
What is the best way to evaluate how well you understand a particular language?

If one is learning one's second third or fourth language, you want to know how well you are doing on understanding the basic syntax for it. I know Microsoft has their ExamPrep exams (or they used to at least) and I am wondering if other such resources exist. Not looking for Good programmer vs. Bad Programmer, but just how well do you un...

How to learn Mathematical Notation

Do you have any recommendations of books or websites that would teach me mathematical notation. As a developer I work on a wide range of projects from .NET/SQL Server stuff through to Flash games and I often find myself referring to articles on the internet for guidance. Many of the articles contain mathematical formula, and unless they ...

Advice on how to manage learning different languages and technologies?

Do you guys have any tips or advice on learning different languages and technologies at the same time? ...

How do I push myself from being okay to good to great?

I wasn't sure how to ask this question really, I hope I did a good job of phrasing it. There are lots of "how do I get started...", "resources for begginers.." or "should I learn..." type questions on Stackoverflow. I have read these post and explored the resources they point to but while I wish I had found them years ago the level the...

Can software be developed without deadlines?

I have problems developing my personal projects because I don't have deadlines, so I rarely find time to pursue them and when I finally find some time I usually find myself "perfecting" the code instead of adding more meat. In contrast, my for-pay projects are less than perfect but work to the customer's satisfaction, earn my pay and ar...

Self Learning or learn from senior programmer?

Whether Learn programming from other (may be senior) programmer or self learning? Which one do you feel the good choice for any programmer? ...

What do you enjoy about programming and what's the effect on the quality of your code?

Joel's talked at different times on the podcast about people's motivation for doing things (i.e. answering questions on SO). Do you like.. Solving the problem. Learning something new. Showing off your cool hack to others. Getting paid. Getting the job done. Seeing the app run. Striving for perfection. How's that working for you? ...

Will knowing C and/or C++ make me a better developer?

I have often thought about trying to learn a language like C++ to get a better understanding of computers. To me knowing C/C++ is like the black belt of programming. But then you look around at some great developers and I don't think that they have ever learnt C++. Is it a good idea for some rainy day (more like rainy year) or should I...

freelancer's ready-to-go code.

It's been a time since I've been on the freelance market, now I'd like to dive into that once again and I feel the best way to save private time and effort is to prepare myself some ready-to-go solutions for the most common needs. My list includes (some of them I have already done from past project, some will just write or adapt from var...

Collection of well defined abstract programming tasks

I'm looking for a site or book or any other source of tiny programming tasks one can implement in preferred language. Would be great if examples are present too. And would be superb if there're people who may review my code. May be there's a wiki of such tasks. I've tried to google, but found nothing that suits my needs. I want to impro...

How to learn new techniques?

How to practice new technique when there is no programming jobs related to that technique? Such techniques as sql/wpf etc.. ...

How do I retroactively learn knowledge I should have picked up somewhere along the line?

My job title is senior developer, but I've somehow always ended up working for companies that don't really take best practices too seriously, and I've let myself fall into the mind set of getting the job done as fast as possible, and not always in the best way possible. So I now have a large collection of bad habits that I want to get ri...

As a solo dev should I focus on programming or analyst aspect?

I would like some help deciding which training will be most beneficial based on others * experience*. I am the only Software guy at a small company (200-300 employee's & 4 IT) with an official title of "Applications Developer." I am mostly self taught in c#, SQL, and various web technology's. My boss is a big supporter of training a...

Advice on garnering the Microsoft MVP Award

Most Valuable Professional (MVP) is an award presented by Microsoft. Microsoft MVPs are exceptional technical community leaders from around the world who have been awarded for voluntarily providing technical expertise towards technical communities supporting Microsoft products or technologies. An MVP is awarded for contributions over t...

How to handle short coding sessions?

I'm working on some pet projects and generally I sit around my personal computer about 22:30 or 23:00 to code. But since I try to sleep about 24:00 I don't start coding and ending up reading articles, playing some games etc. I don't feel like I can write decent code in an hour, because the project is quite big and I don't want to random...

How to improve software design skills?

In my point of view, design ability is harder to get than development/coding skills. When confronting a requirement , how to design the function modules, how to construct the program architecture properly? By the way, are there some books related? ...

How can I get addicted to programming?

This is a sincere question, please hear me out before downvoting or hitting close. I noticed last night after having spent hours away playing a new computer game that I had lost all track of time while I was playing it. Someone would have to come and physically drag me away while I was playing to break my concentration. Then, when I wo...

What Makes a Good Technical Team Lead?

As a technical team lead of a small team of web developers, I have been finding it difficult lately to identify and focus on the core responsibilities of keeping my team running. Specifically, I'm finding myself pulled in several directions between doing actual hands-on development work, allocating work items to team members, making / a...

Winform and Database development

The company I work for(as a Solo Dev) is a simple, non-profit org. The majority of the apps I have worked on so far and the majority in the queue are glorified Database front ends. To be honest, half of them could be "Jimmy-rigged" to work in Access. I am not an Access developer though and would prefer not to be. What I am looking ...

What is a sane number of languages/projects/sdk/apis to learn and use at the same time?

I hit a point in my programming life about a year ago where I could suddenly learn/do an astronomical amount of things more than I could when I first started programming. Since then I've picked up Ruby, Ruby on Rails, a tonne of other web technologies, Objective-C and iPhone development. My question is how much is too much? I'm current...