
How to teach C++

My wife receintly asked if I could teach her to program. I think the best lang to teach in is C++ (please don't argue that point, it's what I learned on and what I know best). Other then the C++ tutorial on the C++ website, what else would you give a brand new programmer. I'm thinking boolean math, but other than that I can't think of ...

How to manage personal projects

I am a student and I always develop projects on my own, mainly with Ruby On Rails. I noticed that even a simple project may become complex if you can't easily rescue deleted code and pass from a version to another. Time Machine backups are not enough. I wouold like to use a version control system, but they seem not to be intended for s...

Recommendations for an open-source project to help an experienced developer practice C++

I'm looking for recommendations for open-source projects written in C++ that will help me "get my chops back". A little background: I've been working heavily in Java for the last three years, doing a lot of back-end development and system design, but with a fair amount of work in the presentation layer stuff, too. The last C++ project...

I want to learn COM. How should I proceed?

Hello Guys, I am a fresh graduate with a bachelor in Computer Science. As most school today, they are no longer teaching students C or advance C++ (only an Introductory course in C++... With lessons up to Pointers). The standard programming language prescribed in the curriculum is C# (.NET stack). Just recently, I got hired as a junior...

Difficulty in a young programmer's understanding, and hints to help progress.

I have attained a point where I can manage to quickly code things like mathematical or sorting functions in multiple languages, including Java, C++, Haskell (still haven't got the hang of monads), lisp and Ruby. I have also attained, at the other end of the process, a point where I have a rather vague and intuitive understanding of how ...

Is Programming Right for me?

I'm interested in programming, but it seems to me that I can't get into it. Every time I've tried to learn a language and stuff by looking through tutorials or books I'd never get past the part where I use the syntax to make something. And by interest, I mean that I read stack overflow a lot, coding horror, and stuff but the actual codin...

How do I know I'm not a know-it-all beginner programmer?

Inspired by this: Constantly changing between tools/IDEs/libraries when it's tough. Well, not constantly but I've been to several legacy projects and I've tried to change the libraries to more open ones because I saw that the old one were pret...

Frustration at standard of programming at work

I wanted to get some of your opinions on this issue. I am getting frustrated at the programs I am supposed to work with at my workplace. I am working as a junior software developer in a small company. A lot of times I need to "re-develop" apps - upgrade them. and so I need to understand what the apps currently do, migrate databases and s...

How to become emotionally distant from your code or project?

This question comes as a realization I gained after I worked for the first time in a 8 months long project with 4 other members (3rd year university project). Needless to say the project was a bust ... a car crash mixed with a plane crash bust . I had an inkling of why it happened like: Didn't focus on details Didn't define and control...

Drawbacks and benefits of doing PhD in computer science?

There are couple of posts that are asking about PhD etc but they don't answer my question. I have few years left till I finish my undergraduate course (MEng CS), but I already started thinking of doing PhD and honestly cannot make my mind about it. Some people say that it might be worth doing PhD after I graduate as the economic situati...

What free site(s) and resources do you use to advance your ASP.NET knowledge?

What free site(s) and resources do you use to advance your ASP.NET knowledge? Other than this one, of course. I mean, we always google for answers to daily problems with work or our personal projects, but do you have any specific "one-stop shops" to where you have advanced your skills? I guess specifically I'm looking for middle level d...

How to apply agile to personal projects?

After learning about source control the first thing I did is do a project with svn. After learning about git I used it in a personal project. After learning about UML/Design Patterns/Design Principles/TDD I applied them to a personal project. How can I do the same to agile development? Is agile just for teams and big projects? How do I s...

Is there too much Magic with Rails for a beginner?

Let me start by saying I know that both Ruby and Php are great languages and this is not intended to start a flame war. My question involves learning web development fundamentals and I have heard that Ruby on Rails can allow too much to be done in the background via Magic. I have so far done some learning in both Php and Ruby and while...

What has programming made you better at doing?

I just finished reading and I thought of asking the flipside: how has programming helped you in non-programming areas? For me, to sum it up, it's taught me how to learn. I can elaborate more, but I want to see what o...

What should I write in order to become a better developer?

I tend to finish my work related tasks pretty quickly, and I get to have some free time on my hands. What should I write in order to become a better developer ? I'm familiar with c++/java/perl/python/ruby. I wrote the following stuff on my own: simple web server simple web clients (different languages) DSLs, internal and external some...

I feel a bit lost with programming...

I'm a college student studying programming, and I feel like the whole picture isn't coming together. I just don't get it. I can write code and do all of my assignments just fine, but I feel like I'm missing something. Anyways my question to experienced programmers. Did you feel like you were missing the big picture when you were a stud...

Dealing with "phobia" of ruining (your own) code?

I know this sounds weird, but bear with me.. Sometimes when I've coded for some time (days) I suddenly become "scared" of continuing. I come up with all kinds of diversions to not have to deal with the code, which is really annoying and, needless to say, unproductive. It's like I've reached some point where I subconsciously feel that I...

Transitioning from to java

Alright, so here is a breakdown of my situation. I just finished my first year of 'computer science' in Highschool, learning the fabulous language, (get your laughter out now) I am going into AP computer science next year. We will be working with Java. I have tons of free time this summer and I would like to improve my programmi...

How to learn Haskell

For a few days I've tried to wrap my head around the functional programming paradigm in Haskell. I've done this by reading tutorials and watching screencasts, but nothing really seems to stick. Now, in learning various imperative/OO languages (like C, Java, PHP), excercises have been a good way for me to go. But since I don't really know...

What is the best way to learn Erlang?

Other than specific projects (although those are welcome as well)... What tools, books, articles, and other resources should I have at my desk to help me learn Erlang? Also, are there mobile runtimes for Erlang? Please point me in the right direction. Thanks. Note: yes, I have visited Erlang and Wikipedia, but I'd like to hear some ...