
Resources with sample questions for testing knowledge about Java (collections, swing, etc)

I need sites that provide a lot of sample questions about collections and generics and swing and etc. I have checked a lot but I couldn't find those sites. Can you help me? ...

Which concept from mathematics has helped you the most in development?

It is well known there is a strong link between computer science and mathematics. In looking to improve my own software engineering skill set I'm interested to know what concept from mathematics has helped you to gain deeper understanding of software development as a whole? What would be the biggest bang-for-your-buck concept to learn fr...

What can be learned from other programmers?

We live in the era of interesting People. I am self-taught for many things and now I like to explore the interesting universe. What can be learned from other programmers, which I cannot learn myself easily? or Which important things you have learned from other programmers that may have mattered to you a lot ? ...

What to learn next?

I've been studying programming for a year and I know the very basics of languages like, java, and C++ .. For the past 3 months, my "projects" consisted mostly of "mini tools" written in C++ (win32) for personal use. I also studied HTML/CSS using Headfirst's HTML/CSS book just and finished it last month. I've been looking for an ...

Advice for a student planning to take Co-Op

I've been studying programming at a local college for 1 year now and I also do a lot of studying at home. This semester, I just realized that I have more than enough credits to be able to apply to our Co-Op program. I have no idea what kind of job I'll possibly find or get while searching for one and since I'm trying to get experience a...

What are the new language choices for Experienced programmers?

I know the topic I started is too subjective. But I just wanted some expert guidance learning new languages. I've been working with .NET languages (C#, VB.NET) quite a few years (around 4). And it's been years since I stopped experimenting with new laguages after settling down in a job. Few weeks back I just started working on my pe...

How you learn New Technology/framework/language

How you learn new technology/framework/language when it came out? How to approach it? Why i am asking this question: I have been trying to learn Iphone Development from last 3 months or so, download all the available books on amazon store from rapidshare lox, reading blogs, tutorial websites, checking forums like this, take the standfo...

What are the top three most important skills new software development graduates tend to be missing?

I am trying to get a handle on the skills gap between software development graduates and the requirements of real world software development companies. What are the top three skills that you have found graduates tend to lack and need to be taught or acquire in your experience? ...

What is the best length of a coding session before taking a break?

In your experience, what is the best length of a single coding session before taking a break? For example, are you the most productive if you code for 2-3 hours, take a break, and return to it, or when you keep going for 5-6 hours or longer without a break? ...

Top three most important skills companies tend to ignore?

Inspired by "What are the top three most important skills new software development graduates tend to be missing?, here's a similar question but with a twist. What are the top three most important skills companies tend to ignore? As in, what qualities and skills, related to software development mind you, that you've noticed some companie...

awkward monad transformer stack

Solving a problem from Google Code Jam (2009.1A.A: "Multi-base happiness") I came up with an awkward (code-wise) solution, and I'm interested in how it could be improved. The problem description, shortly, is: Find the smallest number bigger than 1 for which iteratively calculating the sum of squares of digits reaches 1, for all bases fr...

Programming with English as second language. How to improve?

Since English is the Lingua Franca of programming, this question is for all programmers who need to learn English for programming related reasons. I'm Italian but most of the time I spend on the Internet is for reading or writing something in English. My English is still pretty bad; reading is relatively simple, writing a bit more diffi...

What made it "click"

For me, I would have to say things really started to "click" after I read Fowler's Refactoring book. Craftsmanship was not something that I was thought in academia. Most of my coursework taught language features, object oriented concepts, and theoretical stuff. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code provided examples of "s...

For a student trying to get an internship and contribute to open source, is it better to master a language first then "expand"?

I know that this sounds like a dupe but this question is kinda specific to my case... I'm currently a second year student at a local college and so far I know a little of, C++, C, Java, (X)HTML & CSS. I was planning to get a summer internship next year and I was also thinking of looking for an open source project that I could wor...

How do you find balance as a Technical Team Lead?

As a Technical Team Lead, I've been finding it very difficult to stay involved in development while delivering on my responsibilities of documentation, design decisions (architecture), meetings and the like. As a consequence, I've really started to notice a decline in my programming skills and a marked inability to learn and develop new...

Should I have a working knowledge of a language before learning something else?

Right now I've been studying programming at a local college full time for 1 year now and so far, we touched on C++,, Java, XHTML and CSS. I only know the basics of these and I certainly don't believe that I have a "working knowledge" of any of them. I've been reading here at SO and people seem to say that programmers should some...

Programming language to learn further in a certain situation

I was reading a lot here at SO lately and I'm kinda in the same situation as this guy here: One thing I would like to discuss further from that question is this part: If so, which one would be best for me? I'm...

Blackberry - application settings save/load

Hi! I know two ways to save/load application settings: use PersistentStore use filesystem (store, since SDCard is optional) I'd like to know what are you're practicies of working with application settings? Using PersistentStore to save/load application settings The persistent store provides a means for objects to persist acros...

What factors do you consider when deciding what to work on next?

Lately I've been feeling like I'm being pulled in different directions. In my company there are a lot of forces demanding my time and I'm having a hard time deciding which direction to focus my energies. I have the choice of several different coding projects, some of which could demand a lot more work over time, and present unknown ch...

How do you grow as a developer when you're the only one in a given technology at your company?

I am not the only programmer, but I'm the only .NET developer, everyone else works with Perl, Ext JS, and related technologies. I'm primarily self taught, using Codeproject heavily to learn new techniques. Without any mentors at my company specifically knowledgeable in .NET, I'm unsure whether classes, or online tutorials, books, or ...