
get_current_session returns None

I've been using geasessions for a while, been working great. It's simple and fast. But today I started a new project (GAE v1.3.7) and can't get it to work, get_current_session() just returns None I've split the code in to a new project that's just using gaesessions: from google.appengine.ext import webapp from google.appengine.ext.we...

synchronize servlet sessions

I've created a web app that uses OAuthentication to log in to Twitter and the login process works successfully on a single servlet. On that servlet I get the session for the user. However, once I move to another servlet for the first time and try to get the session again, a new one is created. I thought the web app would read client co...

Find number of active sessions created from a given client IP

Is there a way to determine the number of active sessions created from a given client IP address? ...

Is there a way to load and set a specific session from the database in ruby on rails?

My Scenario: Sessions are being stored in the database using ActiveRecord::SessionStore User is on site at ' ' they go to secure checkout at '' (our app has lots of domains, but want to send everyone through secure checkout on the same domain to save SSL headaches). We append session_id and a h...

Pasting the required url to address bar destroys the session..pls help

I get a mail in which i am given a link to a page of accounthistory page like this: using this i can view the order detail, but when I am logged in to my account and I access the same link copying from mail i got, I get the page but i get logged out. this page is also available...

How to fix the session_register() DEPRECATED problem?

How to fix the session_register() DEPRECATED problem in php 5.3 ...

django deleted row exists?

I am facing a very peculiar problem that even when I delete some rows, I can just get them back again in same transaction. I am running this under apache and mod_wsgi, database is mysql. Edit: I have created a sample app to test it out, so that I can be sure that none of my code is culprit. I created a testapp with following code mode...

In grails, how do I get a reference to all current sessions?

I'd like to list all current sessions in an Admin Controller in grails. What's the easiest way to get a reference to e.g. a Collection of sessions from the controller? ...

How to use ThreadLocal within Hibernate by Spring

Hello everyone, Currently we use a session per Operation (anti-) Pattern with Hibernate/Spring for our Swing client/server application. The application grew and requests got more and more complex, which resulted in bad performance issues. Because of that, we decided to reuse the session for complex requests, which need to perform more r...

Is possible to keep session even after the browser is closed?

Hello, Could anyone tell how to maintain a session (in PHP) so that the session contains are preserved and are accessible even after the browser is restarted. In general a session expires with the closing of a browser, but I want the session NOT TO BE CLOSED so that the session data's can be accessed the next time the browser is used. ...

to_sym error when using sessions

I have a "cart" model, a users cart id is stored in their session. My routes look like this map.resources :carts map.cart "cart", :controller => "carts", :action => "show" in my show view, i displayed the contents of the cart, and everything was fine. Then i decided i wanted the user to be able to update the quantity of items from th...

Handling sessions without ACID database?

Hi everybody, I am thinking about using a noSQL (mongoDB) paired with memcached to store sessions with in my webapp. The idea is that upon each page load, the user data is compared to the data in the memcache and if something has changed, the data would be written to both memcached and mySQL. This way the reads would be greatly reduced ...

Invalidate session, how to use correctly?

When do you call getPageContext().getSession().invalidate()? I tried calling that at the logout page, then cflocation it back to the main page, and it throws exception. How to assign a new session right after? The documentation says: You cannot destroy the session and create a session on the same request, as creating a new se...

J2EE: Singleton vs keeping things in session

When should an object (i.e. an application-wide properties file) be kept in the session, as opposed to creating a singleton to keep it? When should each of these approaches be used? Note: I am working on a clustered environment, if that makes any difference. ...

Strange PHP Session behaviour. PHP overwrites $_SESSION['var'] with $var

I have this small PHP script: <?php session_start(); $var = array(); $var['key'] = 'Var -> Key'; if ($_GET['set']) { $_SESSION = array(); $_SESSION['var'] = 'Session -> Var'; } print_r($_SESSION); ?> I would expect it to return this, for set=0 and set=1: Array ( [var] => Session -> Var ) However it returns this for set=0 ...

With java/j2ee, how does serialization work and in relation to saving that object in session?

If I have a complex object with hundreds of String fields and objects of objects. Some are implementing Serializable and some aren't. How would a j2ee server serialize that data in session. Would I expect all data to be returned. Even the objects of objects. Session.setAttribute(data) E.g. Session.getAttribute() == data.getData().g...

ASP.NET + Nhibernate object rebind to session

Hi, guys I want to store my object in ASP.NET Session. This object has some lazy loaded properties. When I do postback to my page and get my object from Session, this properties throw LazyInitializationException. Can I rebind this object to newly creates Nhibernate Session to retrieve this properties or I have to create Session and get ...

Simple one model singular resource routing problem.

I have a stripped down shopping cart application, currently with one model "cart", the cart id is stored in a session. the cart controller has this method so we always have a cart def initialize_cart if session[:cart_id] @cart = Cart.find(session[:cart_id]) else @cart = Cart.create session[:cart_id] = @cart....

How long can a XMPP Session last?

Without timeout? Or is there even a timeout? ...

ASP.NET - Sessions?

Be careful when storing a model in a session. It will behave differently than you expect and can easily get out of sync with the database. Instead of storing the model directly in the session, store the id to the model and use that to fetch it from the database. Is it best practice like above to just put the id of the ...