
How do I serialize/deserialize a NHibernate entity that has references to other objects?

I have two NHibernate-managed entities that have a bi-directional one-to-many relationship: public class Storage { public virtual string Name { get; set; } public virtual IList<Box> Boxes { get; set; } } public class Box { public virtual string Box { get; set; } [DoNotSerialize] public virtual Storage ParentStorage { ge...

How to create and restore a backup from SqlAlchemy?

I'm writing a Pylons app, and am trying to create a simple backup system where every table is serialized and tarred up into a single file for an administrator to download, and use to restore the app should something bad happen. I can serialize my table data just fine using the SqlAlchemy serializer, and I can deserialize it fine as well...

Font serialization in

Hello all, as the title says , I need to serialize my font. I have tried the following approach unfortunately to no avail. This is what I have and what happens; I have a drawing application and certain variables and properties need to be serialized. (So , Xml.Serialization has been used.) Now this has already been done in a huge por...

Silverlight: DataContractSerializer cannot handle read only collection properties

Hey Stackoverflowers :) For our Silverlight Project (SL4) I'm using a Model which might contain Lists (IList<AnotherModel>). According to good practice and rule CA2227:CollectionPropertiesShouldBeReadOnly the IList properties don't have a public setter. We serialize the Model using the DataContractSerializer which is working. But when ...

python dictionary conversion from string?

if I've string like "{ partner_name = test_partner}" OR " { partner_name : test_partner } its an example string will be very complex with several special characters included like =, [ , ] , { , } what will be the best way to convert it into a python object - so I can process it I tried with eval but it requires " ' " for string, but...

Other HTML serialisations?

After keeping in mind that HTML has both an SGML and XML serialisations, which are just encodings for a parser to "explode" into a DOM, I'm wondering whether there are other serialisations for HTML. A JSON serialisation? If so, are there any parsers for these alternative serialisations? ...

IComparable not included when serializing in WCF

Hey guys, I have a list i'm filling at server side. It's a list of "User", which implements IComparable. Now when WCF is serializing the data, i guess it's not including the CompareTo method. This is my Object class : [DataContract] public class User : IComparable { private string e164, cn, h323; private int id; private D...

What is the most simple implementation of IDynamicMetaObjectProvider?

Hi, I have this scenario... 1.- I'm providing a "Dynamic Table" for wich users can define Fields. Each Dynamic Table will have as many rows/records as needed, but the Field definitions are centralized. 2.- My Dynamic Row/Record class was inherited from the .NET DLR DynamicObject class, and the underlying storage was a List appropriatel...

How do I deserialize a namespaced element to an object in .net?

Given this XML snippet: ... <InSide:setHierarchyUpdates> <automaticUpdateInterval>5</automaticUpdateInterval> <shouldRunAutomaticUpdates>true<shouldRunAutomaticUpdates> </InSide:setHierarchyUpdates> ... I am attempting to serialize this object: Imports System.Xml.Serialization <XmlRoot(ElementName:="setHierarchyUpdates", namesp...

Can anybody help me out with this error.?

Error during serialization or deserialization using the JSON JavaScriptSerializer. The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength property. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where...

Is it possible to read/write classes/structs written in C# from VB6?

I just wonder if that is possible. I know simple types can be read through com interface. Does anyone have experience with complex types as structs and classes? ...

Saving multiple select form data in db

Hi. I've got form for some model A, which has got few fields: tile description ... colors colors are selected from multiple select and options are ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow']. User can choose colors as many as he wants. I don't think that making Color model and has_many relationship is good solution here to store colors data...

How to serialize an Object of type System.Net.Mime.ContentType?

I want to parse a text message and store in into an object of type System.Net.Mime.Attachment. The problem comes when I want to serialize this object. Error: Type "System.Net.Mime.ContentType" is not marked as serializable. How can I avoid this? Thanks. ...

Serialize and unserialize

What does the serialize do? Why do we need to serialize an Object and again unserialize it? Is it for any sort of security measures? ...

Monotouch serialize UIImage

Hi I need to cache images locally and was thinking about saving them as SerializableDictionary SerializableDictionary is from: I was wondering if this was a: a good way of handling caching of images (for offline mode - the data is constantly updated so pulls from the web...

How to lock serialization in java?

I am just starting with JAVA serialization, I have one exercise to do and I need to lock serialization on any class, it is suppose to throw an exception when I attempt to serialize that class. Does anyone know how to do it? Thank you ...

I need to recover an instance of an activity

Well.. the title is pretty descriptive, I have a bunch of tab activities (which I implemented myself, didn't want to use the tabviews with activities inside them), so It's basically 5 activities calling each other every time the user clicks on the tabs displayed as a row of LinearLayouts at the bottom of the screen. The thing is that th...

Really simple JSON serialization in .NET

I have some simple .NET objects I'd like to serialize to JSON and back again. The set of objects to be serialized is quite small and I control the implementation, so I don't need a generic solution that will work for everything. Since my assembly will be distributed as a library I'd really like to avoid a dependency on some third-party D...

readObject() vs. readResolve() to restore transient fields

According to Serializable javadoc, readResolve() is intended for replacing an object read from the stream. But surely (?) you don't have to replace the object, so is it OK to use it for restoring transient fields and return the original reference, like so: private Object readResolve() { transientField = something; return this; }...

Can you transport a Javascript object to server and receive it in the same state?

I'm considering creating a simple remote debugging application for Javascript. Actually, I want to provide an object to Firebug Lite and let it do all the job. So, can I get an object from one page, serialize it, send it to server and then to another browser and finally see the same results in Firebug Lite (on that other client) as I wo...