
Is it possible to use AutoMapper to wrap methods?

I have two classes: public class TestClass1 { public int TestInt { get; set; } public void TestMethod() { // Do something } } public class TestClass2 { public int TestInt { get; set; } public void TestMethod() { // Do something } } I want to create interface that I can use for both cl...

Scala's sealed abstract.

What is the difference between sealed abstract and abstract Scala class? ...

Can I make a type "sealed except for internal types"

I want to make a type that can be inherited from by types in the same assembly, but cannot be inherited from outside of the assembly. I do want the type to be visible outside of the assembly. Is this possible? ...

How to override functions from String class in C#.

For example, I need to see if a string contains a substring, so I just do: String helloworld = "Hello World"; if(helloworld.Contains("ello"){ //do something } but if I have an array of items String helloworld = "Hello World"; String items = { "He", "el", "lo" }; I needed to create a function inside the String class that would r...

Why is String class final?

Possible Duplicate: Why is String final in Java? There are various moments in my programming life that I wished the the String class had not been final/sealed/NotInheritable. What are the language architects trying to prevent me from doing that would throw a monkey wrench into the works. Rather, what are the monkey wrenches ...

Why is the sealed keyword not included in the list of access modifiers?

I think sealed should be included in the list of access modifiers in C# language. Can somebody tell the reason why it has been excluded? ...

How can I Databind to a Sealed Class?

I'm trying to bind some WPF controls to a sealed class provided to me. Because it is sealed, I cannot inherit from it to create a class that implements INotifyPropertyChanged. So I'm not sure how I should go about doing this. Should I create a wrapper that implements INotifyPropertyChanged? Anyone have any tips on what to do? ...

How can I XML Serialize a Sealed Class with No Parameterless Constructor?

I'm currently using an XMLSerializer to serialize a list of a class of my own. One of the class's properties is an instance of a sealed class that does not have a parameterless constructor, so the XML Serializer refuses to serialize the class. How can I get around this? I need that property to be serialized. Is there some way for me ...

Evidence for sealed class performance benefit.

My team is wrestling with the sealed class debate internally and I would like to simplify the debate down to a matter of design and get the performance myth off the debate agenda. Can anyone post some code that demonstrates a performance boost introduced by declaring a class as sealed? At 20 million virtual method calls per second I can...

Abstract Sealed Classes

Just a small question about c++/cli. Abstract classes have abstract methods to be implemented by derived classes, sealed classes dont allow inheritance. So why we have some classes in .NET base class library defined as abstract sealed, and you can find plenty .. ??! ...