
How does a blog engine create blog posts?

I'm creating a blog engine as a learning exercise and one particular problem has me stumped. I'm wondering how are blog posts created in say a blog engine such as Wordpress? I'm thinking there are 2 ways you can do this: 1) Creating a new blog post called 'testPost' creates a new HTML page called So for eac...

Haskell vs. procedural programming in the real world

These days I'm getting seriously into functional programming. While I'm really excited about Haskell and the possibilities it seems to offer, I can also see now that it is going to take me a while to learn. In an SO question on How to learn Haskell an answer states that it'll take months if not years to actually "master" it. Now, I kn...

The benefits and advantages of being a jack of all trades programmer?

I've been doing web dev for 10 years now, mostly the MS stack but some LAMP as well. There are so many choices these days for programmers and the job market seems to be all over the place. Before I dive into some new technology once again I was hoping to get some perspective from others in regards to additional benefits of being a ja...

What are the most important things to learn about Java Programming?

I have a good understanding of object oriented programming but it's been a while since I programmed. I want to learn it again. What are the most important aspects of Java programming that are important to learn so I can identify myself as a programmer. I had trouble learning Swing before and I gave up but I want to try it again to learn ...

most professional way to tell a developer they are no good

What is the most professional way to break it to a developer that they're not very good? I haven't been a developer for as long as some of the others out there. But I have already had to deal with some really crazy people. What is the best way(s) to stay professional and critique a developer who really is horrible at his/her job, kee...

What is a reasonable percentage of work time spent researching and learning?

Part of our job is to be competent enough to make intelligent decisions pertaining to new technologies. How much time should be spent learning/researching versus implementing? ...

Start programming at 27?

I am currently a BA (business systems analyst) and i want to get more technical. How difficult is it to start programming at 27? I know the basic concepts but haven't really "sat down" and get hands on. What would you recommend doing? I got some c# books for beginners is that a good way? ...

Tips for becoming a better programmer...

Possible Duplicate: How to become a better programmer? Hello everyone, I will first give a somewhat brief background before I ask my question to put it in context... My first career was as an Electrician in the Navy for 8 years then followed by another 9 years of work as a robotic technician. During my stint as a robotics tec...

Having a bit of trouble with self-learning from Cormen et al's algo book.

I started reading Intro to Algorithms by Cormen et al like 3 weeks ago on my free time. I finished the second chapter and have been trying out the exercises for quite a while. I find them a bit difficult. Is this normal? Should I finish all the exercises before moving on? Or is it alright if I solve the ones I can and move on to the ne...

Is it worth learning C to get a deeper understanding of OS'es and computers in general?

I'm currently working as a Actionscript 3 and Php developer. I started out learning Php then moved on to Actionscript 3 and now I'm learning Python. These 3 languages are high level languages which in none of them you have to worry about low level memory management and things like knowing which data type to use for different numbers. I...

How do you appraise a software developer?

Its coming up to review time where I work and I have the responsibility of conducting appraisals. The company appraisal template unsurprisingly has large parts of it that are useless when appraising a programmer and so I would like to alter it to more suit the role. The section I am most interested is a section which is designed to mark...

What's the best .Net technical thing you've learned over the past 3 years?

What 1 thing in programming has had the largest payoff that you've learned over the past 3 years. Yes, 3 years is an eternity it IT. I'm trying to decide what to learn next and want to see what you've learned that has the most payoff and why. This could be anything like (but not limited to) coding to an interface, unit testing, TDD, moc...

How can I learn to express myself better?

I am finding that the difficulty I have expressing my ideas is making it more difficult than it should be to work with other people, even other developers. How can I learn to express my thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely? ...

A good place to get example code?

I've just graduated from school with a CS degree, and before getting a job, I'm trying to teach myself as much as possible. A large problem I'm having is that I have few people to talk to about my code, and really improving the way I write programs. I figure the best way to do this is to see other people's code, and to see different wa...

Should ASP.NET MVC developers really learn Ruby on Rails?

Hey guys, Today, I came a cross a blog post for David Hayden explaining why he thinks ASP.NET MVC developers should learn Ruby on Rails. Some of the reasons David mentioned: ASP.NET MVC was inspired by Rails and in order for me to be a smarter ASP.NET MVC Developer I feel like I need to know Rails. IronRuby is well on its way to...

What programming practice that you once liked have you since changed your mind about?

As we program, we all develop practices and patterns that we use and rely on. However, over time, as our understanding, maturity, and even technology usage changes, we come to realize that some practices that we once thought were great are not (or no longer apply). An example of a practice I once used quite often, but have in recent yea...

Sharpening my attention to detail

One of the most frequent complaints I get is in my attention to detail. For example, I work with a bunch of links (60-70) and have to edit the destination urls, but one or two may be broken. Small percentage, but at this level (junior certified developer on probation), this is not acceptable as this is just basic web development. I have...

Reinventing the wheel vs good practice for a beginner?

I am always looking for some nice ideas/projects to work on. Sometimes I have to agree with my colleagues that it is a waste of time to program something that has been done dozens of times. But some projects really helped me to understand the problems software is faced with. How do you handle projects/ideas that have been done before,...

How do I start learning from other people's code?

All my programming has been done on my own. Sometimes I'll work on a project for months and months, only to learn a new technology that makes it obsolete. I wrote hundreds of lines of Javascript AJAX before learning jQuery. I think I need to start looking at some open source, professional code, but I'm overwhelmed with where to start, ho...

Open source project for c++ developer?

I am a vc++ developer (but like Qt) interested in learning from open source project by contributing and reading the code. I use windows as primary development platform. Which project will be right for me to start? Is chromium a good choice? ...