
How to identify which server side script language is using with a web site?

How to identify which server side script language was used with a web site? Asp.Net? PHP? RoR? Java? or other? For example, Which server side script language was used with ...

Rendering javascript at the server side level. A good or bad idea?

Now a community wiki! I want to make it clear first: This isn't a question in relation to server-side Javascript or running Javascript server side. This is a question regarding rendering of Javascript code (which will be executed on the client-side) from server-side code. Having said that, take a look at below code for example:...

Custom rendering logic on server side + MVC + Ajax

I have some rendering logic for custom markup (a'la bbcode, but not bbcode). So that when I'm getting the stuff from DB I'm then calling MyRender.ToHTML(model.text)... Now what I do today is I just have a form below and I do a post and add the item and return the same view. My question is - how to do it with ajax? Should I create a con...

HTML5 -- server side

How much does it matter what server side language is used for building a web app to take advantage of HTML 5? It seems to me that the ruby community will probably have the fastest uptake, and as a result the most support. Does that seem right? If I want to make a serious investment in HTML5, what server side language should I use? ...

Can somehow show progress on file upload without using AJAX?

Let's say that I upload a file using a basic multipart post. The server then receives the request and starts to execute the server side code. Can I somehow in that state start to output the response and after some data is sent start to receive the file? Finally when the file is uploaded I output the rest of the response. If this is pos...

jquery dialog calls a server side method with button parameters

Hello all, I have a gridview control with delete asp:ImageButton for each row of the grid. What I would like is for a jquery dialog to pop up when a user clicks the delete button to ask if they are sure they want to delete it. So far I have the dialog coming up just fine, Ive got buttons on that dialog and I can make the buttons call s...

Why do most web hosting services support only php as server-side language?

Hello, I have been working with java and python, so I found a nice web host which has support for these. But my question is, why can you find so hard such hosts? I understand that php is easy, I also understand that oracle host is hard to find ($$$ of course), but what do they have against some good open-source, completely free java...

server-side java to create?

How would you create a server-side java applet? ...

ASP.NET :: Can a textbox control's onblur/lostFocus event trigger a server-side event?

I am trying to attach a server-side event to lookup the city/state for the user-entered zipcode in a field like the one below. <asp:TextBox ID="TextZipcode" runat="server" CssClass="inputtext" Columns="10" MaxLength="10"></asp:TextBox> Since there is no lost focus event to capture, has anyone had any luck getting this to work? ...

routing mvc on the web

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could possibly provide me some advice on how i could improve the routing (and/or architecture) to each 'section' of my application. (I'm writing in PHP5, and trying to use strict MVC) Basically, I have a generic index page for the app, and that will spew out boilerplate stuff like jquery and the css etc. ...

Looking for a managed image parser library (JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF)

I am writing a discussion board software that will have "avatar" images for the users. I want to resize any picture that gets uploaded to a reasonable size. I could easily do that with System.Drawing but that is relying on GDI+ which has hat security problems before. The problem is that the images are untrusted. So I thought of using a f...

Save a Processing sketch to a PNG file, server-side with no GUI/display

I'd like to use Processing to render a visualization on the server side (headlessly, with no GUI). The Processing sketch is static (i.e. does not animate), so I only need to grab the first frame, and I'd like to serve this result out to the users of our web application on-demand. I've searched around a bit on the forums a...

Using PHP to retrieve information from a different site

Hi everyone, I was wondering if there's a way to use PHP (or any other server-side or even client-side [if possible] language) to obtain certain pieces of information from a different website (NOT a local file like the include 'nav.php'. What I mean is that...Say I have a blog at and I have another website at

What are things which cannot be done via server side language and only possible with JavaScript?

Is it possible to avoid JavaScript these days for small business websites, blogs etc ? and is it wise idea? What are things which cannot be done via server side language and only possible with JavaScript? Or is everything possible except animation with server side languages which is possible with JavaScript? What are reasons in favor o...

can you clear all sessions without going through each individual one? (emulate the page closing)

Firstly, I am fairly new to server side scripting so I don't know if this question makes sense. Suppose a page has stored sessions for PHP, Perl and ASP. Is there a quick and easy way to emulate the browser being closed and re-opened to reset/destroy/clear all the sessions at once? Or would one have to go through the session clearing fo...

Server-side reuse of a silverlight class that uses .Net RIA Domain Services

Currently I have a working Silverlight application that uses .Net RIA Services. It's structure: Client-side Application.Client.UI.dll (Xamls and basic UI stuff) Application.Client.BL.dll (Contains the Link to RIA and most of the business logic) Server-side Application.Server.Data.dll (Server-side dll that holds the Entity-model a...

Running .exe on server using RPC

Hi, I am trying to integrate some code(a UI) I developed in GWT with a .exe file( I want the .exe to run when a particular event happens in the UI on client).I was told that I should implement RPC and call .exe on server side. I am a noob in networking .Could some one throw some light on what needs to be done or suggest an alternate meth...

Getting Server-side Javascript to work for me

Hi, I am wondering how to install a Javascript runtime engine to work with an Apache HTTP server. My aim is to run server-side Javascript. Thanks in advance for any help! ...

Server side solution to convert PDF to SWF?

I've found some tools that can convert PDF to SWF, but I'm hoping to find something or even a library to be able to be able to incorporate this on the server to be able to store the SWF in a database. ...

How do I use a DataPager with Server Side Paging?

I'm trying to use a DataPager to do Server Side paging. Here is my code <asp:DataPager ID="pgrFooBars" PagedControlID="lvFooBars" QueryStringField="page" runat="server" > <Fields> <asp:NumericPagerField /> </Fields> </asp:DataPager> Code Behind protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConfigureBlogPostListV...