
wget, self-signed certs and a custom HTTPS server

For various reasons I have created a simple HTTP server, and added SSL support via OpenSSL. I'm using self-signed certificates. IE, FireFox and Chrome happily load content as long as I add the CA to the trusted root CA's. However, wget (even when using the --no-check-certificate flag) reports: OpenSSL: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL...

SQL Server encryption using self signed SSL certificate. Querying from ASP.NET 3.5.

I've created a self-signed cert for testing encryption between my web application and the SQL Server. When attempting to query the database using "Encrypt=Yes;" in the connection string, I receive the following message: A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handsha...

PInvoke - crypt32.dll - CertStrToName and CertCreateSelfSignCertificate - how to set the issuer name and password

We currently use self-signed server certificates in our Windows-to-WCF application. The certificates are created with the following commands in a batch file: makecert -sv CERTNAME.pvk -n "CN=SUBJECTNAME" CERTNAME.cer -sky exchange cert2spc CERTNAME.cer CERTNAME.spc pvk2pfx -pvk CERTNAME.pvk -spc CERTNAME.spc -pfx CERTNAME.pfx I have b...

HTTPS with self-signed certificate in the app's keychain

I have to connect my iPhone app to a server with a self-signed certificate via HTTPS. I cannot change the certificate or the server. Since I don't want to accept all self-signed certs, just this one, my idea was to import the cert to the apps keychain (reading the cert from file and adding it to the keychain with SecItemAdd). If I run ...

Getting SmtpClient to work with a self signed SSL certificate

I'm attempting to use the System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient class to relay an email through my company's email server. All SMTP connections to the mail server have to be SSL and it uses a self signed certificate. That's fine for Outlook where you can just click ok on the warning dialogue but does anyone know a way to get SmtpClient to accept a ...

Java web service over https - How to add a self-signed certificate into a client api?

I have a "Hello World" web service created with axis2. I would like to write a client api which could use this service over https with a self-signed certificate. I have a self-signed certificate myCertificate.cer and a keystore containing it. Here is my client api : public class MyApi{ public Object callMyService(){ Axis2TestStub stu...

Internet Explorer blocks self-signed ActiveX

I have create a self-signed certificate and signed my ActiveX. I followed the steps in this topic. ( One difference is that my executable files come in MSI package. So I used signtool to sign the MSI file and all other DLLs/Exe...

How can I make Ruby’s SOAP::WSDLDriverFactory work with self signed certificates?

This post is somewhat similar to this other post: except I'm using WSDLDriverFactory: @loginWsdlUrl = 'https://localhost:9843/services/LoginService?wsdl' loginClient = loginClient.o...

Java: Sign a JAR automatically when building from Netbeans

Hi, I want to know if Netbeans has some option/ setting that will allow me to automatically sign a jar as part of the build. Thank you! ...

How to export private key from a keystore of self-signed certificate

I just created a self-signed certificate on a linux box running tomcat 6. I created the keys like this, valid for 10 years: keytool -genkey -alias tomcatorange -keyalg RSA -validity 3650 and copied the keystore into a folder in tomcat, and updated server.xml to point at the keystore. Now my network admin is asking for the both the p...

HTTPS with Self-Signed SSL Certificate Issues... Solution or better way?

All I need to do is download some basic text-based and image files from a web server that has a self-signed SSL certificate. I have been trying to figure out how to use HttpClient to do this, but getting the SSL to work is a nightmare that seems to be way too much trouble for such a simple task. Is there a better way to perform these f...

Self signed certificate IIS7 - The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure

Hi All, I have a website hosted on my web server contacting a secure web service on another server. I have created a self signed certificate and attached it to the https:// binding. I have done 2 things to try and accept the certificate on my web server: Open IE and browse to my wsdl file in the web service - Installed the certificate...

Is it possible to force the WCF test client to accept a self-signed certificate?

I have a WCF web service running in IIS 7 using a self-signed certificate (it's a proof of concept to make sure this is the route I want to go). It's required to use SSL. Is it possible to use the WCF Test Client to debug this service without needing a non-self-signed certificate? When I try I get this error: Error: Cannot obtain M...

SSL certificate for LAN enviornment

I have made a Silverlight 3.0 application, which communicates with an xml rpc server over https. The whole application will run in a LAN enviornment where server can be installed on different machines and client will on on same machine. I am using Self signed certificate which is generated against ip of server and I need to put in Truste...

Sending email from a .net application via a mail server with a self-signed SSL certificate

Hi, I installed hmailserver 5.3.2 and configured it. It receives and sends emails normally, but I wanted to use it to send emails from a .net/C# application located in another server, and for that I wanted to use SSL communication. Before, the application was configured to send emails via gmail, on port 587 and it worked ok, but now we ...

PHP openssl equivalents for Perl ?

What would be a equivalent example in perl of the bellow code to create a Self-signed certificate ? All i have available is Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA (if there is another module let me know so i can verify it is available or possible to install as i am not the admin/owner and cannot do it myself due to rights issue) which i havent found on th...

setup SSL connection with JSSE (Javase6) and self-signed certificate

Hello to all. I'm trying to build a simple client/server system wich uses SSLSocket to exchange data. (JavaSE 6) The server must have its own certificate, clients don't need one. I started with this To generate key for the server and a self...

WCF Transport security with peertrust and self-signed client certificates

I'm been struggling with WCF for a while now and I can't seem to figure it out. I have a self-hosted WCF service with SSL enabled (using a signed certificate from a self-signed root CA), so far so good. The service is for business-to-business communication so certificates seemed to be the best solution. (I'm using the WS binding at the ...

How to use SSL with a self-signed certificate in groovy?

I have some resources I must access with SSL that use self-signed certificates. In general, most tools have a simple setting to allow these to be accessed without error or just a warning. However, it seems like the proper way to do this with the JVM is to import the signing certificate into a keystore as a CA. I have a groovy script I...

Client SSL with Self Signed CA not working

I have been struggling with an SSL problem for more than 1 month. We have used openssl to generate our own CA, server and client certificates. We have also enable "SSLrequire" on the Apache web server (in htaccess this may be wrong), which means that anyone trying to connect through https on the server needs to present a valid certifica...