
Choice of ESB Architecture

Hello, I am working on a project using MULE ESB. The present scenario in the application I am working is From the first application we are able to send xml msgs to peoplesoft (its acting as the second application) directly but it is not guaranteeing that all the messages will be received at the peoplesoft end .. so we decided using ...

How to close (not kill) another application that doesn't have a visible window? (C#)

Hi, I have an installation program in which I would like to make sure my application is not currently running. If it is, I would like to close it (not kill it, since the app has to save some data on exit). The additional problem is that the window of my application is hidden (the tray icon is shown instead), so Process.MainWindowHandle ...

Add custom toolbar button to application at runtime

Hi, I use an application compiled in either Visuall C++ or Visual Basic (not sure which) and do not have access to source code. I would like to add a button to the existing toolbar at runtime. Can I code a program that uses something like sendmessage to add a button and set an onclick event? I would like for the button to rename a file o...

How can I move the cursor to the end of the text (Delphi)?

Hello! This is my code to fill a TextBox using the SendMessage function: C := 'Hey there'; SendMessage(h1, WM_SETTEXT, 1, Integer(PChar(C))); Now, how can I move the cursor to the end of the text? ...

C++ WINAPI: Client area parent dragging with obscuring child tab windows

Attempting to simulate client area based window dragging by returning HTCAPTION under a WM_NCHITTEST (excluding HTCLIENT & appropriate areas) works flawlessly when used with a parent window - however presence of child windows such as tabs placeholder windows, even when set to the extended style WS_EX_TRANSPARENT, cause clicks to fail to ...

Send keystrokes to Java applicaiton in Windows

Hi, I'm running a java application from within a C# application. My goal is to fill a couple of input boxes inside the java app automatically using the C# code. I assume the java application uses Swing for its UI. I've tried using SendMessage and WM_KEYDOWN but nothing happens. Since it's a swing app, the input doesn't have a handle, s...

Send a message to a machine that is powered off

I would like to send a message, or something can be an advise from a pc to an another pc (only one, or at the most 2), the latter is powered off. The pc which should send the message is a windows server 2003 os, instead the pc which should receive the message is a windows xp os. The two machines are in the same domain and they work toge...

SendMessage WM_MOUSEMOVE not working as expected

When sending the WM_MOUSEMOVE message to the client area of an application (in this case Open Office Writer) the image will flicker as if the mouse is over the specified coordinates, but does not stay in that state. The code is: PostMessage(hWndClient, WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0, MAKEWORD(x, y)) where x and y are relative to the client area. S...

C++ WINAPI: How to use SendMessage/PostMessage WM_KEYDOWN lparam

As an amateur to anything lower than VB/VBS (C++ WINAPI is a nightmare for someone of my experience) I have no idea how to go about constructing the long lParam for a simple KEYDOWN message in C++ and have probably spent more time looking for a decent explanation than is worth, would someone be able to describe exactly how to go about th...

Findwindow and SendMessage

Hey all i am trying to figure out why this is not sending a ALT+F to notepad! Private Declare Function FindWindow1 Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Const WM_KEYUP = &H101 Private Const WM_KEYDOWN = &H100 Private Const WM_SYSKEYDOWN = &H104 Private Sub Command_C...