptureScreen(char *filename) { int nScreenWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); int nScreenHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); HWND hDesktopWnd = GetDesktopWindow(); HDC hDesktop...

Screen capture of MDI app with OpenGL graphics using MFC

In our MDI application - which is written in MFC - we have a function to save a screenshot of the MDI client area to file. We are currently doing a BitBlt from the screen into a bitmap, which is then saved. The problem is that some of the MDI child windows have their content rendered by OpenGL, and in the destination bitmap these areas s...

Prevent from making screen captures of an iPhone application

The customer I'm making an app for would like to prevent the user from capturing some of his pictures. I don't think this could be done but better making sure... ...

Capturing WPF Vector Information BEFORE it Renders to Screen

I'm trying to "capture" or record the vector display information of a WPF (maybe Silverlight) application and play it back. However, instead of capturing bitmaps of what is rendered, I would like to capture the vector information BEFORE it gets rendered so that I can play it back at different resolutions without loss of quality. Ideall...

PHPUnit Selenium captureScreenshotOnFailure does not work?

I am using PHPUnit 3.4.12 to drive my selenium tests. I'd like to be able to get a screenshot taken automatically when a test fails. This should be supported as explained at class WebTest { protected $captureScreenshotOnFailure = t...

BitBlt ignores CAPTUREBLT and seems to always capture a cached copy of the target...

I am trying to capture screenshots using the BitBlt function. However, every single time I capture a screenshot, the non-client area NEVER changes no matter what I do. It's as if it's getting some cached copy of it. The client area is captured correctly. If I close and then re-open the window, and take a screenshot, the non-client area ...

Command line cross plaftorm screen recording & conversion to FLV.

My goal is very simple - use a command line (standalone exe) that can record desktop activities & dump out a compressed FLV file. I looked at but there are couple of problems with it - 1) it windows only & 2) I couldn't figure out how to dump our flv instead its output was a h...

QTKit Capture API: How to implement video screen recording (as in Quicktime X Player)?

Does the QTKit Capture API support screen recording- i.e., can I specify the current screen output as the input source to record? If so, how? Quicktime Player X supports screen recording, yet the QTKit Capture API Documentation only mentions capturing from external cameras. ...

Expression Encoder 3 SDK screen capture C# sample?

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + .Net 3.5 + C# + Microsoft Expression 3 SDK. I want to capture screen and output a wmv file. I tried hard but can not found C# samples from Google. Any reference samples? thanks in advance, George ...

Capture screen on iphone as UIImage?

I have been reading about how to capture the current screen of the iPhone in code and get it as a UIImage. From what I have understood Apple now allow us to use UIGetScreenImage(void) also when submitting apps to App Store, is that right? Is this the way to go or is there a new better way of capture the screen? Thanks! ...

ANDROID video capture

I need to make a video as a DEMO for one application I have developed.I know that there are some experimental applications that use DDMS and achieve a framerate of 5-6 fps. This framerate is completely insufficient for my purposes since the application has smooth animations that i would like to show. Is there anyone that has found a way ...