
What is Serializable? What does this mean?

Possible Duplicates: Do Hibernate table classes need to be Serializable? What does Serializable mean? public class ExampleEntity implements Serializable { @Id private long id; private int fieldInt; private long fieldLong; private String fieldString; } I am looking after JPA tutorials. I am able to...

How should I implement an "object viewer/visualizer" ?

As one of the features in an in-house testing tool I'm interested in allowing the user to view the fileds' values of Java objects in a graphical way. So, as far as I understand, the object's class needs to implement Serializable -and according to Effective Java book, preferably the custom form of the read/write methods. This way I can ...

AppFabric Caching - Can I specify serialization style used for all objects?

An object which implements some custom serialization can be serialized and deserialized to different formats, for example to Xml or byte[]. I have run into a problem where when I put to cache, AppFabric runs the IXmlSerializable implementation on a class when I would rather force it to go with binary.

How does IXmlSerializable let me avoid base64's size inflation?

From MSDN: There are two reasons to implement this interface. The first is to control how your object is serialized or deserialized by the XmlSerializer. For example, you can chunk data into bytes instead of buffering large data sets, and also avoid the inflation that occurs when the data is encoded using Base64 encoding. How does ...

RIA DomainService not generating client code using DataContracts

Hello there, I'm working on a Silverlight 4.0 application and am using RIA services. I have created a class on the server-side which has DataContract and DataMember attributes applied to it. A DomainService exposes this class as a query result and as such, generates code for it on the client. But somehow it doesn't generate code for a...

Why doesn't [NonSerialized] work on autoimplemented properties?

[Serializable] class MyClass { [NonSerialized] int Foo { get; set; } // error [NonSerialized] int bar; // ok } Why is this disallowed? I know about the workarounds such as implementing ISerializable switching to XmlSerializer/XmlIgnore switching to a manually-implemented property The question is specifically why is [NonSer...

Examples of MVVM application serialization design/implementation

I'm looking for some resources and/or examples of how to design and/or implement serialization for a .NET application, specifically an MVVM application. I've never really seen much attention given to this aspect of application design and development (that is, serializing application sessions to document files, in the way that Word or Exc...

Using Rails Form Helpers with Serialized Custom Classes

Hey, I'm trying to save a hash of options in a single DB field. The form is able to save the data to the DB but not able to retrieve it again when I go to edit it (e.g. all the other fields are prepopulated except for the wp_options fields). class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base serialize :wp_options end This is my custom class: ...

How to serialize a custom exception to json in c#

I have a c# web service that I call using jquery ajax. It works fine except when a custom exception is throw inside the web method. For some reason, the XmlHttpResponse objects responseText only has the base Exception class's properties. So I end up with a json object with the following properties: "ExceptionType", "Message", and "Sta...

What is the "+<>c__DisplayClassX" type suffix where X is a number?

I have an exception thrown by a WPF application. The message is: Type 'MyNamespacesPath.AType+<>c__DisplayClass5' in Assembly... is not marked as serializable The problem is that the type cannot be serialized. But that type is autogenerated, maybe an anonymous method or expression tree. Anyone knows the exact origin of these kinds of ...

"ReadElementContentAsBase64 method is not supported on this XmlReader"

using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Xml.Serialization; namespace XmlTest { class TestClass : IXmlSerializable { public XmlSchema GetSchema() { return null; } public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader) { ...

Python: how to make a class serializable

So, that's the question: How to make a class serializable? a simple class: class FileItem: def __init__(self, fname): self.fname = fname What should I do to be able to get output of: json.dumps() without an error (FileItem instance at ... is not JSON serializable) ...

Custom serializer and inheritence in C#

I'm learning about serialization in C# and I have the basics down, but now I am trying something a little more complicated and I'm looking for some pointers on best practice (I can achieve what I want, I just want to know the 'right'/easiest/least code/most robust method of doing it). I have a racing track which is made up of sections. ... MVC - Model with DateTime, trying to serialize for Json() for jqGrid

I've got a model... [DataContract] public class DeviceModel { [DataMember(Order=1)] public string Alias { get; set; } [DataMember(Order = 2)] public string Location { get; set; } [DataMember(Order = 3)] public string State { get; set; } [DataMember(Order = 4)] ...

How deserialize works with a list of objectX when this list is filled with ObjectXChild?

Hi there. I have the following test code for the main list: public class ListBaseClass { public int State { get; set; } public List<BaseClass> Items { get; set; } } public class BaseClass { public int ObjectVersion { get; set; } public int State { get; set; } ... } public class ChildClass_1: BaseClass { p...

Avoid serializing certain properties in REST services

I have a .Net application split in client and server sides, and the server provides REST services (using WCF). I have services definitions like these: [WebGet(UriTemplate = "/Customers/{id}")] Customer GetCustomerById(string id); [WebGet(UriTemplate = "/Customers")] List<Customer> GetAllCustomers(); The Customer class and its friend...

JSF - Session-scoped managed bean does not have dependencies re-injected on session deserialization

I'm not sure if what I'm doing is wrong, or if I just missed an annotation or configuration item somewhere. Here's the situation: I have a JSF application with a session-scoped bean named SessionData. This bean has an application-scoped bean reference (of type ApplicationData) injected into it at creation time. This works ok when the...

WSSecurityTokenSerializer ReadToken method performance

I have a Dispatch MessageInspector which is deserializing a SAML Token contained in the SOAP message header. To do the deserialization I am using a variation of the following code: List<SecurityToken> tokens = new List<SecurityToken>(); tokens.Add(new X509SecurityToken(CertificateUtility.GetCertificate())); SecurityTokenResolver outO...

Is it Possible to Dynamically Configure XML Serialization?

I have several classes that I serialize/deserialize, each with a number of properties, some of which I'd like dynamically use the "Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnore" attribute on. The idea being if I want to save specific property info, I manage it by setting/clearing a flag. Is that even possible? ...

Unable to serialize an object based on a singleton in PHP

I have an object, based on the Singleton design, that I use for user authentication. Because the object is a per-user object, I want the object to be stored automatically in a session variable at the end of execution. However, any time I try to serialize the object, either internally or externally, I get an empty string. The following i...