
how does google recovers the web site description?

do you know how google recovers the description of a website in their search results? is it the meta-description? the first paragraph? ...

Generating correct URLs with tt_news, RealURL and RSS in TYPO3

I already asked this question in a German TYPO3 community but no one had any answer for me. I used the following two articles to get my tt_news with RealURL up and running and to later add a RSS feed for my tt_news articles: I hope that even non Ge...

Make content invisible to search engines

Hi How can I hide a specific <div> from Google? Is there any other solution than using javascript to insert this element? I read about <!-- googleoff: index--> here, but I'm not sure it does what I want. The problem is that the div I'm trying to hide can be seen as duplicate content by Google, and even if it hides it from the search re...

Using Javascript to get around SEO concerns

Hello! I would like to know at which stage is it okay to start manipulating HTML elements/content using Javascript so as not to impair SEO? I have read somewhere that HTML content that is hidden using the CSS property display:none is often penalized by Google crawlers, with good reason from what I'm led to believe...I ask this as I in...

How to charge for running an adwords campaign

I've recently been asked to run an adwords campaign. I have no clue how to charge for this. Do I charge monthly/weekly? Do I charge a % of their budget? Do I charge for the setup cost? Do i charge based on the number of keywords? ...

New site and SEO

I am in the process of hosting my site with a hosting service provider but the content for the site is not yet ready. So, I am planning to put it behind Apache auth and then, when I am ready to open it for the public remove the authentication. My question, is will this affect SEO in any way or prevent google from indexing the site in the...

Blog not Found Error in

hi, i am testing my website in in that i have got "Blog not found". my website have "RSS Feed file" and "auto discovery" for my website but it shows the above error. Please give me suggestions to overcome this issue. Thanks & Regards M. Prasad Reddy ...

do lots of links with keywords affect SEO?

as you know, some websites have lots of links with keywords in their frontpage. sometimes they use cloudtags and in other cases they even link the "most popular" searches. do you think that could be a good idea for SEO? ...

SEO and

Hi, how are you? I currently have a web site This is my primary site. i want to get search results in the uk and i am considering purchasing a This will be an empty site which will 301 the user to the primary Is this bad for SEO? Also, are there better ways of implementing such features? Thanks in...

Changing URL structure of a site - correct technique for SEO appraoch - 301 headers?

Ive been making changes to a old site Ive worked on, one of the tasks Ive taken is to change the url structure to something alot more friendly. For example pages currently work via query strings such as ?action=contact and ?action=article&id123. I am now changing them to /contact and /article/articlename respectively. I would just like t...

php : SEO friendly urls

Hello, I am working on a new project, I want to create SEO friendly URL's for this site like, URL's must be dynamic which means URL's must related to the content title. How can I done this ? Is is possible to use htacess, ? Thanks ...

do crawlers decode html entities?

i was wondering if the crawlers and robots can decode html entities for example in my html i have something like: salari&eacute;s do they read it like that? or something like: salariés which option is better for SEO? ...

ASP.NET MVC Routing / SEO Friendly URL

I'm trying to do something like stackoverflow Take a link from stackoverflow for example: if you remove the last part ( it still returns the same result. For my routing in Global.asax I tried doing something like "{action}/{id}/{titl...

Is a redirect less efficient than returning other types of result?

Is a redirect less efficient than returning other types of result? I ask because if my current request is asynchronous I want to return a partial with only relevant data. Otherwise I need to render the entire page. So I'm thinking of returning a redirect to an action method which will return a View. My understanding is that a redirect wi...

SEO How frequently one can change the title of website

How frequently one can change title of the website? would that make any difference in website rank for search keywords if one change the title of website once and then reverse it back to previous ones. Actually I have changed the title of website from "A | B | C" to "A | B | C | X | Y | Z". I have severely loose the rank for keywords A...

Force Jetty to make 301 redirect

I have Jetty application which is very big. I need to replace all 302 redirects to 301. Can I force Jetty to always do 301 redirect when doing response.sendRedirect('someURL') ? ...

How do I make my AJAX content crawlable by Google?

Hi all. I've been working on a site that uses jQuery heavily and loads in content via AJAX like so: $('#newPageWrapper').load(newPath + ' .pageWrapper', function() { //on load logic } It has now come to my attention that Google won't index any dynamically loaded content via Javascript and so I've been looking for a solution to th...

HTML coding order versus layout question...

I want to design a site with header, navigation part and content... for SEO purposes I want the coding in the order of content, header and navigation area... but when viewing the site we want to see header first then navigation area then content... is there any way doing this ? ...

page external links count in python

I need such functions in python: -check external links count on site pages. -check if some link is present on given page or not. Does anybody know good solutions/libs for this task? I think i should use BeautifulSoup here.., may be something more lib can help? ...

Robots.txt, disallow multilanguage URL

I have a public page that is not supposed be possible for users to sign into. So I have a url that there is no link to and you have to enter manually and then sign in. The url is multilanguage however, so it can be "/SV/Account/Logon" or "/EN/Account/Logon" etc etc. Can I disable this url to be indexed for all languages? ...