
Simulate clicking a button in another window in C#

I'd like to close a dialog that pops up automatically, but I'm having some trouble getting it to work. My Win32 programming is a bit rusty after several years of limited usage. I'm using FindWindowEx to get handles to the dialog and the button I want to click. I was under the impression that sending a WM_COMMAND to the dialog, with the ...

SendMessage() to mirc and autosend (press enter) issue

I' found some code to send messages to irc, but i can't get it to send it to the server aswell. Here is the code: [DllImport("User32.dll", EntryPoint = "FindWindow" )] public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(String lpClassName, String lpWindowName); [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "FindWindowEx" )] public static extern IntPtr Find...

How do I send key strokes to a window without having to activate it using Windows API?

    I have made an application already that sends commands to an activated window. I want to be able to use the computer while my process is running because as soon as I switch focus to another window the key strokes being sent via send keys will go to the window I just switched to.     Currently I use FindWindow, IsIconic, and ShowWin...

Which is faster: SetEvent, SendMessage, PostMessage

Environment: Win32, C/C++ All three (3) can be used for a thread to signal to main() that it has completed an operation for example. But which one is the fastest signal of all? hmm... ...

CB_GETLBTEXT notification to a program

I'm trying to modify the selection of a particular combobox. I have already retrieved the handle successfully. However, when I call the function as below, I cannot modify the combobox selection properly: r = SendMessage(cbox, CBN_SELCHANGE, 2, 0); What would be the easiest method to accomplish what I want to do? Thanks in advance. ...

simulate dialog exit

How would one use SendMessage() or PostMessage() function to close an application, given that the appropriate window handle is retrieved? Thanks in advance. ...

Problem in Sending messages from Server to Client

Hi, im making a Window Application in C# using Socket Programming. I have developed a Server & a Client. Both are working fine but the problem which im gettin is that when ever i send any message from CLIENT, its send perfectly and receives on SERVER but whenever i try to send any message from SERVER it doesn't send to Client, since at t...

How to send an "ENTER" key press to another application?

I have code that launches an external application and automatically fills in a password prompt. I want to automate the pressing of the "ENTER" key, so that the user does not have to click "OK". How can I send the ENTER key to an external application? Below is my code as it stands right now. The first line to post the password to the ...

What does ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND mean from SendMessage?

SendMessage returning 0 and GetLastError returning 2 (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND). ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED is documented but not this. Anyone have any idea what this means? ...

Send Text to an inputbox using win32 api

I'm trying to send some text to an inputput box using win32. Some text appears in the inputbox, but it is all jumbled (?????????a??????). The code is : SendMessage(myHandle, WM_SETTEXT, 1, "A") ...

Android: Sending a Mail/SMS/Tweet with Intent.ACTION_SEND / requestCode / resultCode ?

I'm using the following code : Intent sendMailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); sendMailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, getString(R.string.Share_Mail_Subject)); sendMailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, getString(R.string.Share_Mail_Text)); sendMailIntent.setType("text/plain"); startActivity(Inte...

SendMessage to Windows Explorer address bar

How to SendMessage to Windows Explorer address bar in C#? Thank you ...

How to send backspace using sendmessage(C#) to cmd.exe

I am trying to send keystrokes to cmd.exe that I launch from my app. In doing so, I am able to send all the keyboard characters, but if I try to send Backspace, it doesnt seem to take effect. The following is the code snippet to send message to cmd.exe: SendMessage((int)shell.MainWindowHandle, WM_KEYDOWN, ((int)e.KeyCode), 0); SendMessa...

Simulating a keypress AND keyrelease in another application?

Hi, I need to interact with an external application running, and send specific keypresses & releases. I've tried to use the SendKeys class, but it does only half of the job, as the keypress is being sent with an immediate keyrelease to the external applications. I need to be able to simulate a "key hold down" for the external app. I'm ...

Any harm to the monitor in using SendMessage Function

I developed a little app which uses SendMessage function to turn off monitor. My friend asked me whether using the app regularly will harm his monitor. He had some issues with his mother board when he used a similar app. Is there any harm (for hardware) in using the function to do things like these? ...

Unmasking a password field in windows.

I know there are many 3rd party applications that provide this functionality. I'm wondering how they work. Is it not simply enough to just send the EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR message to the passworded control with a wParam value of 0? This is what the Windows SDK says about the wParam: wParam The character to be displayed in place of ...

How to set the margin with P/Invoke SendMessage?

This thread depends on Thanks. ...

C# Sending WM_SETCURSOR to different windows

Hello all, Following on the debate found at Cursor.Current vs. this.Cursor in .Net (C#), I've added to my NativeMethods class the following declarations: static class NativeMethods { [DllImport("user32.dll")] private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, IntPtr wp, IntPtr lp); public static void SwitchWait...

[c#] Get text from another application

I'd like to retrieve text from textbox in my another application. ProcessName from second application is 'TestTextBox', TextBox's name is 'textBox1'. My code, which returns empty string: [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, long wParam, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] StringBuilder lParam);...

Alternative to SendKeys that does NOT require an unlocked session

Situation: A GUI app contains functionality (off a menu option) that produces a frequently updated image to a directory. A logged-in, running instance of the app is the ONLY source for this image (functionality 'reliant' on display device). I have researched this to death - it is a sad fact. The GUI application offers COM interfaces, ...