
Vim search and replace by decrementing back-reference?

Given the following text in Vim: [2] [3] [4] I want to perform a search and replace and produce the following: [1] [2] [3] I know how to extract out the numbers using back-reference via search and replace: :%s/\[\(\d\)\]/[\1]/g But now the question is how do you go about decrementing the value of \1. Any ideas? ...

Javascript text to link replacing

I need to replace text into link in Link must be look like " href="/search?q=$oldtext" title="$oldtext" ". $oldtext is text to replace. I'm tried to use loop to find text with regexp "/^\x23\w/",and replacing with variable that contain generated link. And it result to nothing. I've edit regexp to "/\x23/" and get replacing for "#" (\x...

How can I make a shell script using Perl?

I have a Perl script called replaceUp: #!/usr/bin/perl search=$1 replace=$2 find . -type f -exec perl -p -i -e "s/$search/$replace/g" {} \; The script does not get loaded. This suggests me that my script is wrong. How can you make a shell script using Perl? ...

How can I do bulk search and replace with Perl?

Hi: I have the following script that takes in an input file, output file and replaces the string in the input file with some other string and writes out the output file. I want to change the script to traverse through a directory of files i.e. instead of prompting for input and output files, the script should take as argument a directo...

Construction of regexpression for search and edit.

Hi, I am trying to construct a regular expression to search and replace a file. The following is the script. #!use/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $line = $ARGV[0]; my $find = "[^a-zA-Z0-9]+seqfile[^a-zA-Z0-9]+=[^a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-z]+.."; my $replace = "done"; open (FILE, ">>/home/user/Desktop/test") || die "cant open file \n"; ...

How to input different file names in string that needs to be replaced?

I am trying to read a directory which consists of hundreds of files. For every file in the directory, I am supposed to access(edit) an another file and replace a particular string 'information=filename' in that file by file names 'information=' present in '/home/test/test_these_files' directory. This is followed by executing the file '/h...

How to replace all content of <body> but a <div> with jquery ?

I got a markup with the following structure : <body> <h1>Title</h1> <p>bla</p> <div> ... <!-- a thousand tags --> </div> <div id="do-not-modify-me"> <!-- a hundred tags --> </div> </body> I wish to do a little search an replace in the body, but this must not change #do-not-modify-me because it has JS events attach...

Clean global search and replace using JavaScript ?

I am coding a little bookmarket to convert all the devises in the current page to another. I heavily relies on regexp, and I use Jquery to easy the work. For now, I do that like a big fat pig, replacing all the body : $("body").children().each(function(){ var $this = $(this); var h = $.html().replace(/eyes_hurting_regexp/g, "my...

Vim substitution of a list of words with another same length list of words?

I need to substitute a list of words with with an equally long list of words. So for example you have: "a","b","c","d","e","f" And you want to replace each word with the uppercase version of each word: "A","B","C","D","E","F" I know how to find each string using the regex: (a\|b\|c\|d\|e\|f) I know you could do a global substitution ...

How to replace strings in a code

I want to perform a batch replace operation on a project by following some rules. For e.g. I am taking notes in the code like this: On every code piece, which is commented like this, I want to perform a replace operation, which will replace the input code piece with the output code piece in the following examples: Input 1: //+ a++; //...

sed to replace random numbers

Hello, i need to let sed replace some url in alot of file each file has the following where xxxxx consist of random numbers , random depth in each file like file 1 _h**p:// file 2 _h**p:// etc thanks in advance ...

Handling Multiple JavaScript Replace Matches

I have the following string: This *is* a *test*! I want to bold the words surrounded by the * characters (so "is" and "test" in the example). I have the following JavaScript code: var data = "This *is* a *test*!"; return data.replace(/\*(.*)\*/g, <b>$1</b>); When the string is returned, I get the following: This <b>is* a *test</b...

Can you delete a column of text in Vim / Vi / gVim?

Say I have the following style of lines in a text file: "12" "34" "some text " "56" "78" "some more text" . . . etc. I want to be able to remove the quotes surrounding the first two columns. What is the best way to do this with VIM (I'm currently using gVim)? I figured out how to at least delete the beginning quote of each line b...

jQuery string manipulation, regex noob.

First off I don't know much about regex and need to buy a book because it's has proven to me to be difficult to pickup. Ultimately I want to take a dom element, and replace text within straight brackets "[" and "]" and insert a link around the text, and there may be multiple bracket sets in the string. function changeTip() { ...

How can I remove all newlines from hash values?

I tried removing all newlines (\n) from the values of a hash: my %var_h = ( "ID" => " This is Test This is new line TEST newline Test end "); How can I remove all the new lines from the values of %var_h? I tried s/\\n//g but I could not get it to work. ...

How to update an SQLite database with a search and replace query?

My SQL knowledge is very limited, specially about SQLite, although I believe this is will be some sort of generic query... Or maybe not because of the search and replace... I have this music database in SQLite that has various fields of course but the important ones here the "media_item_id" and "content_url". Here's an example of a "co...

PHP Replace, But Alternate Replace String

Okay, here's what I'm trying to do: I'm trying to use PHP to develop what's essentially a tiny subset of a markdown implementation, not worth using a full markdown class. I need essentially do a str_replace, but alternate the replace string for every occurrence of the needle, so as to handle the opening and closing HTML tags. For examp...

Replacing values in a Python list/dictionary?

Ok, I am trying to filter a list/dictionary passed to me and "clean" it up a bit, as there are certain values in it that I need to get rid of. So, if it's looking like this: "records": [{"key1": "AAA", "key2": "BBB", "key3": "CCC", "key4": "AAA"...}] How would I quickly and easily run through it all and replace all values of "AAA" wi...

Search and replace on Eclipse

What's the syntax to perform a search/replace on Eclipse and use "match groups" ( is that it's name? " On vi I: %s/log(.*)/log \1 debug/g And lines like: log "Message" are replaced with log "Message" debug What's the correct syntax for eclipse in the search/replace dialog box ( beside checking up "Regular expressions" ) Than...

Fastest quote-escaping implementation?

I'm working on some code that is normalizing a lot of data. At the end of processing, a number of key="value" pairs is written out to a file. The "value" part could be anything, so at the point of output the values must have any embedded quotes escaped as \". Right now, I'm using the following: outstream << boost::regex_replace(src, ...