
Session Per Presenter NHibernate Desktop App - Not loading latest data from database

I'm writing a WPF NHibernate Desktop App using Session Per Presenter. I have a list view showing all the saved SalesOrders and an Edit Sales Order form when you double click on a Sales Order. Each of these forms has a Session Object which lasts for the lifetime of the form. When a SalesOrder is saved it publishes an Event which tells th...

Get Zend Session using the session key

Hey Guys, I am developing a REST API layer for my application using Zend_Rest_Controller. I have an authenticate method where the clients will pass the apikey and after the key is authorized I have to create a session (for which I'm using new Zend_Session_Namespace(<32 bit unique session key which I'm generating>)) which need to be retr...

Problem with PHP sessions in WordPress with non-default permalinks

Hi, I'm experiencing a weird problem that occurs when I change the default permalinks in WordPress. When I place this code in my functions.php file in my theme (or even in the root index.php file in WordPress) and navigate between and updating a few pages (for example the /about page), my counter often runs twice. This problem is repr...

Kill Active Session if User Is Banned

I have set up a login system that checks a mysql db validating username,hashed password, and a banned column (0 means not banned and is the default value, 1 means banned). if there banned they obviously cannot loggin. The problem is i'm new to php and having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to log out a user who is currently lo...

php sessions using ajax

hi im trying to write an enquiry form in php where it gets values from a session array.. but ive cant think how to start.. what im thinking is say for example ive got a page with items on and i click add to enquiry list it will then post it to the enquiry page using ajax? can anyone give me a push start? cheers ...

PHP Secure Session

I'm creating an application similar to phpmyadmin (database management UI). The user needs to authenticate himself against the database and the application needs to store the credentials somehow. SSL is not an option for all installs. Idea 1: User sends credentials, application stores username and encrypts password using predefined blo...

Which session library should I use with CodeIgniter?

Hi everyone, I have recently started using CI and with it CI sessions, but I have noticed that one thing in particular is much more time consuming to do with CI sessions than with the base PHP sessions: Arrays. I have an array of data that persists regardless of login/logout called $_SESSION['stats'], I then store data in that array i...

HttpContext.Current.Session is throwing exception(Object reference not set to an instance of an object.) in business class

In our application we have to access session objects in business class. We are using HttpContext.Current.Session to get the session value. In some cases it returns the value but mostly its throwing a null reference exception(Object reference not set to an instance of an object). We have the following code Try If HttpContext.Current.Sess...

Best approach to maintain session vars across multiple domains

I am building a tool-bar like umbrella system to link four different sites together and need to log in once from any of the sites but then allow access to all the other sites. There is also a lot of data I need to maintain between sessions. What would be the best approach for this? I have already wondered about just storing session in th...

PHP isn't saving session when it's an ajax call...

Hi all, i'm testing out a service for internal ads on our website... I need to save internal session (PHP) to know what ads have been displayed and some other protection stuff... The problem is that if i access to the API throught webbrowser GET or POST it does session (and saves the cookie of php session), but if i use jQuery.ajax() ...

A non-locking in-process ASP.NET session state store

I'm using ASP.NET's in-process session state store. It locks access to a session exclusively, and which means concurrent requests to the same session are served sequentially. I want to remove this implicit exclusive lock, so multiple requests per session can be handled concurrently. Of course, I'll be synchronizing access to the session...

What is session in java?

Hi, I far i understand Httpsession concepts in Java. HttpSession ses = req.getSession(true); will create a session object, according to the request. setAttribute("String", object); will, binds the 'String', and value with the Session object. getAttribute("String"); will return an object associated with the string, specified. ...

MVC session is null

I have the following code which was ok until someone else put some other code in the site which sorta mucks it up now. This is my code: var existingContext = HttpContext.Current; var writer = new StringWriter(); var response = new HttpResponse(writer); var context = new HttpContext(existingContext.Request, response) { User = existingCo...

How to achieve session management purpose like google in PHP?

I mean you can login both and at the same time. The projects I've attended so far haven't involved such kind of logic,how can these two url under the same domain use different $_SESSION? ...

C# wininet InternetSetOption

I'm using and it works as long as there is only one browser. Is it possible to give 2 web browser controls within the same application their own session? If so, would I just need to change InternetSetOption(IntPtr.Zero, I...

Magento Cart: Check for items empties cart

I am new to Magento, but I thought I had a grasp on it until today. Here is my problem. I am writing a new Observer to add a coupon to the cart on page load. The coupon code is passed in the URL and I desire the code to be passable through ANY working URL. For example: http://magento/?coupon=MYCOUPON I am catching on the event "contro...

Servlets encodeRedirectURL

I'm trying to get an OAuth implementation running on a servlet for Twitter. I'm having trouble with redirecting the user to the Twitter authentication page. When I get the callback, it's returned to a servlet but the session is different since the request comes from Twitter and not my webapp. I tried using encodeRedirectURL to get the...

CakePHP Session without Cookies

I want to make an application that doesn't need cookies but still has Sessions. Therefor I create the SessionID and take it in the URL with me. My problem now is that the HTML helper doesn't recognize this and all links that are outputted are without the session id. Does CakePHP have to be told to do that or isn't there any mechanism f...

How to set a php session cookie to all websites?

Hi all, i'm making a adwords-like to my clients websites only, and i wan't to put the cookies to save the information to all domains (and not just domain or subdomains, i mean all). Code Sample: setcookie('var_name', 'var_value', null, "/", '' ); Can anybody help me? Thanks ...

is there a way to set an session variable from a javascript/jquery link?

Basically i am trying to set a session when a user clicks a specific button is this possible? So i need to set this session Session("TenHolStDateNewCheck") = "%" When this link is clicked <a href="availability.aspx" class="sidelink">blahblah</a> thanks Jamie ...