
headers not allow the email not send

Hi everyone, I have create a script of form processor which is working properly in some servers but now it does not allow to send the mail form the server. If I removes the headers the mail is send here is the code $unique_id=md5(uniqid(rand())); $this->boundary='-----='.$unique_id; $from=($type==1)?((km_str_casecmp("[|re_Email|]"...

Django question: An invoice that I want to send to an email

Hello, this is a Django related question. I have an invoice that I have created from a database which displays the information. Now I want to know is if I can send these details to an email address. I have tried looking at this page at, but I don't know if I am looking for that. I am ass...

can i send multiple email addresses to multiple recipient in C#

Hi I am trying to sent an email to some addresses i did that using the System.Net.mail the problem is that i need to make the mail message different for each recipient because i need to put a link inside the email that contain the id this user, the problem is the large number of recipient that i cant use a loop to invoke sending function...

sending email templates in with django

Hello, I want to send an email with a template like this. {% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %} <h2>Invoice Details</h2> <div id="horizontalnav"> <a href="/index/add_invoice">Add an Invoice</a> <a href="/index/work_orders">Add a Work Order</a> <a href="/index/add_payment">Add Payment</a> </div> <ul STYLE="border: 1px soli...

I need to send an Email notification in my exception message using MVC

Hello Friends, I need to send and Email when Any Message occurs I am trying to logg the errors once I logged it I need to send the Email to them.. Thanks ...

Using send_mail in Django: Cannot display data in invoice from functions

Hello, another Django send_mail question. Seems like I have problems displaying data in an email that separate form from function. Seems like this is a variable problem. Edit: I manage to make the client name show up! Now how can to the same thing with invoice. Say that I wanted to display the date, invoice_no, work_orders & contract_i...

Is it good practice to use SMTP (with phpmailer) to send emails with PHP.?

I've just started using PhpMailer, so I've had to decide if I was going to use SMTP, sendmail, qmail... I've always used the simple mail() function in PHP, and never really thought about it. Is one method better, more reliable, simpler, or more appropriate for a specific task.? (massmail, attachment, etc...) I'm developping on my PC (w...

PHP E-mail Script not working. What's wrong?

Any help would be much appreciated. Here is the code: <?php include 'header_admin.php'; ?> <?php include 'dbc.php'; page_protect(); checkAdmin(); ?> <?PHP require_once "Mail.php"; $con = mysql_connect("host","username","pass"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("db_name", $con); $elist = mysql...

PHP mail() function sends the email but it takes more than 10 mins to show up

Hi Folks, So my user signs up from the Android App on his phone and after sign up is successful I trigger a mail to be sent to the signed up email address with an Activation Passcode from my PHP script. Here is the line of code that I use which is pretty trivial. mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); The mail is sent correctly eve...

Send authenticated mail through sendmail

I'm using sendmail to send a bunch of e-mails (I really have to send this e-mails, unfortunately) through php. The e-mail began to get into gmail and yahoo's SPAM boxes as soon as I stopped using my domain SMTP server, and started using the server's sendmail facility (I separated my domain name provider from my host, which is now Amazon)...