
Struts2: Session Problem (after reverse proxy)

I store session parameters in a Struts2 session map that I get in my actions using the SessionAware interface. My Application is in the /MyApp path. After setting up the struts2 application on an Apache server with an inverse proxy redirect that makes the URL point to my local tomcat on localhost:8080/MyApp, St...

Trying to find online users in rails

I am using the active record store to keep sessions in the database. Is there anyway to get the user_id from the session stored in the database? In my application im adding the user_id to a session when a user logs in using session[:user_id] = Does doing this also update the session in the database with :user_id?. Thanks for an...

Handling timed-out sessions before form submission

Hi, I'm wondering what generally recommended practice is for handling session timeouts prior to a form being submitted. The problem is this: User is at a form. Then, they have no session. This could be because they dawdle at filling out the form, or because they clear out their cookies, or for some other reason. In any case, it does n... session management in load balance environment

Any recommendations for transition from single server to load balancing environment of 3 servers? I considered using Sql Server session management, but I am storing linq2sql objects in session which has serialization issues. With a quick search I found a workaround .But I am skeptical to use this approach considering code-change/readab...

PHP Session Problem in Safari, Opera, and IE

Over SSL. Works in Chrome/Firefox but shows an empty value for sessionTestVariable for Opera/Safari/IE: <? // session_cache_limiter( 'nocache' ); session_set_cookie_params("899", "/", ""); session_start(); unset($_SESSION['sessionTestVariable']); // Set sessionTestVariable $_SESSION['ses...

Previous Next ASP.NET application and Session Time Out Redirection

I have a application where I am trying to redirect on session time out so therefore in my master page I am checking if session variable is null for the redirection but the problem is that I have other pages(derived) from masterpage and on Page_Load of derived pages i am referencing some session variables there also and I've observed that...

How to keep two sessions at a time for a single page?

Hi, I've a online service tool where users registers themselves and use it. I've admin control panel for this service. Sometimes when users tell us some weird things about data and usuability , we need to check them as if they were logging in ... so i decided to have a page in admin panel as 'log in as xx user' where xx is an user of...

Sharing symfony and wordpress session

I'm working on a solution that has two applications 1) Wordpress based CRM (frontend) 2) Symfony based b2c application Symfony application is created and working fine. When we login to symfony based application, the top menu changes with respect to person logs in. e.g. sign-in changes sign-out etc. The thing is we need to have this s...

Evaluation: odd session management in web-based application

I've been looking into a legacy application with a web-based user interface. Given its age (nearly 10 years some parts) there's a lot that needs updating and re-architecting, but I'm wondering about a small point regarding how user sessions work. In a nutshell: The entire UI is served via HTTPS. Users are authenticated unremarkably by...

Session Expires and User is no longer valid

I cache information about the currently logged in user in the session. This info lazy loads whenever a CurrentUser property on my global application class is used. It does this by calling GetUser() on my custom implementation of MembershipProvider, which either loads the user up from the session, or loads the user from the DB and throws ...

Fun with sessions

I've a problem that annoy me very much. It's because I'm trying to make a PHP login script. But when I log in correctly, it'll not let me in. If I comment out some lines (I'll mark them), the script works, but that's the code I was planning to use to check in on every page, so people don't can come in if they don't should have access. ...

How to save connection request to database in this scenario

I am new to and know little bit about its working and as I am moving forward I am getting new and more newer doubts. Here at this point I was working with two RadioLists that are being binded at page load. Now when a user changes the index of radio button in list 1. Second needs to get updated accordingly depending what value ...

Problem with Sessions in ASP .NET

Hi, I have a weird issue with session variables. I'm storing some credentials in sessions variables like this: Session["login"] = "foo"; Session["password"] = "oof"; The page is deployed on a certain server. After I logged in on the page, I noticed that other users (who are in the same network area) calling the page were logged in as...

Is there a way to get the session map within custom ActionMapper?

Hello, I'd like to get/set session parameters within a custom ActionMapper in Struts2. When I call Map<String, Object> session = ActionContext.getContext().getSession(); within my custom MyActionMapper class, session is null. What am I doing wrong? Do i have to configure something to actually have a session? Thanks, Gregor ...

PHP - Set session within a function

hi there, got a (I guess...) very simple problem: I want to set a session within a function. Simple situation: I got a login form. After subimitting the form, I call a function "login" which checks if user has authenticated. If yes, a session should be set. Here some very simple code: session_start(); function login() { $SESSION[...

Codeigniter: Set 'global variable'

If I want to set a variable that my whole controller can access, how do I do it? Right now, in every function I am setting $id = $this->session->userdata('id'); I'd like to be able to access $id from any function w/o defining it for each controller. :) If there's a better way, I'm all ears! I'm a noob! ...

JSP menu design advice

I'm looking to create a horizontal menu in a jsp page - the menu items vary by user but stay consistent over every page in the site for that user apart from the appearance of the active tab. Seems a simple enough problem at first (the appearance is modified using css) but I can't decide where to construct the menu. Menu code: <ul> ...

Raise Session_OnStart event from custom ASP.NET SessionStateProvider class

I'm working on an project that uses an in-house developed custom SessionStateProvider class. Evidently, the Session_OnStart event is not firing. I have code in Global.asax to handle the event. I can only get this code to execute by changing the Web.config to use the default SessionStateProvider. What must I do to make my Sess...

Logged in user, retrieving data from two different tables which have same field names

Hi everyone, Im a PHP/MySQL beginner and I really need some help for the following code (I apologize for the length of it, please bear with me!). I have 3 tables of data in my MSQL database with about 150 users in total. user: Which has the user name, email, password etc thismonth_results: has 25 fields of numerical data, all are popu...

How to pass a session id to php site running cake?

Hello, I have two websites on one server, with urls http://testintranet/ && http://mvc.testintranet/ until now they'be just running plain php. I have been able to transfer a user between the two sites, and maintain their session using a get header: /?session_id=26c81c54a93e145ba2cc50a43d77c4ca I've had no problem doing this so far, but ...