
ASP.NET User Controls that communicate directly with Service Layer?

Is it considered poor design to create "black box" User Controls that communicate directly with the service layer (to perform CRUD operations, validation, etc)? By "black box", I mean that they retrieve/persist data independently of the page they are hosted on (using IoC injected services). Each UC can be dropped onto a page and it w...

Validating disconnected POCOs

In my ASP.NET application I have separate projects for the Data, Business and UI layers. My business layer is composed of plain objects with declarative validation, using DataAnnotations. Problem is, when it comes to save them, I'm not sure how to process the validation, since they're not bound directly to any data context, but rather,...

Architectural conundrum

The worst thing when working on a one man project is the lack of input that you usually get from your coworkers. And because of the lack of that you tend to make obvious mistakes. After going down that road for some time I would need some help from the community. I started a little home-brew project that should turn into a portal of so...

How to explain to someone that a data structure should not draw itself, explaining separation of concerns?

I have another programmer who I'm trying to explain why it is that a UI component should not also be a data-structure. For instance say that you get a data-structure that contains a record-set from the "database", and you wish to display that record-set in a UI component within your application. According to this programmer (who will...

Rhino Mocks, Dependency Injection, and Separation of Concerns

I am new to mocking and dependency injection and need some guidance. My application is using a typical N-Tier architecture where the BLL references the DAL, and the UI references the BLL but not the DAL. Pretty straight forward. Lets say, for example, I have the following classes: class MyDataAccess : IMyDataAccess {} class MyBusines...

ASP.Net MVC - What replaces events to support loose coupling?

What feature(s) of ASP.Net MVC can replace the way events can be used in Webforms to support loosely coupled components? For example, take a simple pager control in Webforms: A page number is clicked Pager fires off a "PageChange" event with the new page number This subscribing page/control received the event and handles initiating a ...

ASP.NET MVC - separating large app

I've been puzzled by what I consider a contradiction in terms: ASP.NET MVC claims to be furthering and supporting the "separation of concern" motto, which I find a great idea. However, it seems there's no way of separating out controllers, model or views into their own assembly, or separating areas into assemblies. With the fixed Cont...

How do you keep application logic separate from UI when UI components have built-in functionality?

I know it's important to keep user interface code separated from domain code--the application is easier to understand, maintain, change, and (sometimes) isolate bugs. But here's my mental block ... Delphi comes with components with methods that do what I want, e.g., a RichText Memo component lets me work with rich text. Other components...

ASP.NET MVC Web Controls - good or bad

What are your opinions on using web controls in an MVC context? I came across a good discussion here but would like to know what the community thinks. ...

c# - what would be the best way to package/abstract a topology map API with persistance?

Hi, Background - I'm looking to create a reusable library that allows one to work with a topology map of data. That is data that consists of nodes and relationships between them. The API's would include methods such as "find all children" for which the method would have to "walk the tree" and find all the nodes under this one etc. The...

How to access Session values from layers beneath the web application layer.

We have many instances in our application where we would like to be able to access things like the currently logged in user id in our business domain and data access layer. On log we push this information to the session, so all of our front end code has access to it fairly easily of course. However, we are having huge issues getting at...

Unit test complex classes with many private methods

Hi, I've got a class with one public method and many private methods which are run depending on what parameter are passed to the public method so my code looks something like: public class SomeComplexClass { IRepository _repository; public SomeComplexClass() this(new Repository()) { } public SomeComplexClas...

How do I design a Wizard-based system with SoC in mind?

I'm building a Windows Forms system (in C# if it matters to anyone) that provides an application automation service. As this application is targeted at users who are not computer savvy, I've decided to simplify things for the user with a wizard UI. I'd like to avoid coupling the views and view engine (from which the Wizard will be built)...

Separating Content (aspx) from Code (aspx.cs) in ASP.NET

I would like to know what is the best practice on separating the content of an aspx page (ASP.NET 3.5) from the code (I'm using C#). I have a form that users can type data in - for example they are allowed to enter a percent. If they enter data that's not valid they would get an error message: <p class="errormsg" id="percenthigh">Please...

Where should 'CreateMap' statements go?

I frequently use AutoMapper to map Model (Domain) objects to ViewModel objects, which are then consumed by my Views, in a Model/View/View-Model pattern. This involves many 'Mapper.CreateMap' statements, which all must be executed, but must only be executed once in the lifecycle of the application. Technically, then, I should keep them ...

How do I separate business logic and database calls from a WCF web service?

This question may have been asked before, but I'm looking for a different answer than what I've seen. Our website is in ASP.NET and we use the model-view-presenter pattern to get business logic out of the markup codebehind. Is there an accepted pattern for web services for getting business logic out of the codebehind? It seems like pu...

Separation of concerns and authentication

I'm trying to be a Good Developer and separate my concerns out. I've got an ASP.NET MVC project with all my web code, and a DAL project with all the model code. Sometimes code in the DAL needs to check if the current user is authorized to perform some actions, by checking something like CurrentUser.IsAdmin. For the web site, the curren...

assembling an object graph without an ORM -- in the service layer or data layer?

At my current gig, our persistence layer uses IBatis going against SQL Server stored procedures (puke). IMHO, this approach has many disadvantages over the use of a "true" ORM such NHibernate or EF, but the one I'm trying to address here revolves around all the boilerplate code needed to map data from a result set into an object graph. ...

MVVM what part of pattern responsible for grouping of datagrid

I've been tinkering around with the MVVM pattern and now I'm trying to implement a little application based on it. This application has a datagrid in which, surprisingly enough, some data is presented. Now I'm trying to add some grouping ability to it. I know how to write this in code (C# and XAML), but I'm wondering in what layer I sho...

Attributes in XML subtree that belong to the parent

Say I have this XML <doc:document> <objects> <circle radius="10" doc:colour="red" /> <circle radius="20" doc:colour="blue" /> </objects> </doc:document> And this is how it is parsed (pseudo code): // class DocumentParser public Document parse(Element edoc) { doc = new Document(); doc.objects =