
What are some good intermediate problems and projects for learning Haskell?

I just recently started diving into Real World Haskell and the book provides some good practice exercises. However, I'd like some suggestions for specific problems people have solved or projects they've completed that have really helped them to better understand the language and its capabilities. What sort of things can I throw myself a...

What is this particular type of revelation called?

After struggling with a particular problem or bug in some part of my code for hours, without getting anywhere, I often get a sudden revelation as soon as I try to explain the problem to one of my coworkers, or while formulating it in writing for posting to some forum. Does this kind of experience have a name? Where can I read more abou...

How many hours you be able to do good development in a single day ?

Possible Duplicate: How Many Hours per Week on Average do you put in for your Workplace? Can everybody concentrate on doing the good development 8 hours / day ? As I found it is really difficult if you don't do something to relax yourself, and do you even still do some extra reading after 8 hours day time work ? Thanks for sha...

Web developer course outline

We are creating a free course for building good web developers, we will train each others and our friends. We will focus on web programming using .Net and the main things we want to teach are: ASP.Net, C#, JavaScript, Database "SQL Server Access", css, html, and a little about: flash, photoshop, SEO Do you have a URL to a good cour...

Suggested reading order and other questions....

Based on recommendations from episode 57 of the StackOverflow Podcast, I have purchased "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs", "The C Programming Language", "Unix Programming Environment", and "Introduction to Algorithms". I'm wanting to improve my fundamental programming skills, contribute to some open source projects, and...

Good ways of disciplining yourself when freelancing at home?

I have noticed that my self-discipline is very bad when it comes to getting up in the morning, eating regularly and working on fixed hours. When you have a job to go to, it is very different since you have fixed hours. You have a everyday routine. But when you start freelancing and you do it at home, you have so much more freedom. I fin...

Should every C++ programmer read the ISO standard to become professional?

Should every C++ programmer read the ISO standard to become professional? ...

Getting up to speed on an existing project

Say you are the new guy on an existing project. You know the language that is being used and you may even know the framework. You want to get productive as soon as possible. What do you do to get up to speed and get familiar with the current code base? Do you read every piece of documentation available? Do you pair program for the first...

Which is more advantageous: Learning new languages or increasing knowledge of ones you already know?

Do you prefer learning new languages or just working in your current language and increase your knowledge of it? Which one provides more real-world benefits, and why? ...

What books should I recommend to my client to learn about web applications?

We recently built a large ASP.NET web forms application for a client and the main point of contact has told me he wants to learn more about the technical side of web applications. He has no programming experience and has a primarily business background. I have provided him with many online resources, however he would like to get some bo...

Creativity in software development: any book recommendations?

I have recently read Software Creativity 2.0 by Robert L. Glass. It's a great book dealing with being creative in the development process. Are discipline and formality at odds with flexibility and agility? When are control-driven vs. experimentation-driven approaches most effective? Can we "make creativity happen" in a soft...

While reading programming book, do you try examples one by one in time or all after finishing the whole book?

While reading a new programming book, which of the following you are doing? Download the examples and check them while reading Try the examples by hand one by one while reading Finish all the book with just reading the examples, then try them all after that Try examples of each chapter at its end Other (please list) ...

Keeping abreast with technology

Hi, I know this is not a technical question, but this is something I believe could be best answered by the technology community. I've been in software development for ~2 years now, but most of the time, it has been a learn as is needed experience. I was recently asked by a friend on how to go about getting a strong foothold on technolo...

how to keep yourself from perfectionism when coding

In personal projects I often find myself tinkering over code and keep rewriting it because there's always something that can be improved. I'm looking for ways to tell myself 'ok the code is not perfect but I need to move forward now'. How do you motivate yourself to go forward and take the imperfect code as is? merged with "How to sto...

Are there any good resources for programming assignments?

My wife has expressed some interest in programming recently, and I want to introduce her to it at a leisurely pace to see if it is something she will be interested in. I have a good idea of where to start, and how to progress so that she isn't too overwhelmed, and can hopefully develop good habits early if she decides to stick with it...

Role of a CTO in an eye of a programmer/developer?

I know that we all have stories of a pointy-haired boss who shouldn't even gets to be near a computer let alone use it. But just so to avoid being that very person everyone gets tired of talking to, I was wondering... What is an ideal CTO like in your opinion? i.e. If you can say something to your CTO in the face and not get fired for...

I need to improve my C++ skills, fast, is this realistically possible?

After taking a very hard C++ aptitude test for a blue chip company, I received a rejection email the day after. I actually thought I was a very good C++ programmer, since I have had 8 years previous experience with other languages, and about 2 years academic experience in C++ with a university software engineering course. So, the test re...

Struggling to learn programming

Possible Duplicate: Is programming for the elite or can everybody learn to program I'm really having trouble, and I would really appreciate some help. I'm trying to teach myself how to program, and so far It's not sinking in. I have tried tutorials and followed books, but I can't seem to grasp the logic behind it. I stare at th...

Think of AJAX as Model-View-Controller?

I think about AJAX in this way: Model: The server-side where the data is stored and exposed through webservices. In a way this is a model-view-controller within the larger model-view-controller (model = data, view = XML or some other parsable data structure, controller = server-side code that manipulates the data). View: XHTML/DOM Con...

How do you update yourself or learn further?

Being a relatively new developer I was curious how professionals update their skills or just learn new things with technologies they already know. I personally so far have found that I can only learn something either from work, personal projects, or searching online something that randomly pops into my head. I've tried books, but it di...