
ASP webservice serialization of properties

I got a class like this which gets returned from an ASP webservice: class Data { public int A { get; set; } public int B { get; set; } public int Sum { get { return A + B; } } } When I try to consume the webservice on the client side using Silverlight I only get the properties A and B but I also ne...

Django: Serializing models in a nested data structure?

It's easy to serialize models in an iterable: def _toJSON(models): return serializers.serialize("json", models, ensure_ascii=False) What about when I have something more complicated: [ (Model_A_1, [Model_B_1, Model_B_2, Model_B_3]), (Model_A_2, [Model_B_3, Model_B_4, Model_B_5, Model_B_59]), (Model_A_3, [Model_B_6, Model_B_7]), ]...

Cannot serialize this List<T> extension

I'm trying to push a subset of a collection of data through WCF to be consumed by WCF - think paged data. As such, I want this collection to have one page's worth of data as well as a total number of results. I figured this should be trivial by creating a custom object that extends List. However, everything I do results in my TotalNumber...

[Python] How do I read binary pickle data first, then unpickle it?

I'm unpickling a NetworkX object that's about 1GB in size on disk. Although I saved it in the binary format (using protocol 2), it is taking a very long time to unpickle this file---at least half an hour. The system I'm running on has plenty of system memory (128 GB), so that's not the bottleneck. I've read here that pickling can be spe...

JQuery post to php

Why is it that I can never get JQuery serialize to work properly. I guess I must be missing something. I can serialize a form data and it shows in an alert: var forminfo = $j('#frmuserinfo').serialize(); alert(forminfo); I then post to my PHP page thus: $j.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "cv-user-process.php", data: "forminfo="+fo...

Java web service serialization

I use Java service in .NET application. I can see and use enums which is used in web methods as parametrs but can't see enums which is not used in any web wethod. Why? ...

Django: Data corrupted after loading? (possible programmer error)

I may be loading data the wrong way. excerpt of data.json: { "pk": "1", "model": "myapp.Course", "fields": { "name": "Introduction to Web Design", "requiredFor": [9], "offeringSchool": 1, "pre_reqs": [], "offeredIn": [1, 5, 9] } }, I run python loaddata -v2 data: ...

Testing for interface implementation in WCF/SOA

I have a reporting service that implements a number of reports. Each report requires certain parameters. Groups of logically related parameters are placed in an interface, which the report then implements: [ServiceContract] [ServiceKnownType(typeof(ExampleReport))] public interface IService1 { [OperationContract] void Process(...

[Python] How can I speed up unpickling large objects if I have plenty of RAM?

It's taking me up to an hour to read a 1-gigabyte NetworkX graph data structure using cPickle (its 1-GB when stored on disk as a binary pickle file). Note that the file quickly loads into memory. In other words, if I run: import cPickle as pickle f = open("bigNetworkXGraph.pickle","rb") binary_data = # This part doesn't take...

Are methods also serialized along with the data members in .NET?

The title is obvious, I need to know if methods are serialized along with object instances in C#, I know that they don't in Java but I'm a little new to C#. If they don't, do I have to put the original class with the byte stream(serialized object) in one package when sending it to another PC? Can the original class be like a DLL file? ...

Serializing array in PHP, preventing injection

I'm writing a PHP script which uses serialized arrays to store data. How can I prevent injection in serialization? It would be very easy to name your account: something";s:6:"access";s:5:"admin"; for a simple example. The user could then add the rest of the needed parameters somehow. Would addslashes work for this? Does the php unseri...

Cast errors with IXmlSerializable

I am trying to use the IXmlSerializable interface to deserialize an Object (I am using it because I need specific control over what gets deserialized and what does not. See my previous question for more information). However, I'm stumped as to the error message I get. Below is the error message I get (I have changed some names for clarit...

[C# WinForms UserControl SerializationException] Why do I even need to Serialize in the first place?

So, I'm working with the following assembly, which has the following defined (fairly harmless): public class QueryDefinition { private List<QueryFilter> TheCurrentFilters = null; public List<QueryFilter> CurrentFilters { set { TheCurrentFilters = value; } get { return TheCurrentFilters; } } // other...

Django, get fully serialized object. All properties from many to many relationships

I'm looking for a way to serialize an entire object with all of it's relationships. I seem to be only able to get the primary key from the serializer now. This is my model: class Action(models.Model): name = models.CharField('Action Name', max_length=250, unique=True) message = models.TextField('Message', blank=True, null=True...

Blob object not working properly even though the class is seralized

I have class which is seralized and does convert a very large amount of data object to blob to save it to database.In the same class there is decode method to convert blob to the actual object.Following is the code for encode and decode of the object. private byte[] encode(ScheduledReport schedSTDReport) { byte[] bytes = null; t...

Transparently storing class state without exposing implementation

I have a model (MVC) class whose internal state (which basically contains of private int fields) I want to store. The program is running on Android (for now) so I need to store the in a Bundle, but I'll be using the same class later in a desktop application where I'll have to store the state some other way, so I can't reference Bundle ...

Is there a JSON parser for VB6 / VBA?

I'm trying to consume a web service in VB6. The service (which I control) currently can return a SOAP/XML message or JSON. I'm having a really difficult time figuring out if VB6's SOAP type (version 1) can handle a returned object (as opposed to simple types like string, int, etc.). So far I can't figure out what I need to do to get V...

Javascript serialization

Have I any chance to serialize meta (any format, so I can store it in DB)? var obj1 = {}; var obj2 = {}; = obj2; = obj1; var meta = [obj1, obj2]; As I understand the problem is that JSON serialize object`s links to objects. ...

How to optimize class for viewstate

If I have an object I need to store in viewstate, what kinds of things can I do to optimize the size it takes to store the object? Obviously storing the least amount of data will take less space, but aside from that, are there ways to architect the class, properties, attrbutes etc, that will effect how large the serialized output is? ...

Is this a good way to generically deserialize objects?

I have a stream onto which serialized objects representing messages are dumped periodically. The objects are one of a very limited number of types, and other than the actual sequence of bytes that arrives, I have no way of knowing what type of message it is. I would like to simply try to deserialize it as an object of a particular type,...