
Java: what are some steps to learn a project where you have a little or no experience

Hello, As a starting programmer with little industry-experience, I find it frustrating to learn a new project which is based on many technologies that I am not familiar with. The project I am working on has about 150 classes with 15000 lines of code, and with its extensive focus on socket and security programming which I have zero exper...

Which features & shortcuts for Visual Studio 2008 I might be missing, and how can I find out?

I recently got a job working for a company who uses several programming languages but mainly focuses on C#, and thus uses Visual Studio 2008. As lame as it sounds, I don't know how to use it productively. I don't know any of the keyboard shortcuts, I didn't know you could restrict builds to certain parts of a solution until someone sho...

Release fast or learn new language

I have a decent idea in mind. I don't see a lot of stuff around for what I have in mind and stuff that is around is implemented badly. Kind of like expert-exchange vs. stackoverflow. I have not worked on a project by myself before, I've just been involved in working with teams for last couple of years. So I am scared to tackle what I ...

Are there any resources online which will walk me through the construction of an application built in C#?

I hesitate to call myself a beginner, because I think I can do a bit more than the basics. However, I'm not quite where I'm falling down in my designs and the way I'm going about some of my coding. What I'm looking for is a good (read: long, detailed) set of screencasts/blog entries/tutorials which start from "I've got this idea I want ...

Resources to learn C++ itself, not the basics of programming?

I'm something of a new, reluctant convert to C++ from a Pascal, Ruby, and PHP background. I haven't worked with Pascal since a few months of torture with "Delphi Turbo;" since then I've practically been eating and sleeping Ruby and PHP. I'm already well acquainted with object oriented programming and many various subjects. My main troub...

What to do while building a project?

Assuming that you are working on a project that needs >10-20 seconds to build, what do you do while it is building? I personally try to learn something in this time (visit stackoverflow, forums, read a book/article) or I try to help others from my team, if they have difficulties. PS: A full build on a project I am working on takes ~4 ...

Please could someone suggest some books for WinAPI?

Possible Duplicate: A good book to understand WinAPI programming? Please close; duplicate of 329776. I just recently got involved with an open source project that uses Windows.h WinAPI extensively, and libraries such as Advapi32. I'm a real newbie when it comes to low level C++ stuff, since I've been a C# developer most of ...

Average time spent on coding problems

What is a good time limit to aim for when working on problems from Top Coder, UVA, SPOJ, CodeJam, etc. I assume your coding experience correlates with your time spent so please also state the amount of coding experience for each time limit you provide. ...

Direction on programming language/platform that my teenager should go to next?

My son has dabbled with web pages built on MVC. So he knows some basic programming, getting jquery plugins to work, decent at html/css. He worked part way through a book on building iphone apps using x-code and half a book on python/google-apps. His interest may/or may not be waning. Literally he wants to help me in my consulti...

How can I practice better object-oriented programming?

I have been programming in object-oriented languages for years now but secretly I look at some of the things my colleagues do with envy. A lot of them seem to have some inner OO instinct that I don't have - no matter how hard I try. I've read all the good books on OO but still can't seem to crack it. I feel like the guy who gave 110% ...

What technology should I delve into next?

I'm an experienced C#, ASP.Net, and Flash ActionScript developer. I'd I really like to keep learning new and exciting things. The upside is right now it seems like there are a lot of very interesting things to learn. The downside is that as a new parent, my time is limited. So I'd like to stick to learning something that might help me m...

How to improve your reading and understanding of code?

For the past 5 or so years, I've been working with vastly different projects and systems. Code for those projects differed significantly in terms of quality, style, size. I saw examples of both: clean as well as disgusting 1000 lines functions and if conditions code. I still don't feel quite competent at reading other people's code,...

What is the single most effective thing you did to improve your QA skills?

Looking back at my career and life as a QA engineer, there were plenty of different ways I improved my QA skills and testplans- reading other people's testplans, readings specs, reading books, listening to podcasts, watching screencasts. My question is: What is the most effective thing you have done that improved your QA skills? What w...

What are some MUST READ EWDs?

Dijkstra was one of the most prolific computer scientists. He wrote the famous EWDs. It is not feasible to read them all. But I think there are some we all must read. I would love to receive recommendations from the citizens of SO Republic. So, which of them are must read? Thank you. ...

What are multi-threading DOs and DONTs?

I am applying my new found knowledge of threading everywhere and getting lots of surprises Example: I used threads to add numbers in an array. And outcome was different every time. The problem was that all of my threads were updating the same variable and were not synchronized. What are some known thread issues? What care...

Learning C++ Example Problems

I am currently going though the process of learning C++ though reading programming books. I understand the concept but find a few days after reading, the concepts start to drift from my memory. The only thing that keeps them there is working through examples/questions. Are there any good sites or books that can be recommend which give ...

Where is the best place to learn C?

I absolutely loved Dive Into Python when I picked up Python. In fact, "tutorials" such as Dive Into Python work really well for me; short brief syntax explanations, and plenty of examples to get things going. I learn really well via examples. I have programming experience in Java, Scheme, Python, PHP, Javascript, etc. Is there anywhe...

How do I go about becoming an organized programmer?

I have developed some medium level corporate web applications until now. I have learnt syntaxes of couple of programming languages, but have never created something useful, web-based or desktop-based. I have tried to work on a couple of applications from the scratch, but each and every time I lost interest because I spent too much time...

How can I REALLY sit down and start to learn little by little with fruit?

I'm a postgraduate student in a Chinese college currently. And I find I need to learn a lot of knowledge related with my area and interest, since the four years' undergraduate time was wasted with too much sports and other things. So I collected a pile of classic books(from this list ), and planed to read it one by one. But unfortunately...

Good resources for learning Objective-C

I have developed for a number of years in Java, primarily for Linux and Windows. During my undergrad and grad school times, I also did quite a bit in C and C++. I have recently (in the last year and a half) started using primarily Apple computers at home, and am interested in exploring their Xcode development environment. I am interes...