servercontrols server controls

Okay i have a custom server control that has some autocomplete settings, i have this as follows and it works fine. /// <summary> /// Auto complete settings /// </summary> [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility (System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), PersistenceMode(Persiste...

FxCop CA2000 Warning in UserControls

Running FxCop on a WebProject that contains a UserControl will result in a CA2000 Warning (Call System.IDisposable.Dispose on object) for every ServerControl (Label, TextBox,...) in that UserControl. I understand why this would happen. Replacing the 'offending' ServerControls with a PlaceHolder and then adding the Controls in code (Usin...

ASP.NET server controls overview

I am looking for a chart overview of the different server control classes. I have seen it once somewhere but can not locate it anymore. Can someone please provide me with a link? ...

How to relate controls and loop through the values

I have server controls that I am dynamically adding to a page and assigning a unique ID based on the index such as = "mytextbox" + i What I am trying to do is have a related control for example each textbox would also have a related dropdown menu so users can enter a request in the textbox and select a quantity in the dro...

How to set specific ID for server controls in an ASP.NET Web Form that is using a MasterPage?

Is it possible to set a specific ID on an ASP.NET server control? Everytime I assign an ID and run the web form the ID changes. For Example: <asp:TextBox ID="txtName" runat="server"></asp.TextBox> Gets translated into this: <input id="ct100_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtName" type="text" /> I think this is do to me using master pages, b...

Explosif TemplateField

Hi, I have a custom server control that implement templatefield (textbox), what I want to do is when textchanged call enchurechangeevent () ? ...

How does ASP.Net ensure the correct binding order of internally-bound controls?

If I have something like this: <asp:Repeater DataSource='<%# new List<string>() { 'Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry' } %>' Visible='<%# DataTime.Now.Days == 1 %>' runat="server"> How does .Net determine the order of binding? In that example, it needs to bind twice -- it has to bind the List and the boolean from the expression to a Repeater...whic...

Are the Internet Explorer Web Controls IE only?

Recently, I came across a set of Internet Explorer Web Controls from Microsoft. These look to me to be older controls from the pre-standards era of Microsoft's development. I'm curious as to whether or not these controls work well with modern browsers, or if they're basically IE only. I know it says it will render to "downleve...

Issues creating an inherited button that can cancel a submit (ASP.NET)

There are no errors with my Javascript. The Javascript returns false, and the form is submitted. Additionally when setting UseSubmitBehavior to false the form still submits. What am I missing to prevent the form from being submitted? // DerivedButton.cs public class DerivedButton : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button { public DerivedB...

Content within a user control

Hey guys / gals, I am almost too embarrassed to ask this question, but here we go... I am not an expert with user controls, and need some design advise regarding trying to achieve a specific desired functionality. The goal is to have a usercontrol that would render as a complex structure of html elements and css to form an elegant c...

ASP .NET Event Wire-Up for <input type="button"> tag (not asp:button or server link)

Here is what I want to do. Use this HTML line and have the ASP .NET server-side deal with the onclick event. I don't want to use nor do I want to use an anchor tag which would both allow me to capture the server-side successfully. I want to use this: <input type="button" id="submit" name="submit" value="See Your Results" onclick=""...

Prevent wrapping <span> tags for ASP.NET server control

I am writing various ASP.NET Server controls and am needing to remove the tags that wrap my control by default. I am aware that you can change the tag to a different tag (as in this question, but how can you prevent it?...

ASP.Net LinkButton CommandArgument property ignores <%= .. %>

I'm trying to do what I thought was a very simple operation to set a property on an ASP.Net LinkButton control but for some reason ASP.Net is ignoring the tags and just passing through the value as a string. <asp:LinkButton id="viewDetails" runat="server" Text="Details" OnClick="btnDetails_Click" CommandName="ItemID" CommandArgument="<%...

server control onclick error

Hi, I am using a datalist inside which I have defined an itemtemplate. I am using asp:LinkButton inside this itemtemplate. I have used an OnClick="methodname" in this linkbutton tag. I have the corresponding mehtodname defined in my code behind, However I keep getting a Java runtime error when the page loads up and when I click on any ...

Problems in the global namespace when I try to use my custom server control (in the App_Code directory)

Traditionally I use the regular website (created using the File > New Website). Recently, I opted to work off of a full fledged project (created using File > New Project > Web Application). I've been using the same custom controls for years without incident. I simply create the new website, place my CustomControls.cs f...

Gridview in mvc2

I need to use ASP.Net gridview and do operations like sorting paging and selecting checkboxes in my mvc content view. I dont what to do. I've written something like this: <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server"> <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate>...