
How can I scroll my panel using my mousewheel?

I have a panel on my form with AutoScroll set to true so a scrollbar appears automatically. How can I make it so a user can use his mouse wheel to scroll the panel? Thanks SO. ...

How to hide vertical scrollbar in wxTextCtrl?

I'm using wxWidgets for a cross platform app. In this app, there is a text control that contains enough text to cause the vertical scrollbar to appear. However, I do not want the scrollbar to appear. There is a flag wxTE_NO_VSCROLL that works on Windows but not *nix. Any ideas? ...

jquery dialog scroll bars

Does anyone know if there is a way to disable scroll bars in the jquery dialog box? The content that I have in the div is 300 px but the dialog is set to 200px. It automatically puts the scrollbars but I do not want them. I will add it myself to the second div that makes it bigger than the window. Any help is appreciated. ...

How to scroll multi line the text editor view in the virsual studio 2005

With the Edit.MoveContolUp/Edit.MoveContolDown function, i can scroll the view up and down but it only scrolls one line. Is there any way to scroll the view more than one line with just one key input?? ...

How to synchronize content of one view depending on scroll position in sibling ScrollView?

I have extended LinearLayout (vertical) to create a custom compound component. This in turn contains two children: one custom view that is drawn directly onto the view canvas. one HorizontalScrollView->LinearView(Horizontal)->Multiple custom views. I would now like to redraw the custom view to match the visible contents of the scrol...

ScrollTo, SerialSroll Help! Dreamweaver behavior? Plug-in 'How-to' for newbs?

Pretty comfortable with html, CSS, Dreamweaver. Just begun learning Javascript but really, just. Have been trying in vain for more than 1 1/2 weeks to dissect the ScrollToLeft function in the product pages of this site: www_dot_alvr_com (then click on "jewelry" then "necklaces" for example and you see these cool scrolling columns of ima...

jQuery - fadeOut on Scroll / fadeIn on "scrollstop"

Hi everybody, i am trying to figure something out in jQuery and yes you may see now horrible code but i am not a programming expert ;-) So sorry if it hurts your eyes... But to describe the problem: I have a div positioning working which gets fired by the scroll-event. What happens it that the scroll event gets fired a bunch of times wh...

jQuery.scroll "listener" problem

Hey guys, I'am scrolling through a page witch jQuery scrollTo. If the page reaches ssome pixels for exaple y= 300 a div slides in. If i scroll manually i want to slide that div in too. how do i achieve that? I've thought about something like a event listener. jQuery.scroll exists but does'n make a difference between "manual" scrollin...

jquery scroll and css help

Ok so this is my basic setup: <ul id="sortable_tabs"> <li id="tabs_sort" class="tab_link"> <div id="sort_tabs" class="tab_link_text">Text here</div> <div id="close_tab" class="close_tab"> <img class="close_image" src="css/images/close.png" /> </div> </li> </ul> These are basically...

jquery scroll help

I have created a tab system that I want to be able to be scrolled. I am trying to implement the scrolling feature now. The only problem that I am having is that it will keep scrolling if they keep clicking the button and dont wait for it to finish. So I am trying to implement a variable that stores whether it is scrolling or not. Here is...

Dragging a particularly large sprite up and down like scroll effect in COCOS2D

I am really stuck on this. My application is in landscape view and on one screen i wanted my instructions image to be scrollable. I have added this image as a sprite. First i tried to get scroll effect available from other sites, but soon i saw that scrolling was being done for the complete screen and not the sprite image. Then i resorte...

Horizontal scrolling in Datagridview

Hi all, I want to scroll horizontal in my grid (inherited from DataGridView). Not with Ctrl+scrolling tiltwheel (mousewheel), but by pushing the mousewheel to the left or the right. First I tried it by catching the WM_MOUSEHWHEEL (0x020E) message in WndProc, but this fires only once (and I want to keep on moving left or right as long a...

Making TextView Scrollable in Android

I am displaying text in a textview that appears to be too long to fit into one screen. I need to make my TextView scrollable. How can i do that? Here is the code final TextView tv = new TextView(this); tv.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.splash); tv.setTypeface(face); tv.setTextSize(18); tv.setTextColor(R.color.BROWN); ...

C# disable datagrid scrolling

Hi, Is is possible to disable DataGrid scrolling ? If yes, how ? Thanks. ...

jQuery scrolling UL with hidden overflow

I have a UL with LI's set to display horizontally. The UL has a fixed width and it's set to hide the overflow. This is so I can display my images, which are to be used in a gallery, neatly. It works and looks nice. I want to, however, use jQuery to scroll the contents of the UL rather than set the overflow property to auto and be presen...

Winforms RichTextBox: How can I determine how many lines of text are visible?

I have a Winforms app containing a RichTextBox. How can I determine how many lines of text are displayed, currently visible? Reason: I want to scroll the caret to the middle of the RichTextBox. I can use RichTextBox.ScrollToCaret(), but that puts the caret at the top of the RichTextBox. I figure, If I know how many lines are dis...

jQuery: scrollintoView?

hi, i'm dynamically adding rows to a table using jQuery. the table is inside a div which has overflow:auto, thus causing a vertical scrollbar. i now want to auto-scroll my container-div to the last row - what's the jQuery version of scrollintoView(tr) ? thx ...

scroll using mousewheel inside panel with dynamically added picturebox controls

I've dynamically added 20 pictureboxes to a panel. i would like to see the panel scroll when I use the mousewheel. I set the autoscroll = true on panel control. Here is the code. For i As Integer = 1 To 20 Dim b As New PictureBox() b.Image = Nothing b.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle b.Text =...

Detecting when textarea scroll has reached the bottom to enable button

I want to display a license agreement in a scrolling textarea and detect when the user has scrolled to the bottom of the text area, then enable the submit button. Is there a way to do that? ...

Handling scroll event on listview in c#

I have a listview that generates thumbnail using a backgroundworker. When the listview is being scrolled i want to pause the backgroundworker and get the current value of the scrolled area, when the user stopped scrolling the listview, resume the backgroundworker starting from the item according to the value of the scrolled area. Is it...